Thursday, February 23, 2012

wordless wednesday angel shelby edition


Cinnamon said...

We think of you everyday and wish you well. Thank you for introducing us to Ann at Zoolarty.
Your forever friend Linda.
♥ Cinnamon

LP said...

Shelby looked as though she was experiencing her first Christmas tree ever. And after giving it the "once over" , she felt it was the most beautiful Christmas tree she had ever seen.And we think her smile is the most beautiful smile we have ever seen.She was so obviously happy.Thank you for giving her that Sandra.

the critters in The Cottage xo

Ina in Alaska said...

What a beautiful Christmas tree! We think the angel was standing next to it rather than atop it xo RIP Angel Shelby

PoochesForPeace said...

I love Shelby, she's such a beautiful angel :) it looks like u gave her such a wonderful Christmas. She just looks so wiggly and humble and joyful in that second pic, love it.

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Shelby, we love you and miss you so much!

Your pal, Pip

Berts Blog said...

We never knew Miss Shelby in person but we know of the love she brought you all.

We hope you are doing ok.

Bert and My Vickie

Two French Bulldogs said...

She is an angel alright
Benny & Lily

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

i think of your all every day. you are forever in my heart and prayers.

Tail Wiggles & Puppy Kisses,

The Mommy & The Girls

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thank you for sharing this sweet photo of Angel Shelby!
I saw her star in the sky tonight.

sprinkles said...

Sweet Shelby!

Cupcake said...

You showed Shelby the love and happiness she never had and always deserved. She will be missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


Cupcake and Mommy

HoundDogMom said...

Such a sweet girl. You are missed everyday but know you are running free in the flowers and the wind. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Duke said...

Looking back at pictures brings back so many wonderful memories.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Sue

tubby3pug said...

Sp sweet, I am glad she had a beautiful Christmas with you

K9 Katastrophie said...

The prettiest angel ever!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Shelby, I bet you're the most beautiful Pittie Angel at the Bridge!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh the BEAUTIFUL Memories she has left us with.
Speaking of Beautiful... I am sure that Shelby is the most BEAUTIFUL and Shiny Angel there ever was. She no doubt OUTSHINES that lovely tree.

Scooter said...

Wow, what lovely pix of Shelby. She looks beautiful next to that pretty tree.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Asta said...

Sweet Angel Shelby
I think of you so much and am happy to think that you awe nevew in pain and bof youw bootiful eyes see in heaven. I know that you awe looking out fow youw family of hoomans and pups alike, and I look fowawd to the day when I can kiss you in heavenly time, its just a moment
smoochie kisses

Two Pitties in the City said...

It's always amazing to see what love can do, and Shelby transformed so beautifully with your family. I'll always love seeing her smiling face.

H Ski said...

She looked so happy. She really is an angel.

Beth said...

Sandra, you gave Shelby a wonderful life. It's sad to think of the lives that were shortened and your horrible loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers and you have my utmost admiration for the strength you have shown as you have carried on and been there for your family and for Brinks and Bella.
God bless you, Beth

Scooter said...

Please know that I'm sending extra loving vibes to your pack and healing vibes to Mr Joshua. My peeps are saying prayers and sending love to you all.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

I just read about the car theft. You are in our thoughts and prayers - hope your husband is OK and home soon!

Pip & Kristin

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Sending love and purrs. Beautiful pics of Angel Shelby. xx