megan, petey and baron went to a most wonderful loving place called the gulfcoast bully rehabilitation you can ck their fb page out here.
they already have most wonderous pictures of shelby and the pups . no , no shelby did not go but he wanted to show their mommish there. dont fret my pets shelby ish now a pittie pack lifer here at the woggie pibble house!!!! mommish and monas wonderful mommy sarah were overcome wiff the joys to meet such nice people at the rescue and were so confident leaving the wee puppies there that they were finally able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that they were in the best professional hands ever to be!!!!
here ish baron , petey and megan playing in the puppy section wiff the other puppers getting some lovings. megan is between the nice ladys legs and baron sitting in front.petey ish trynna climb on her legs bol !! the greatest fing you guys is that THEY ARE GOING TO KEEP THEIR NAMES!!!! we will also be getting updates on them as they grow and when they get adopted we will also get updates to see how they are doing . we just loved that part of the adoption because that way we can all keep updated on the wee pibbles . so many people played such a HUGE part in their survival and upbringing that we just loved that we can be updated on their progress.
megan posing for the camera!!!!
baron learning how to sit wiff the west of the boys!!!
petey waiting for a tweat!!
we love that they all get socialization and training. they all sleep indoors and are crate trained . they all get special training to become ambassadors of goodwill for all pibbles.below is some of the early socialization of the upmost impawtance for the wee pibbles. SHARING FOODABLES WIFF A MEOW MEOW!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY WOGGIE!!!! we haves never try that one before tee hee hee