okie dokie so here is a new member of their family he was found wandering one of our highways one night when they were coming home from the grocery store. long story short , being the woofie lovers that they are they picked him up and brought him home. they named him lobo which in spanish stands for wolf. he is furry tall and has the most soulful eyes.
now for your viewing pleasure. . . . SPIRIT !!!!!
patty cakes: ok lobo lookit here, you shee that flashy beast they are holding, well we has a fun game we like to play as soon as they press the finger on the button YOU LOOK AWAY.!!! tee hee hee hee
everybody weady!!!
fun was'nt it ?!?!?!?!

SPIRIT: i love this game patty cakes !!!!!!!
SPIRIT: i love this game patty cakes !!!!!!!
does i lookit cutie here ?????
what about me?!?!?!?!?!
i wanna play too lookit me???? is i handshum or what??????
we hopes that you enjoyed our easter pictures and we want you to know that wee are all okay and healfy and happish thanks you many of you who tooks the care of our mommish when we were in her belly. we fank you , WE FANK YOU!
wee pibble sugars and shepard wiggles
patty cakes,spirit and lobo