miss shelby ish back home at the woggie pibble home where she belongs
dr briles was soppose to keep her overnight one more day butt he shayed that miss shelby was so agitated and fuwy sad that he decided it would be better for her to be wiff her family to not get her too exciteables. what wiff the heartworm meddies she has to weemain calm and she WAS NOT at the vet. so . . . . wee went to pic her up wiff the speedy quickness and she ish now home tooty snoring and mommish ish keeping an eye on her all night. grammy ish on vacation so she will be shelby's nurse during the day for the next week. she lives wiff ush so shelby can just snuggle wiff the grammy all day tomowow. thank you so vewy vewy much for all the healing vibes and prayers we just KNOW miss shelby will be on the mend that much quicker wiff the power of the paw
Go Miss Shelby Go!!!
YayS! Missa Shelby, yousa lookin' good girlyfuriend. Wesa glad yousa homesa and doings well.
We pawreyd for you...and it looks like all your furiends and families hard work'ums paid offs.
Much luvums to you and your family,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
We've been away for Christmas and just got home. We didn't know Miss Shelby was in for her LAST HW shot! Wahoo! We're so happy it's almost over. We hope Miss Shelby is feeling better now that she is happily at home and can feel safe and calm again. Very best wishes, Miss Shelby!
Jed & Abby
So glad she's back!
That is good news. Here's hoping that she is getting better day by day.
Phew! I was ever so worried that something would go wrong and I would be at blame for not sending da happy thoughts quick enough!!
I am so happy Miss Shelby is home to the pibble woggie house. I can sleep now!
Big slurps, HoneyBuzz
Yay fur Miss Shelby! Home is always da best place to be.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
I am so very much THRILLED that Shelby is home. What a Trooper she is.
Yay! Its nice to know there are understanding vets out there!
Well that is such vewy good news! Now Shelby you make sure to stay weal weal close to yer Grammy.
Bobo and Meja
Yay! Miss Shelby is home!
We think love is healing Miss Shelby as much as the medicine. Sending snowy sugary and gentle kisses to Miss Shelby and of course Diva Halle sends many hugs to her love, Guero. His picture sits proudly next to her living room pouf where she lays. xoxo
Shelby is beauTeefuls and looking well~
~Welcome home~
IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man
Yay we are glad Shelby was able to come home! We know she will do much better there with all of you to take care of her! We know she is so loved by everyone (even us kitties!) that she will just do great! We are purring for her to be super healthy really soon!
Yay for Shelby!! You is gonna get all betters!
Yippee! I'm so very much glad you gots to go home, Shelby! You are a very clever girl to get your way like that. You have a good time snuggling with your Gramma. I know she'll take good care of you.
Wiggles & Wags,
Yeahhh..so happy to hear that she is back at home. :)
I'm so glad Shelby was able to come home! She's already gone through so much!
Glad to know Shelby is at home now!
Sure is the best place for her to recover!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sending much love and many tender thoughts to sweet Shelby as she rids her body of those awful, icky worms.
I came by to check on Miss Shelby, and am happy that she is home withe her mommy and family.
She will be feeling better soon.
I send all my love to miss Shelby
HAPPY everything for the NEW YEAR
Lots of hugs and kisses to the beautiful Miss Shelby! She'll be fine now that she's home with such a loving family and her brothers and sisters!
Shelby certainly does look very relaxed and at peace in her picture.
Hugs to her and you all too,
Madi and Mom
Hello Dawling Pitties and Wee ones
Thank you fow coming to visit and helping me get those gween papews wif youw comment.
I hope Miss Shelby is doing bettew and bettew. I know all of you awe showewing hew wif youw special pibble love
I'm cwossing my paws fow hew always and sending love and healing smoochie kisses
Happy New Year to all of my friends at the Pibble Pack.
My eyes have seen so much beauty in the world this year,, because of you
So happy to see Miss Shelby back home :)
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