the shelby ish hewe to pwesent to ya'll my furry shpecial christmas edition and also in hopes to cure your monday blah's at the same time. ash you can see by my smile below i's furry much full of the happiness to be able to learn abouts this hollyday called christmas.ish my furry first one and my smile says it all dont you fink?
the squeakers and im a good giwl and dont deestuffyem PLUS they were PINK my furry much favorite color ever to be!!!!
i's try furry much hawd to be lady like and pretty. do y'all fink i makes a good princess?!?!?
What a difFURence LOVE makes!
This was the first blog I read this morning and it has made my eyes go all leaky on me. It is just such a beautiful sight to see Shelby so obviously happy and looking so well and so very pretty. there is no doubt what so ever that she is a PRINCESS in every sense of the word. Thank you for you all have done for her but most of all for loving her. I think all the love she has got from you has done far, far more than anything the vet has done.
With Love
Dear Miss Shelby - My hooman's eyes got all leaky wiff rain when hers looked at the Shelby's smile.
Good job!! Shelby is da rainmaker!! :)
Big slurps, HoneyBuzz
Miss Shelby,
You deserve every single pressie. You are a brave and beautiful gal and it makes me a little teary to see you all healthy and full of spirit. Thanks for that wonderful Monday morning post.
Dearest Shelby,
Mommy's heart just bursts when she sees you smiling so wide and happy. So much has happened this year that has made Mommy very sad but your coming into her life let all the sunshine in. You are a prinness indeed and a living abgel in our hearts.
SHELBY!! Momma says you are soooooo cute! You just look so happy to be YOU!
We hope you have the best Christmas ever!
The Heartbeats
Those Slimmer pugs are awesome! Just like you Shelby!
Oh Shelby you are a Princess fur sure. I think the Slimmer Pugs are just wonderful fur sending you such perfect Pink pressie thingys.
I want to wish the entire Pittie Pack and Wee Ones and your two leggers too... a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS with tons of fun and furends and foods and LOVE.
Happy First Christmas Shelby! I'm so sorry you never had one before! I know Santa will take care of you and you'll have a lovely Christmas!
aww shelby you are a wonderful princess!
Mommy's eyes are all leaky now what's that mean?
You are a Princess fer reals and true Shelby.
Merry Merry Christmas to you all!
Bobo and Meja (and the Mommy)
Hey I'm no princess but I love pink toys too! HA WOOOOO! BOL.
I gots your bootiful card. Thank you.
woof - Tucker
Deew Pwinsess Shelby
Youw Gwamma is absolutely wight. you have been a vewy vewy good giwl this yeaw( I suspect all youw life you've been a vewy good giwl) awe so bootiful and look especially pwinsessy/. Those boortiful pink pwinsess toys awe just pawfect tfow you and it's awfully nice of you to shawe them wif the othew wpinsesses in youw house of love.
I think you will nevew fowget this special special wawm and oving chwissmuss wif the bestest family evew
smoochie kisses
pee ess you took away mommi's monday blah'a wight away..I think youw smile is magic!
Hey dat is great! What fun pressies too!
Oh, Shelby. This postie made my mom all leaky with happiness. To think - this is your first Christmas all safe and warm. I had my first Christmas last year and it was Most Beautiful. I bet your Christmas is gonna be the happiest ever! Your smile says it all!
And yes, Miss ARE a princess. And you deserves all those pretty toys and every little thing that's good and happy in this world.
Wiggles & Wags,
Aww..that is so sweet. Love the cute pink toys. :)
Those are some awesome furiends, Miss Shelby - those Slimmer Pugs really know how to treat a princess. We are so happy to see you doing so very well and giving us a chance to see that beautiful smile.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Great seeing you; you look so healthy!
Miss Shelby,,
nothing makes all of our hearts in Oregon happier than to see you happy... Santa is coming,,, yes he is.
And what wonderful friends you have,, so many of us care about you
Pink is soooo Shelby's color! And I love seeing the 'wrinkled nose look' she has while loving her stuffy. Wilbur does the same thing and it's too stinking cute!
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