miss shelby ish back home at the woggie pibble home where she belongs
dr briles was soppose to keep her overnight one more day butt he shayed that miss shelby was so agitated and fuwy sad that he decided it would be better for her to be wiff her family to not get her too exciteables. what wiff the heartworm meddies she has to weemain calm and she WAS NOT at the vet. so . . . . wee went to pic her up wiff the speedy quickness and she ish now home tooty snoring and mommish ish keeping an eye on her all night. grammy ish on vacation so she will be shelby's nurse during the day for the next week. she lives wiff ush so shelby can just snuggle wiff the grammy all day tomowow. thank you so vewy vewy much for all the healing vibes and prayers we just KNOW miss shelby will be on the mend that much quicker wiff the power of the paw