Sunday, October 31, 2010

**wee shelby pupper pupdate**

hewo there everyfurry brinksy winksy wiff the wee shelby pupper update. mommish wants to shay first and foremost that she apologizes for being a bad blogger and not posting as much as she use to. she has weeturned to woik and wiff the human baby growing inside her tummy and 5 pibbles and 2 wees sometimes things get hectic here at the woggiepibble house. shes getting back into the hang of things now and her legs and back has stopped hurting so we should be able to get more bloggy time now. anywoo lets stawt wiff pattie cakes and spirit this here is not one of ush. . . . this here is blondie from the northern street division of the pittie pack along wiff her sisters blacky and lady they are pattie cakes AND SPIRITS new sisters !!!!!!!!!! we were all so increadibly happish and full of the excitements when we founds out and of coise the brinksy winksy had to go ofur wight away to inspect the new pack and makes the sures that everyfurry was getting proper PTO twaining. more to come of this new pack as well in the coming days.
megan, petey and baron went to a most wonderful loving place called the gulfcoast bully rehabilitation you can ck their fb page out here.
they already have most wonderous pictures of shelby and the pups . no , no shelby did not go but he wanted to show their mommish there. dont fret my pets shelby ish now a pittie pack lifer here at the woggie pibble house!!!! mommish and monas wonderful mommy sarah were overcome wiff the joys to meet such nice people at the rescue and were so confident leaving the wee puppies there that they were finally able to sleep peacefully at night knowing that they were in the best professional hands ever to be!!!!

here ish baron , petey and megan playing in the puppy section wiff the other puppers getting some lovings. megan is between the nice ladys legs and baron sitting in front.petey ish trynna climb on her legs bol !! the greatest fing you guys is that THEY ARE GOING TO KEEP THEIR NAMES!!!! we will also be getting updates on them as they grow and when they get adopted we will also get updates to see how they are doing . we just loved that part of the adoption because that way we can all keep updated on the wee pibbles . so many people played such a HUGE part in their survival and upbringing that we just loved that we can be updated on their progress.

megan posing for the camera!!!!

baron learning how to sit wiff the west of the boys!!!

petey waiting for a tweat!!

we love that they all get socialization and training. they all sleep indoors and are crate trained . they all get special training to become ambassadors of goodwill for all pibbles.below is some of the early socialization of the upmost impawtance for the wee pibbles. SHARING FOODABLES WIFF A MEOW MEOW!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY WOGGIE!!!! we haves never try that one before tee hee hee

we hopes you guys enjoyed our wee pibble pupdate it warms ouw heawts that all the wee pibbles will find or have found loving homes to never go through what theiw loving angel mommy went through.
wiff love and lotsa pibble sugars

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

**farewell friday**

hewo all you puppers and kitties furry much sad to announce the parting of the baby shelby pibbles. these bewootiful puppers must go on to their next journey on sunday morning and away from all of us who have cared and loved them for 7 weeks. our mommish ish near panics about lettin them out of the house for good and into the world but we must trust that god did not let all that happen to shelby and not take care of these puppies as they grow up . they are going to a sanctuary and ranch for pibbles about an hr and a half outside of houston. my mommish , and sarah are driving up there sunday morning wiff the puppers to cks out the place. they want to make sure and triple sure that it is the right place for the shelby babies. you know that if they see anything pupticious or that they dont like lickety spit they will turn around and drive back home. butts , we have a good feeling about this place. sarah monas mommish has been speakin wiff the nice people who run this pibble palace and she will have more information abouts it on her bloggy later on . you can click here to visit their bloggy.
for now the puppers are enjoying all their time together. these awe some pictures we took the day pattie cakes left. it was her pibble going away pawty and boy did the wee puppies have some fun!

thanks to the slimmer pugs they have some wonderful toys to play wiff and they sure like to play tug o war wiff all of them.

sniffy , sniffy thish one looks nommy to pull wiff

well guys we hopes you guys awe gonna mish ush and boy how cans we eber thank all of yous for all you have done to makes the sures that we awe alive and ok. if it was'nt for you big human and furry heawts my mommish would not be alive and we would'nt eightew. can you imagens not seeing our cutie patooty faces and tooty hineys tee hee. well farewell my angels .

we send lotsa and lotsa wee shelby puppy licks wiff all our wittle heawts
we gotta go now ouw human mommish ish gonna mess up the keyboard wiff all the salty water leaks from her eyes

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

pattie cakes furrever home

howdy ya'll brinksy winksy wiff a pattie cakes pupdate

sunday this was the shelby and the pattie cakes having a mother daughter talk about her new furrever home.

shelby: my deawest firstborn, please to takes the cares of yourself in your new home, i's to love you and mish you all the dais. you will be down the stweet from the mommish less than 3 minutes walk so i's to come ck on u furry much soon okays? plese to wemember the mommash and be a good girl

*kiss kiss*

here ish pattie cakes in her new furrever home she ish fitting wight in wiff the west of the pack which we will talk abouts later in the postie.

here i's am wiff her outside we awe lookin at twee rats on the powew lines. she ish learning furry much soon about those evil aliens.

whew that twee rat twaining ish furry much tiredsome for the most chunkyness.... pee.s
wont you notice my most favorite harness ever. it has the texans logo on it and they are my most favorite team eber!!!!!

brinks: hey mommish i fink pattie cakes ish tired alweady can wee's come inside now we've been out here a whole 15 minutes . im losing weight here HEEELLLLOOO!!!!

ok pattie cakes lets take the baby inside
pattie cakes: aww man, i was'nt tired yet , the chubbyness is the one who tired *hmph* i puppy and i have TONS of gazillion energies . . . .
darn you oinky pibble you!!!

oks maybe the oinky pattie cakes was a wittle more tireds thatn she wanted to admit cause she went tooty nite nite as soon as we came inside.. . . . .
anywoo for those of you wondering who the most cuteness pibbles at the top of the post are. . . . . well they are pattie cakes new shishters!!!!!!! yep if you guys wemember they are part of the pto society and our kissy cousins. you can wead about their ventures wiff ush HERE , HERE and HERE. please if you have time wead the posties they are full of the funnies and you can get to know a wittle of pattie cakes new sissies. wee are snooper dooper full of the exciteables that pattie cakes gets to join such gweat familish full of spoiled girl pibbles. we cants wait to tell you guys more as pattie cakes grows up and her shishters teach her all about being a twee rat warrior .
pibble sugars and wee wiggles

Friday, October 15, 2010

naughty brinksey winksey puddin pie

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

decisions. decision. decisions

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY THURFFSDAY EVERYFURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

mr oinkypo hippo is a pibbles best friend

howdy there furry furryends. how ya'll doin this fantabolous day???
happish tuesday and we gots a furry shpecial furryend to introduce to you guys that was part of that most gweatest nommy and stuffy box we weceived last week from our friends the slimmer pugs.

wiffout further adoo doo. . . .
thish ish mr oinkypo hippo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bella and brinksey winksey spotted him down yonder in the box and we's to immediately know that he was special. wiffout knowing our pug furryends happened upon a magical specialness tactical coordinator for pibbles. hes to take over all our shpecial plans for takings ofur the world. we were snooper excited about it. he says he had been trynna find a way to ush and hopped right in when they selected him.
even tiger wents ofur for some special training mr oinkypo was giving him on twee rat fakin their faints. . . . . . . .

brinksey winksey puddin pie spent some quality time wiff the special spy perfecting the jaws of deaf. . . . . .

they practiced the cutie patootie look when sleeping which is detrimental to twikin the twee rats into finkin we tooting nite nite. . . . . . . .

excuse me mr guero the model it ish your time for pibble twaining session wiff the oinkypo awe you weady????????????????

do's we looks the hanshums or what??

owie coco!!! not until i says " go"

okie dokie guys secret meeting . . . . . . we shall attack wiff out toots at 18:00 hrs okay?
one .. .. two . . thre. . . . . pibble power!!!!!!!!

we's off for ouw first assigment. . . wish ush luck. . . . .

lotsa pibble sugars and wee wiggles
we fank our most angelic furryends the slimmer pugs for ouw furry shpecial purple oinkypo hippo if you guys have'nt met them please to go ofur and says howdy they are full of the adorabullness we pawmise!!!