Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a month later

howdy everyone,
the pibble mommish here with some pictures to share with ya'll. as you may remember this is patty cakes's, another of Shelby's pups who lives with spirit and two other rescues at my mother in laws. i get to see the beautiful face everyday and it chases away the depression clouds right away. especially those pibble sugars.
things are still not progressing with the house they need more and more paperwork from the contractor and every single person who is going to work on the house. we are not able to even start the demolition process until each electrician and plumber and what not has been contacted and has signed certain documents. so has taken some time as we have to research and find out who is best for each job....
i have been getting claustrophobic lately could be just another anxiety symptom to pile on my panic attacks. it could be my job. i work inside a vault(which is underground by the way ) for a bank. or it sleeping in the tiny garage with no windows.....who knows it could just all be the stress of it all. just trying to deal with everything as best as i can and continue to remember that god did not bring "it" to was god who send the fearless five on a mission that night to save the rest of us from that burning inferno. so in their name i try to be brave every night i get anxious or panicky. i spoke with frankie furters mom the other was much needed and im so thankful she took the time to call me. only your own blogville family can listen and UNDERSTAND what it is to lose your furbabies...we came to the realization that i may be using your blogs as my crutch for my panic attacks...i explained how very much helpful it is to read the blogs when i feel the panic attacks coming. now i know that if i get online that i can control myself a little better. .....if anyone is going to help me get through this is going to be you guys so please continue with your wonderful and funny , happy making posts and know that someone out there is feeling a little better and a little less anxious because of your posts.
pibble sugars to all


rottrover said...

Well, come visit our wordless Wednesday tomorrow. We guarantee a smile!!

-Bart and Ruby

Scooter said...

You can come and visit us anytime. We hope that things will start moving faster for you so you can get your life back in order.

Jazzi and Addy

Millie and Walter said...

It is partly because of you that I have started blogging again. I am sure the winter blues (although they probably aren't as bad in Houston) aren't helping either. It is a pleasure to have you visit any time. I told Mona's mom that I loved the pictures she had of all of you. It was good to see that you all were smiling and little Josh looks like he is happy.


Two French Bulldogs said...

So nice to have those pups around
Benny & Lily

Dachshund Nola said...

Come by anytime! We're here for you
Dachshund Nola

GOOSE said...

Stop on by anytime. MOM and my prayers are with and for you.

Ina in Alaska said...

You are welcome to stop by & throw some snowballs at us any time!!!! xoxo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

And do you know that YOU offer encouragement to us too?
I will tell you now that you do!

Thank you for the words that you share with us.
Thank you for trusting us,, and allowing us to walk beside you.
We love all of you!
Yeaaa for blogville to help us all!

Maureen said...

I absolutely can not says it any betters than dear, sweet Tweedles just did. I can only nod my shaggy head, cross my paws and agree.

We love you!

Miss HoneyBuzz & Momma

Pippa said...

Panic attacks are not good - but you can get through them, and in time, you will have less of them. But truth is, it's not really very long since it happened, so it's not as though you can just wake up one morning, shake your head, jump out of bed and smile happily at the world. Everyone needs time to grieve after loss, and to heal in their own best way. If you find some help from those of us with blogs or on FB or wherever, then more than happy to be there for you.


tubby3pug said...

That dog is very sweet I am glad she is offering you some comfort. I hope things progress and you can get your life and home back

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Have emailed you rather than take up all your space here honey

Much Love
Momma Tea
xxx xxx

Lovable Lily said...

We check your blog almost daily just to see how you are doing. When we are there, we always send you a little prayer for strength. I started blogging when my Lily ruptured her disc in Sept. It has been a blessing and such wonderful therapy for me! We are not just a bunch of bloggers sitting behind computers, we are caring people, we share the love of animals, and we ARE FAMILY! We will always be here for each other. You keep reading, and hopefully we can keep you laughing.

Kim ~ Lily Belle's Mommy

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Team Beaglebratz has only been following you a couple of weeks but we like it here too. We agree with Tweedles - the encouragement YOU give to us(especially mom Kim) helps us tooM even tho you may not realize that you do - definitely a two-way healing. You are welcome at our blog ANYTIME.
Kim, Shiloh'n Shasta

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Blogville is a very unique community where we always try to be there for each other. The wonderful support has been our savior a few times now when things got a little rough. When we named THE FEARLESS FIVE, it wasn't a name we pulled out of a hat. The "Fearless Five" were exactly as the name implies.....fearless in every way. The name just fit them. I never knew at the time that the name we chose would go down in Blogville history. The name will live on and give you strength with each passing day until one day your family will be whole again.

Mom and Amber DaWeenie

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We so hope you can sort out the home side of your life soon ~ it's wonderful of your MIL to offer you shelter BUT you need your own space back asap.
It's not surprising you're getting panic attacks ~ it's a normal reaction to such a terrible trauma (sort of post-traumatic-stress-disorder). Try not to worry about the panics ~ they will dissipate in time, as you adjust to life without your precious fur-babies. Of course you will never stop missing them ~ because the pain we feel at the loss is equal to the love we feel when they wee there.

Still thinking about you every single day and praying ... and hoping things get better for you very soon.

Love Jan xx (Milo and Alfie's mom).

The Heartbeats said...

I can sympathize with the panic attacks. I've had them all my life even as a 2 and 3 year old, my mom tells me. It makes perfect sense to use something that you love so much to settle your nerves- dogs, animals, & blogging. Unfortunately, I haven't posted in a bit but just know we are still thinking about you every day!

The Heartbeats

Furry Bottoms said...

You know, that does make a lot of sense!!! The internet is a gateway to the world. There is nothing more open than that. So getting on the internet to explore blogs or places is a good way to help claustrophobia. I never thought of that! WOw!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Trust in the other woofies to make you smile again! Either in woofie or on line, they will lighten the load.
We are still praying for you, and hoping you will get back in your own home as soon as possible.
You might not feel as panicky when life gets back in order.
Carol, brandi's mom

Bailey Be Good! said...

Thinking of you and wanted to stop by and drop off some more woofs & hugs! <3

We're all here for you. :)

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Corbin said...

You're an inspiration! Remember that.

H Ski said...

Just keep leaning on all the bloggers. We are all here for you!!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

We are all glad that we can be here for you!! Use the blogs as a crutch for as long as you need to.

We hope those panic attacks go away soon, that can't be much fun :(

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Anonymous said...

Oh, Momma Sandra, I'm SO glad reading bloggies helps you! It's hard not to smile at some of the KER-azy things that happen around Blogville, that's for sure!

A month isn't very long so just be patient with yourself and gives yourself some time to get better. And always, ALWAYS remember we're here for you!

Wiggles & Wags,

margareth said...

I hope all things will start moving quickly. But it is always long with the contractors. Keep hope in the futur.

Duke said...

((((hugs)))) to you, Miss Sandra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

A MilShelb Mom said...

We're glad to help... even if it is in a small way!
~Milly and Shelby (and Maggie, the Mom)

pibble said...

Well, now you're giving me inspiration to keep up with my blog! Sometimes I fall behind, but if I know I'm helping you in some small way - I'll find time to post something, anything, to put a smile on your face or take your mind off things even for a moment.

Patty Cakes is soooooo adorable - I can see how that face can make you happy!

LP said...

We drop by your blog daily because we are always thinking of you and want to lend our support.We hope you have found some time to drop by to visit us too and that we have cheered you up :)
You know , it's big what you are going through ; the huge loss you have experienced. And recent.Keep reminding yourself of that.Take a deep breath when it feels like too much and remember to always be gentle and patient with yourself.And look to the future once in a while.To your new home finally falling into place.To how you will make it all wonderfully yours again.
You will get there.You will heal.Take your time.

LP and the critters in The Cottage xo

Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie said...

I know you love a happy ending, so be sure to check out my blog tomorrow for an update on Kimba (that pittie who was found emaciated and very, very sick). She is doing so much better now and I know the photos of her pittie smile will make you happy!

The Daily Pip said...

I am glad you are finding some comfort in our posts. I will keep right on being silly if it will help you. I am also glad you had the chance to talk to Frankie's mom. Sending you lots of love and smiles.

Your pal, Pip

P.S: My mom is very claustrophobic so she understands.

sprinkles said...

Has it been a full month already? It seems like it all just happened. To you, it probably seems like a lifetime ago.

I hope that the whole rebuilding of the house gets rolling soon and that once you're settled in, you'll start finding more comfort.

I'm glad that going online helps you. Blogville is a very comforting place and there are a lot of really good people here.

Shane Kent Louis said...

wow, I'm glad that you guys are doing great and you spent a great day playing on your vineyard with your Pawfriends and still doing great with your Mom!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Maxmom said...

Dear Sandra,
We are all with you in this journey to healing. One step at a time.
I can really empathise with those panic attacks. Not nice at all.
I don't have much to say except that you are not alone. Hang in there, dear friend. We love you!
Sending lotsaluv

Beth said...

Hi Sandra, Patty Cakes and Spirit, as well as the German Shepherd and Bella and Brinks surely help brighten your day. I was glad to see the photos. I hope and pray that your new home will be your dream home and a safe haven for your family. If you'd like to watch a beautiful video-only about 6 minutes long, here is one on the white deer herds up in Wisconsin:

If the link doesn't work by clicking, copy and paste it into your browser window.
Hugs, Beth

Jans Funny Farm said...

Imagine it's a long path to healing from such a traumatic event in life. Hope the path will be less rocky as you continue on it. Pawhugs.

Nubbin' Tails said...

Just sending fuzzy hugs!


Mr. Nubbin'

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

We are glad you get to see Shelby's puppies all the time! We think that it must be another piece of fate that Shelby's puppies got adopted by your mother-in-law so that you would be able to see them all the time and be reminded of Shelby.

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

OMD! patty cakes has the EXACT same black mask and brown eyebrows and cheeks as Coco Bean!

Have you noticed that yet!? Coco Bean is my angel...she helpped me get over the loss of Pasko my Rottweiler...She looked EXACTLY like him when she was a wee puppy and now not only does she have the same markings as him still...she acts like a 5 pound Chihuahua version of Pasko who weighed 185 pounds. Oddly enough...Pasko did not understand that he was as big as he was and INSISTED that he was a lap dog...and now...Here Pasko is...reincarnated as a Chihuahua! Its all in the black and brown mask! the SAME mask that patty cakes has!

PoochesForPeace said...

we dedicated a post to you today because you and your fam and furbabies and the fearless five are inspiring and awesome! Thinking of you today, -The Pooches & Anna

How Sam Sees It said...

We are here - Mom promises to start updating her blog more. January is her busy time at work. We think of you often, and have checked in to see how you are doing. I wish we could help speed things along for you on your house!
