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howdy there everyfurry the shelby here wiff another video for youw tooting pleasure. miss sarah cames the over to visit our pack thursday and i shows her how much i love my toys.
she was furry happish to see me enjoying my box of stuffies. i donts tear them ups at all just play bitey face and bitey butt wiff them. i nevers had stuffies befowe so i's to cherish them and not do the stuffyectomies that awe talked about in our woggie pibble house.
oh boy mommish ish calling . . . .my tweats awe weady. . . . must go now ya'll but heres a video and i hopes you weally enjoys it okay?wiff lotsa luv and sweet pibble sugars from meshelby
the pittie pack we have a facebook page if you guys wanna be ouw furryends we would love to chat wiff ya'lland you can see my veedee os there too. just look for the houston pittie pack and weequest ush furry much soon
O the Shelby is lookin SO very good! I love seein her wif the toys! Love really conquers all... and I am so very fankful for all you have done for her!!!
wif love from the Luke
You are so cute showing your lady friend all your toys. We would be proud of them too. We have facebook page too. We wil go check yours out now
Benny & Lily
Oh my!
Miss Shelby is one furry happy girrrrrl!
I think we heard the tail HERE!
PeeEssWoo: Sunday's transport is fur Lucie as part of JD&Max's aukhtion fur WOO! Just wait until woo see the passengers! FIVE PIBBLES!!!
Shelby looks great - look at that full round belly:) She is so good with her stuffies - maybe she thinks they are her new babies.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
You are looking wonderful, Shelby!
This made my day! Just watching Shelby's tail wag while she played with all her stuffies was priceless!
Shelby, you are looking AMAZING!! I can tell you love your stuffies!
Oh Shelby you do not even look like the same girrrl that we furst met. I am soooo very much proud of how you have fought back from that terrible time.
I am also very much proud of Sandra and everybuddy else who have helped you along this journey tohealth and wellbeing.
Your story will serve as the best example of what can be done When It Needs Doing.
you are so very much kind and gentle with your stuffies and the fun you have with them while you play bitey face and bitey butt.
You are a very smart puppy not eating your stuffies! I hope you have a great weekend!!
It made me soooo happy to see you playing with your toys!
I loved your happy tail too!
Kisses and hugs
Hey Shelby! You are the most preeetty girl!!
Hi Miss Shelby! You sure are a cutie pie the way you roll on your back and play with your stuffies. I do believe that some TLC and nice stuffies has done great things for you! You know before Mrs. Sandra found you and shared your story, Mommy wasn't involved in fighting for justice for Pibbles. Not that she thought they were bad dogs or anything. She just didn't have a strong opinion. But now! She is crazy about Pibbles!! She bought a book about inspiring storys about Pibbles and she cries when she reads each one. Since Booboo is part Pibble and you being such a princess and all, mommy has come to realize that humans need to speak up for you guys! And Your Mommish has done such a good job takin care of you and Miss Sarah and Mona are so sweet! Thanks for being our furend, Miss Shelby.
Hi Shelby,
Mommy is so glad you shared the video. She said it looks even better than she remembered. So cute.
Baby Girl is here this weekend but we haven't been able to go outside cause of the rain and it is too cold for just.
Mommy said for Sandra to give you some kisses from hers.
Oh Miss Shelby! Iz is full of the happiness to see you with all your toys!! My favorite part is hearing the THUMP THUMP THUMP as your tail also partakes of the happiness!
Big slurps to you, The HoneyBuzz
It is great to see you playing with toys. I can't believe you don't tear them up...that is the best part! :)
I bet you stuffyectomies are in her near future!! I do teach a class on that very subject it she would like to sit in on it one day.
That movie was one of the most beautifulest movies I ever, ever saw. Look at how happy you are! Oh, you prolly never ever dreamed in your whole life that you would be warm and comfy and cozy and have toys to play with. I'm so, so very happy for you, Shelby! And if you needs any pointers on stuffie-ectomies, you just let me know.
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. Would you please ask your mom to look at our bloggie today? It's very much impawtant cuz of where you live.
Hi Pibble furiends! We just wanted to let you know that we are thankful for y'all being our furiends so for Thanksgiving, we purchased y'all a ticket in the K-9 Katastrophe raffle that will help Ms. Shelby plus the K-9's two fosters and Mr. Jimmy. If you visit their bloggy, you can see that they have 2 prizes now...the Kong Wubba and a reindeer with multiple squeakies.
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
How lovely to see you enjoying youw stuffies and putting that smile on youw auntie mona's face. you awe looking so good Shelby..simply bootiful.
I love all of you
Please pasws awound my smoochie kisses to evewyone at youw house
It makes us heart-glad to see Miss Shelby so happy and finally able to enjoy a little of the puppyhood she never got before. May life bring her & her babies nothing but joy from now on.
Jed & Abby
What a cute video! That was just like me when I first got toys. I really didn't know what to do with them, but boy do I now!!
Finally barked at mom enough to remember to put our donation in for Shelby! Hope she is doing better everyday! We love reading about her!
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