Lady love has 70 votes! Not bad at all. If you keep adding the link to your posts, or a reminder like today, I'll be happy to vote until the end of the contest (if you don't I can't guarantee it because I'm forgetful, sry). Twink!
hewo all furryends this is guero, the model, coco chanel the queen of the universe, brinks chief and commander of the PTO society, and bella the princess. hope you enjoy our everyday adventures as we enjoy being spoiled pitties.
I voted again and she is in 3rd place, but she needs more votes!!
I think you should canvass the neighborhood!
Who are the two doggies in shades?
I'm off to vote for Brinks' babe!
Pank yous sooos muches for voting for me!
Mai mommee made'd me dress'ed up in stupid tutu to look'ed cute.
So embearwesed.
Brwinks you look'ed so hansom in yur sun gwasses.
xooxoxosnugglesxoxoxoxokisses for yous!
Cool shades. I voted again.
Licks and slobbers,
Who are you??? Why have you taken over my furends blog??? Get your own already.
You are one cool dog!
you do look good! nice shades :)
Furry khool!
PeeEssWoo: I pawed my vote again!
Oh! I didn't even recognize you!
Who is that secret agent?
Benny & Lily
Lady love has 70 votes! Not bad at all. If you keep adding the link to your posts, or a reminder like today, I'll be happy to vote until the end of the contest (if you don't I can't guarantee it because I'm forgetful, sry).
P.I.B. Do you proctect Alien rights???
Tee Hee Smileys!
Wow, you two look Smoooooooooth!!! :-)
We voted yesterday, we will have to go to see if we can vote again.
Woos, the OP Pack
Anonimous?? I don't know but sure very handsome!
Kisses and hugs
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