Wednesday, March 21, 2012

happy first barkday to baby joshua

howdy there everyfurry brinksey winksey pudding pie here just cking in on everyfurry to makes sures that you guys have'nt forgotten my most chubby pudding rolls. i am laying here patiently waiting for the baby two legger to drop some of his foodables.....i love this whole baby two legger thing because i gets to eat twice in the and hims have an understanding already and he knows that i protect him and he pays me wiff nommies on the floor when the pawrents are not was his first birthday on sunday march 18th and i was so proud of my boy for turning one and being all big and cute......i gave him the best of the pibble sugars i had. happy birthday to my boy......i will furever be your protector and pibble nanny . me and bella love you so very much and will always be hear to play with you, eat your nommies and keep you warm with our toots. *slurp*pee.s
we have the most surprising and most exciting news ever to be....we shall share it on our next bloggy post....dont worry mommish already has is written and all we have to do is hit post. butt.....we wanted to post this one first and keep everyfurry in suspense.....tee hee hee.....
does anyone wanna guess???


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Gotcha Day To Baby J!

Of khourse, I'll re-paw my guess from FB: a human puppy!?!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY FURST BIRFDAY LITTLE JOSHUA. What a darling little two legger...

now... I have TWO guesses..
1. Your new house is in the works.
2. You are gettin ANOTHER mini two legger.
I can't wait to hear what the exciting news is!!!

pibble said...

Happy Barkday, Baby Joshua! You are soooooo adorable!

I want to guess....... are you getting a new sister or brother? Hmmmmm!!!!!!! I'll check back for the next post!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to Baby Josh - one year already - hard to believe.

We have to say we all think it is another little one on the way???

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

YAY! Happy barkday to your little baby boy two-legger! He's just the cutest little human pup EVAH!

And I"m gonna guess a brand NEW baby two-legger is on the way. Am I right?

Wiggles & Wags,

LP said...

Hmmm.We are thinking aother little baby on the way...or...the new house has begun construction...or...well actually that's all we have! But either one would be awesome and exciting and BIG!!
Happy 1st birthday wee Joshua.We send you all our love purrs and licks :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday baby Josh! I agree with most of the other guesses that it is either your house is under construction and/or you are getting a new baby brother or sister. Either way I am sure it is great news.

BTW Brinksey we could never forget your most adorable chubby pudding rolls. You are lucky to have a two legger to drop food to you and maybe there will be a second one soon!


Cindy & Nina

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

A very special Happy Birthday to your mini-two-legger! Can't wait to hear the new news! BOL

Cupcake said...

One Year Old!! Now that's something to celebrate! Happy Birthday! Can't wait to hear the news, is it something furry??

Love, Cupcake

GOOSE said...

Happy birthday to you!!!!!

PoochesForPeace said...

Hmmmmm what ever could this news be!? Happy bday joshua!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy first bark day baby Josh!
Ok guess time
will it have a smile?
is it something to eat?
is it a place to live?
is it made from love?
will it have legs?
will it make you smile?
will it be a miracle
i give up!
tell us!

The Daily Pip said...

Happy Birthday to Baby Joshua! Hope you have a wonderful day!

I am thinking you might have another little two legger or four legger on the way!

Your pal, Pip

2 Punk Dogs said...

Happy Birthday!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We know!! We know!! But we ainted telling....

Mona, Weenie & the Mommy

Scooter said...

Happy Birthday to Joshua!! We think another munchkin, thats our guess!!


Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Awww Happy B'Day to the baby two legger......

I can't think of what your surprise will be!!!!! I will wait on the edge of my couch for your next post!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie

Unknown said...

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Josh, we wish your more birthdays to come and stay healthy :)

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

Duke said...

Happy birthday, baby Joshua!
Are you getting a new baby brother or sissy?

Love ya lots,

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Happy Birthday to your little Joshua. What a cute patootie!! That pose you are in is Hootie's favorite pose too. We call him frogman when he does it. bol. Now we wait patiently for your news...Oh the suspense.
BabyRD & Hootie

Maureen said...

Happy barkday to the little 2-legger! I'm sure you made his day full of the most specialness you could find!!

Now, I'm guessing it either has 4 paws, 2 legs, wheels, or windows and doors! BOL!! Take your choice!!

Double fuzzy woofs - HoneyBuzz

My Mind's Eye said...

Happy First birthday to precious baby Joshua!! What a handsome 1 year old.
Please give him a b-day kiss from us.
Hugs Madi and Mom

HoundDogMom said...

Happy BarkDay, Joshua. You are just as cute as a button. We are guessing with everyone else. New 2-legger or 4-legger addition. :) Either one would be awesome news. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!! We are waiting on pins & needles to find out the surprise :)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Suspense???? We can't wait!

Happy Birthday Joshua!


Corbin said...

Happy Birthday Joshua!!!! You have a fun year ahead of you! My baby two legger cousin is 20 months - what fun and taste noms!
ps, we're guessing with everyone else that there's a new baby two legger coming! Or a new baby four legger! BOL!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, baby Joshua! You are so fortunate to have two loving protectors. (Besides your folks, of course.)

We're not sure whether to guess a human puppy or a furry one. But can't wait to see what the surprise is.

Mack and Mia said...


All we can say is share the nommy's with all your furends! We will forever be grateful! Woo could mail them to MD. It's not THAT far. They won't spoil. :)

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Remington said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! Can't wait to hear the news!

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Birthday Joshua.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we think that mommish has something cooking in the oven.

Cinnamon said...

♫ ♫ Happy Birthday Baby Joshua ♫ ♫

Can't wait to hear the exciting news.

XO ♥ Cinnamon

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Birfday to cutie patootie Joshua!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max

Ina in Alaska said...

We are all wiggling with snowy excitement for the big announcement!! Meanwhile Happy 1st Birthday Joshua! We know you have the best Pibble Nannies ever to be!!!

I agree with many others: New House!! Hooray! and New Baby!! Hooray!!!!!!!!

We await patiently for the news!! Many snowy hugs to you all!!!! Now, back to my shoveling! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hope baby Joshua had a very happy birthday!

H Ski said...

Happy birthday to baby Joshua!!!

3 doxies said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY SWEET BABY JOSHUA! I can not believes you is already 1 year old...where in da world daoes time go! You is growin' up so very fast. And you has da bestest, most fantastical protectors and mentors evers.'s audder hooman puppy...yay!


Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Birthday Baby josh!

Two Pitties in the City said...

Happy Birthday to the baby! I can't believe it's already been a year!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We hope the boy had a wonderful birthday! Whatever your news is we hope it is really good ~ you deserve some happiness. xxxx

kingslandkennels said...

Wish You Happy Birthday Baby josh!!!
Thanks for shairng...