so we are soppose to submit an entry and some pikshures to show why we are such bad sports for the mango minster's contestother than my obvious chunkyness and most lovable love handlesmommish found these most embewassing photos of me eating and said they would be perfect to show why im most baddie most laziness is what makes me a bad sport but even that wont keep me from my foodabels
yes . . . . its true im afraid . . . . . the rumors that have been circulating about me eating laying down or half laying down are true . since my mommish decided to squeal on me and put my piksures our there for public viewing then its about time i admit . . . .i brinks , , , , am most lazy pibble
more proof. . . . . . .
some people have had the indignity to ask if im an english bull dog at timescan you beweive that ???
so what if i cant sit right and my most well fed tummy leans over all the time .. . . thats what makes me most cuteness wright??
mommish says that its more to love
ok enough of all this talk about my most chunkyness love handles
i must go eat some yummers
and then **yawn** take a nappy
nitey nite
Yes Brinks, you are a most chubby pitty. Pitties are supposed to be uber hyper and thin. You are most unsporty. Great job!
You may be a bad sport...but you are a CUTE bad sport!!
You are my kinda guy Brinks. And I do believe that first photo could easily be submitted to PlayDog as well!
Brwinksy Winksey yous is so hanshom to me.
I love-ed love handles - mommee says she wykes to pways wif mine add da tyme.
Mommee sais I's da waziest pibble eber.
Mommee eben made me go to the v-e-t office because she said I make'ed her worry.
Dey said "That jus her per-so-naw-a-tee" and nobbin was wrong wif me.
See mommee!
We good sports Brwinksy Winksey!
Dey jus don't reconize "Couch Warming", "Kibble Grubbing", or "Extreme Napping" as sport.
I woved-ed u jus da way u ar!
**wags and wiggles and swobbery kisses**
Haleigh Anne
There is nothing wrong with be lazy. Your just recharging.
woof - Tucker
you're not lazy, just smart bol!!! who wants to eat standing when they can be so relaxed and enjoying one's meal...
you sure are dang cuuute
I see nothing wrong with your dining style!!! Way to go Brinks. Love all the pics. They show your inner self and your outer shell quite well. I'm just sayin'
Lying down while eating looks like the best!
thats a very interesting way to eat!
Ike is khwite khorrekht!
I'll agree woo do have an interesting dining pawsition!
Good lukhk!
I think that is a vewy sensible way to eat , you don't have to move to much fow youw booty nap aftew wawds. I think you awe a pwecious Pittie bull, and I looove youw love handles
smoochie kisses
I think you're cute just the way you are!
I think you're adorable just the way you are!
Nose Kisses,
You silly head. I think we are suppose to stand while we eat. BOL
Benny & Lily
Clarify something for me? Is this your bad sport entry or your "World I'm Spoiled!" entry. What's up with that?
Brinks, you are a very cute bad sport - good luck with your entry.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Good luck at the contest, Brinks!
You have a good eating technique!
Kisses and hugs
we are El'bow & Hauwii
we found you bloggy on Mango's blog
goood luck
we are in the sporty dog an hard working dogs :)
we think this contest rock!
El'bow & hauwii
Wow, you are an excellent eater. Sometimes I eat while lying down, but I never have been as creative as you. I am very impressed!
Your Bad Sport friend,
Hi Brinks,
You are most bad when it comes to having your meal... hehe. I like your creative badness. Good luck in the competition.
Licks, hero
Search engine Optimization
veryuseful, thanx a lot foe this blog .. This was exactly what I wsa looking for.
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