Sunday, June 24, 2012

mystery pibble girl.....

this is the first time i saw her on my way home today. the house at the end of my street literally one house away in front is abandoned and i immediately became sad thinking she was dead. my husband said he saw her laying there yesterday night motionless as well and he thought she was dead too.
 as i was at the stop sign i saw this......
 oh my! she was alive after all .......being that is above one hundred degrees here in texas i immediately ran inside and got bottles of cold water, a bowl, and some food. why on earth was this girl laying there in the scorching hot sun in an abandoned house. i later realized that she was too weak to get up.....she was extremely skittish and did she end up here???
 i gave her water and after gulping it down i added another seem she gained some strenght and slowly got up to sniff the foodables....
 my angel shelby was found in this hot weather on july 3rd. im wondering if she led her to this abandoned house and told her that she would get help if she waited here.....
wondering what on earth to do now. im contacting several people and see if anyone can help as i stated previously. i am renting a one room w/kitchen attached temporarily which is where we ALL stay . husband, me, baby and brinks and bella. so for now she is on the porch as the weather has gotten better now that night has hit. her tummy is full and she has plenty of water. lord help me. please keep her in your prayers tonight.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

She's so beaWOOtiful AND lukhky SO many angels were watching out fur her -

Paws khrossed!


pibble said...

Oh, Sandra! That little girl has landed in the right hands!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We agree with your idea that Shelby somehow sent her to you. If she stays, that's another sign she's where she's meant to be. We'll be saying lots of prayers for this girl tonight and also hope she allows you to help her. Please keep us posted.

Winston said...

Prayers for the sweet little pibble girl, and prayers for you for finding her and giving her water and food.

Unknown said...

There is no doubt she was sent to you!

GOOSE said...

Blessings to you for helping . I'll be saying prayers for her.

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

O-M-D! She is BOO-TI-FUL! Yes, there were sum 4-legged angelz who led her tue u. We all here r sayin'prayerz that thoze same angel dogz will persuade her that she NEEDSZ tue stay where she iz.
Shiloh'n Shasta

Berts Blog said...

OH my, what a bittersweet experience for you. We are saying our prayers now, for all of you.

Two French Bulldogs said...

she looks so big, cute
Benny & Lily

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We'll be purrayin fur her and fur you!

Ina in Alaska said...

This is no coincidence. The Fearless Five helped her get to you for the help she needed. Please keep us posted. Sending helpful, caring thoughts xo

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a sweet girl, and how wonderful it must be for her to have a full stomach.


Duke said...

Bless you, Sandra.
Our paws are crossed for her and we are sending her tons of AireZen!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

How kind and hopefully she will get to trust you and maybe then someone can help her find a home. Three cheers to you for your kindness. Best wishes Molly

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

She is just a beautiful girl. We are positive that the Fearless Five had a hand in leading her to a spot where she could get help!

Pugs & Kisses,

Brutus & Ellie

A MilShelb Mom said...

She is beautiful! I am glad she found you. :) We are thinking of her and praying for her.
~Milly Shelby, and the Mom (Maggie)

Cupcake said...

She is so beautiful!! I'm so glad you found her. I'm so glad she found you. Miss Shelby had a paw in this! Please keep us updated.

Love, Cupcake

Finn said...

Oh I am glad she found her way to you. Please keep us posted...

How Sam Sees It said...

Sending good thoughts your way. She is beautiful. There is a reason she is there, even if it is just to have you help her on her way. :D


Jans Funny Farm said...

Poor girl. Glad you found her.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH the POOR GIRL... I hope and PRAY that someone steps forward and will take her in..
I have NO DOUBT IN MY MIND that she was directed there by Angel SHELBY. NONE what so ever!!
TRUST Shelby to continue her mission to save this soul... in some manner. Angel Shelby... WILL make it pawsible. this may only be a stopping place for a short rest in her journey to a Safe Forever home.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Each and EVERY time ANY of us asks ourselves... WHY did IT come and take our Dear Fearless Five from US? We should be reminded that THEY are Now Behind the scenes... making MANY wonderful things happen. They used their time HERE to LEARN how to get things DONE for OTHERS who are in need of HELP. THIS sweet INNOCENT one is the perfect example of how our Beloved Fearless Five are making things HAPPEN. THIS was a STRONG CLEAR MESSAGE from THEM.. to ALL OF US..

2 Punk Dogs said...

She's beautiful, I can't believe someone would leave her behind. She's so lucky you saw her and stopped. I wish we weren't on the East Coast and didn't have a full house. Hopefully someone closer with more space can give her a home soon!(or pibble house can get built really fast:) You're the best!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Miss Sandra, she is beautiful. Mommy's heart stoped a little when she saw the first picture. Mommy went by the house after work Friday and was so excited about what shw saw. She took lots of pictures. She hasn't been able to reach you. Please call her. Do you want us to thr pictures?..{{{huggies}}....Mona

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Shelby sent her! It has to be! We send lots of ((hugs)) and healing thoughts and love her way (and yours, of course)!

tubby3pug said...

Oh what a lucky lucky dog she is to have been found by you. You are an amazing person for helping her, we will be praying for these sweet girl.

urban hounds

Mo @ Howl Madly said...

Bless you! She is such a lucky girl to be found by you. Many prayers being sent to this sweet girl and to you!

Lorenza said...

I agree with our friends.
Shelby sent her close to you.
Paws crossed for her and you all.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Angel Shelby sent her for sure!

Two Pitties in the City said...

They always have a way of finding you. I hope things do work out for this little gal.

Anonymous said...

Shelby sent her to you....absolutely!!

HoundDogMom said...

She is a very pretty girl and we believe she showed up there for a reason. Lots of angels were watching her and helping her get to the right people that could help her out. Prayers for her. The HoundDogs

Furry Bottoms said...

Oh, she is a beauty!!

H Ski said...

I'm glad she found her way to you. Glad you were able to give her water and food. Somebody is watching out for her.

LP said...

What a beautiful girl! Such a sweet but frightened face.We hope someone is able to take her until other arrangements are made for her future. Thanks for giving her food and water. We know she appreciates it alot! Please keep us posted about her. She is in our thoughts... poor baby.

the critters in The Cottage xo

Asta said...

Deewest ones
I know Shelby helped you spot hew..we will pway that she stays safe and someone can help this Pibble Giwl
bless you and youw cawe
smoochie kisses

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Sweet Shelby and the rest of the Fearless Five were definitely nudging that sweet brindle girl into your lives. Does she have a name yet? We hope you can give her a loving home, even if she temporarily has to stay with a friend until your new house is finished. Sure hope the house goes up on schedule and under budget and you can get moved in soon.

Jed & Abby

Unknown said...

Paws & fingers crossed for this pretty girl!

K9 Katastrophie said...

What a beautiful lil' girl! Shelby and the Lord Jesus has guided her to you! They knew you would help her!
