Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 3,2010

well today was a day i had been thinking about for a very long time...this time last year all was great in my world. my sweet shelby was alive, healthy, happy, and enjoying everybit of her new life. nothing would make me happier than to see her close her eyes and enjoy the grass when she roached, make a big sigh at the end of the night when she got super comfortable and was ready to go nite nite.
she always had a way of enjoying every minute of her life as if she knew that is was going to be short lived. maybe she was teaching me to stop and enjoy it too. she would sniff the flowers in our garden and close her eyes. she always seemed to close her eyes as if to take it all in. she was so calm in nature. so sweet and gentle at all times that it hurt me to know what she had gone through. no one human or furry alive should go through what she had been through. no one should still be this trusting and forgiving after the hell she was put through. but she was. she had faith in me and my family and her auntie sarah. she gave us humans a chance and we did not fail her.
 with everyones help she blossomed. she changed a lot of people by just existing. by having the will to hold on that scorching hot day in that pavement where she was left to die. pregnant and abused she always just laid there and waited. this time the humans did'nt fail her.

 when she looked out the window on car rides again she closed her eyes to feel the breeze on her face and just pure joy could be felt.
 wagging her tail knowing she was going to the vet always surprised me. but she loved human contact so much it did'nt matter to her how many times she was gong to be poked and prodded. she wagged her tail furiously anyways because she was going to be loved on and she was going to not miss out on that.
 her first and last christmas are above and below. this is how i will remember her. her eyes closed in pure contentment.  eyes full of love and trust. today on her anniverary of her gotcha day wont you close your eyes and send her special hugs and kisses and thank her for being who she was and teaching us how to enjoy each and every moment we have with our loved ones.
i miss you terribly my angel.with tears and love,
mommish <3


Millie and Walter said...

Sweet Angel Shelby! You gave her the gift of love and in turn she did the same for you. She will always be remembered.


Cupcake said...

I am SO glad that Shelby finally knew the definition of Love. I'm so glad you found her. So many would have turned away, but not you Sandra. Thank you for giving this wonderful baby a home and family. I know she is still with you.

Barbara said...

And now Shelby is up at the bridge guiding other sad pups to your happy house. Shelby knew what love was and is making sure other sad pups get their deserved love.

You can miss Shelby, or you can KNOW Shelby is helping other pups by leading them to you.

2 Punk Dogs said...

What a super sweetie! So sorry for your loss, but glad you were able to give her a great life.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Shelby left BLOGVILLE with a legacy that will NEVER be furgotten. OH the thingys Angel Shelby did TEACH us. She has left ENORMOUS Paw Prints to fill... ON THIS side of the Bridge.

Finn said...

Sending her special love today. I love those Christmas day photos!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Angel Shelby!

How Sam Sees It said...

We love you, sweet Shelby - you will never be forgotten.


Tweedles -- that's me said...

We are closing our eyes sweet Shelby, and we thank you for teaching us so much.

Unknown said...

We really love Shelby's too, she's very lovely girl :D

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

Lorenza said...

Shelby taught us tons of good lessons!
She will be always in our hearts.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Daily Pip said...

Beautiful Shelby, we will love and miss you forever. We know you are watching over your wonderful family.

Your pal, Pip

P.S.: My assistant just left you a long message on facebook. July 3rd is a special day for us, too. My feline sister Daisy was rescued on this day in 1999. Shelby and Daisy had very similar hearts.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

What a sweet post fur a beautiful girl. Beautiful memories. ((hugs)) from all of us at Prancer Pie.

sprinkles said...

Such a beautiful tribute for beautiful Shelby. I miss her too.

Unknown said...

Nice tribute. Have a good day.
Best wishes Molly

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Darling Shelby will never ever be forgotten, she changed my life in so many ways. She opened my eyes to horrors I did not know existed and because of her I stand against BSL and all the horrors that Darling, sweet Shelby suffered. She stole my heart completely and she will live in it for ever more.
Shelby is the epitome of all that is good in dogs, such a huge capacity to forgive, her complete and utter wanting to please those she loves and to give that love unreservedly, totally and with every fiber of her being, her complete devotion to her family, Shelby truly showed so clearly to everyone ( even non doggy peeps ) why we love dogs, why we should always fight for them, why ALL dogs are equally deserving of our respect, our love and why they all deserve equal rights regardless of breed.
So from the bottom of my heart Sandra I thank you for saving such a wonderful, amazing and beautiful girl who showed me the light. You gave me a gift the day you saved her, one I will always hold very dear.
A candle will be lit for the biggest doggy ambassador of blogville in our house today.

With much love
Momma Tea & The Krew
xxx xxx

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful post! We are closing our eyes and sending you lots of hugs and kisses, angel Shelby.

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Lovable Lily said...

We are sending Shelby gentle kisses all the way up to Heaven.

I know after all she had been through, she earned her Angel Wings long before she arrived at the Bridge.

Always remembered!

Lily Belle

Cinnamon said...

Sweet Angel Shelby

You will always be in my heart, you are the reason my mom blogs for me. Without you I wouldn't be here. I remember the day you introduced us to your fur friends and will always be grateful.
I love you forever.
See you on the other side.
XO♥ Linda and Cinnamon

Jans Funny Farm said...

We never forget them when they leave and we always miss them.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Sweet Shelby, continue to shine in our hearts. You brought love to so many!

K9 Katastrophie said...

Thank you for being you, Shelby. We have been impacted by you in great ways. Thank you for not giving up. We love and miss you.

The Katastrophie pack

LP said...

We will never forget Shelby either.We never really knew anything about pitbulls until somehow, somewhere,in blogville, we heard about Shelby.When we read about what she had suffered through our hearts broke into pieces. You see, Shelby reminded us so much of Allegra, our little maltese who is now at the bridge. They both had the same gentleness, calmness, trust, devotion and big loving hearts.We can't bear to think about what happened to Shelby before she met you so we think of her from the day she met you ; the day her real life began when she was adopted into your loving family. You gave her everything she had been looking for up to that point. Thank you Sandra. We miss her too.
Hugs and love,
the critters in The Cottage xo

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

We just know Shelby is wriggling all over across the Bridge because you found and save Isis; we really believe Shelby guided you to Isis. We sure hope your mom listens to the human vet and REALLY takes it easy for the next 3 months. You can always furnish the house later, and it will be much more fun when there are two human pups and maybe Isis is back home with you where she belongs.

Jed & Abby

Cinnamon said...

We miss Shelby and wanted you to have this award for her.
Stop by when you get a chance.

xo Cinnamon

Kim said...

Dear Mommish: I can tell you really loved this girl, along with the others. I'm touching the strand for you tonight, to heal your broken heart. You're a beautiful person Sandra, and an inspiration for many. Best wishes for the future to come for you and yours.

Winston said...

Beautiful, heartfelt post...
We are closing our eyes and sending prayers and hugs to Angel Shelby and to you, Sandra, who gave her the love she so deserved.

Winston,Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn

ForPetsSake said...

Many good thought sent your way. She was loved - you did not fail her! you gave her what she needed - real LOVE!

Jenny said...

Thank you so much for sharing Shelby's story. We love you all so much.