mommish of course got some sugars from my lady **sigh** does'nt she look stunnin in her dress.
lookit what she bought me. oh boy mommish i luv it here. can we live wiff them???mommish:um. . . no tiger but we can visit . we found out they live only like 10 minutes away from where we live can you beleive that . how small this world is. now you can see your girlfriend all the time tiger.
ish it true mona??
have a shpecial gift for you mona?? wanna shee it
i bought thish shpecial collar charm just for you my lady. is sparky and bewootiful just like you
and then surprises of all suprises!!! she had brought shumthing for me too. she brought me a shpecial toy that shmells like her so that way i can cuddle wiff it and think of my lady when we are not together **sigh** SWOON!!!!!!
oh i luv it mona!! your as sweet as you are full of gorgeousness i tell you! oh my heart! i have found true love i say!!! could a manwoggie efur be so lucky???
mandatory photo op cause we're full of puppy love cuteness
hey there you!!! get away from my lady , dont you shee her heart charm, she's taken
!!!!!! true love!!!!!!more to come on the next post-****
love sugars
I just adowe twoo love and I think you have found it Tigew..youw Lady is vvewy bootiful and you awe the mostest thoughtful sweet boy to give hew that bootiful spawkly heawt..I just know she must have been swooning and is now dweaming of you and weliving youw date. you make such a gowgeous couple and she lives so cool
Can't wait to heaw mowe
smoochie kisses
Oh, I love LOVE! You look so beautiful together. A match made in heaven! Looking forward to the next post!
We're so happy to see that things turned out well for you and Mona today! You're one lucky pair of pups!
P.S. We liked your pictures a lot! Thanks!
Aww...I had to share this one with my mom and she said it gave her chills. SO very neat that you guys found out you only live 10 minutes away. You make a very cute couple. I am so happy to see two of my best buds hooked up and found love <3
Now I just need to find me a man! :P
My heart was going pitter pat for you.
This is true love, and by the looks on your face, we know it was ment to be
Oh so cute!! You two are so adorable together - what a perfect couple!! And so sweet that you got each other little presents!! And what luck that you are so close together!! Our mom is just squeeing over the cuteness!
Ohmidogness! There was so much cuteness in this post, I hardly knew what to do without myself! I'm oh-so-very-much happy that everything turned out so Most Beautifully! I can't waits to read the next chapter!
Wiggles & Wags,
This entire story is a bit hard to believe. I'm not saying I don't believe it, I'm saying it's too good to be true. The hole adoption, the puppy love. I must be dreaming, pinch me. I loved your post and presentation of what "true love" is.
Sugars? I didn't know that Tiger was from the South! :)
Sure it was pawesome to meet Mona and her Mommy!
Glad to know everything went well!
Just 10 minutes from your home?? Yes!
My mom says the world is like a pea sometimes!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Bubbles: Awww how sweeett
Texas: Ewwww!!! Gag,puke!!!!!!
Pompei: HEY! I WANT KISSES TOO!! But only from da human peoples.
You met MONA? Lucky!
I see that was a formal dress up kind of affair.
Oh how I wish I would have been there to see love bloom!!
Maybe we can meet up at the bark park one day?
awww how sweet :)
Oh Tiger! We are so happy for you and Mona! You and Lucky look so adorable for your meet up with Miss Mona! If only me and my man did not live soooo far apart,... xoxox Love and Kisses, Halle xoxo and every day I look at the picture of my Guero that mom put on the refrigerator! xoxoxo sugary snow to all but especially to Guero xoxoxo
Oh your pictures are hysterical little one. You sure did get a lot of attention. What a great place
Benny & Lily
Looks like love at first sight to me!
you picked a lovely little lady. mona sure is pretty! you picked a good pressie, too. the ladies always like the jewelries. teehee.
the booker man
This is an adorable post! I just love you doggies! You tell the best-est stories!
Hugs, Beth
Woo Hoo, what a fantastic date you and Mona had !!! We think you both looked so gorgeous and happy together. And how wonderful that you live so close - bet there will be lots more dates now!!! Thanks for sharing all your fun with Mona and her Mommy.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi my Darling Tiger and your sweet family. What a wonderful date we had yesterday. We stayed an extra night at Aunt Judy's so we didn't get to load pictures until this afternoon.
My hear is still swooning over you
I have a couple of dachsie friends I could hook up with Lucky, if she's still looking for a fella.
Kisses just for you my love {{{huggies)) to the whole family.
Mona & Mommy too!!
Awww Puppy love! You two make a lovely couple!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Hi Tiger,
Oh our gosh! A match made in heaven! We luv the last picture of you two kissing! How adorable and sooo romantic!
A diamond necklace? Wow! those things are pricey! You must really luv her a lot!
Thanks for taking us along with you on your date. It was cool!
Riley and Star.
OMD OMD OMD... your date was everthing I had been hoping it would be!! You and Mona look PERFECT TOGETHER!!! Woooie, you got her a GENUINE DIAMOND HEART... HOLY COW!! That was soooo grrrreat of you!!! 10 mins. apart???? How WONDERFUL is that??? I am all shivery over this!!
I have been gone for 4 days. Just getting caught up on the good stuff!!! Yours (and Mona's) are the VERY MUCH BESTEST!!!!!
What khyssaBULL faces!
That is quite a big a venture you had there... and what a lovely lady!
You are quite the romantic and GQ doggy!
wif love from the Luke
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