coco chanel here queen of the universe
today ish furry thankful thursday for pibble pack. we want to thank all of woo for your kind words and healing vibes for our dear great grammy. she ish at home feeling much better . she ish taking the meddies and in 10 days will finally have her surgery to feel all better. we are furry thankful to still get to enjoy our time wiff her and she loves to have ush around cause we make her smile. she will even laugh at our toots and not whine like our mommish does at night.
lookit here mommish bought ush some toys and thish is my furry favorite one. i's to play catch wiff the mommish, she throws it and i bring it halfway teehee
gotta make that mommish walk cause she will be full of the chubbiness like brinksey winksey in no time
what would she do wiff out this queen almighty.bol

puddles @ we three doxies
mack and mia @ here comes trouble
lucky lucke and the bleu @ golden boy
bubbles, texas and pompei @ two dachsunds and co.
boomer @ nubbin tails
joe stains n tan
yoda and brutus @ the pugs strike back
if you have'nt met these bewootiful woggies please to vishit them soon they are most full of fun and adorabullness
ok, ok its not weally that vintage-y per se but ish still full of cuteness
now for the weal vintage pibble pics
So much to be thankful fur...
So well pawed!
We're most glad to hear your granny is on the mend!
You are just too cute! Tell your momma that our momma will be back to working on your bloggy really and really soons. She has been busy first cleaning our yard and then shoveling the snow!
Momma wants us to tell you, too, that she loves the vintage photos that you shared - you think it's 'cause she's vintage - BOL!
We are glad your grammie is better. Congrats on your award!
Wags & Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Thank you so much! It's our first award. There will be some nubbin' waggin' going on! So glad to hear your grammy is on the mend. Our mom and dad NEVER laugh at our toots. They call us STINKY dogs! :-( Rude huh?!
Mr. Nubbin'
I'm grateful to hear that your grandma is doing well. I guess all of the prayers and good thoughts are working. Let us know when she goes in for her surgery - I'm sure she'll be just fine!
We're very happy to hear that grammy is feeling better! it's that Pibble love that cures all!
Glad to hear that your grammy is feeling better!
We like the vintage pictures :)
Thank you for the award!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
We are so happy to hear that your grammy is feeling better. Sickies are no fun, but we know all the pibble sugars are healing her up just fine.
loved the antique pics! well done on your award!
We are most happy Great Grammish is feeling more comfy!! We also enjoyed the semi-vintage picture of the 3Pack of Brinks, Coco Chanel and Be-Still-Halle's Heart Guero. Some day would you do a post about how you came to have the Pibbles and which one was your first Pibble. I recall you have an Angel Pibble. We would love to learn the story of your Pack and how it started! Pretty please....
And super hugs to all and especially to Guero from His Lady Halle.
And Coco Chanel you are so adorable. thank you for this Thankful Update. xoxoxo
Well, I comes by to sees how da Pit Crew (get it, get it? Pit Crew... and your Pitties...hahahehe) and discover you given us an awardie. I is sooo deeply touched and honored. I gots a question though. Does you have to shares your ball with your siblings? That's just wrong if you does.
We are thankful Grammy is doing better. Good vibrations does alot to heal. Scuse me, I ment vibes.
I am oh so very much Most Happy to hear that your Grammy is feeling betters. I'm gonna keeps hoping real hard that everything turns out A-okay!
I'm glads you liked your awardie and those are some Most Deserving bloggies you passed it along to.
Wiggles & Wags,
HOOOOORAY... 10 sleeps and your Grammy will be all better!!! I am filled up with happy to hear this news.
Congratualtions on your most truly deserved award!!!
Love you all!!
It's great to see Coco here. I like the old pictures of the pitbulls with their families.
We're SO GLAD to hear your great grammy is feeling better! (We've been reading but have been slack in commenting, thanks to someone who has thumbs... if you know who we mean...)
congrats on the cool award - and thank you so much for sharing with us! We haven't received it and are VERY touched you gave it to us!!! Thank you, friends!!!
So good to hear your granny is feeling better! And how nice of you Coco, to be thinkin' about your momish like that, making sure she gets her exercises.
we are so happy that granny is feeling beter give her a kiss from us make it very slobby humans like that. :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Thank you so much for the awardee. Momma said she will show it off on our next post! You all are sho shweet!
Give Granny a smooch from Mia and I!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
YAY! Our prayers and good vibes are working! We're so glad Grammy is feeling better.
The toots probably helped too....
queen coco chanel,
gratsers on your shiny award! you totally deserve it. :)
i am super glad that your great grammy is gettin' better from the meddies!!
the booker man
We are still thinking good thoughts for Grammy and we hope her surgery goes well for her.
So many beautiful photos here today - love the vintage ones too.
Have a great weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those are great pictures! Very cool.
And congrats on the award, you beautiful blogger!
Wooooooof!!! We gots another award!! Thanky!!
We are very glad that your grammy is feeling better! We know that you are taking good care of her and snuggling her lots so she gets better!
We love all the pictures - they are so cute! And oh that looks like a super fun toy!
We hope you all have a wonderful, fun weekend!
Oh, we almost forgot - congrats on the award!!
I am happy your grammy is better! BIG congrats on your award!
Hi, Coco Chanel!
I am sooooo happy to know about your Great Grammy! Sure is pawesome that she is feeling better!
Congratulations on your Award!
Kisses and hugs
Deaw Queen of the oonivewse Coco chanel
so glad to heaw that youw Gwamma is getting bettew and that you awe looking so healthy and wondewful..I love the pictoowe of you wif youw special toy..I'm going to do the same thing you awe doing wif youw mommish cause mommi ate nonstop fow a week in You Wope and now she is wolly Poly, hehehe
youw vintage pics awe wondwful aways, oh and a big congwatulations to all of you fow youw awawd!!!
smoochie kisses to all the cutie pibbles and the wee ones too
love the vintage pics
Dear pibble friends
I am especially happy that granny is feeling better.
Congratulations on your awsome awards!
We also loved the photos and the vintage ones too. I saw a story over at Loving for a Living about one of your relatives,
It was an awsome pibble like you.
What a great post and thanks so much for the honor.
Wow, we missed this post...Mommy most be sleeping on the job. What terrific news. We we are so happy. That mean old mail person never broughjt my card from my Tiger...Boo Hoo!! Maybe somebody else needed it.
Love the vintage pictures and of course the ones of all of you.
Our thoughts are with your great grammy that she will feel better soon.
Love those vintage pictures!
Have to get on the ball - been out of town too long!
O the Coco Chanel QOU (Queen of Universe, of course),
On behalf of boaf me and the Bleu...
We are so very happy to learn that your the Grammy is much better! We sure wish her the very most best!
Congratulations on wonderful award! There ish no doubt you deserve it, on a counta you keep the ush in shtitshes as we read!
That you chose to pash it along to me and the Bleu... well, we are honored! Fank you so very much.
We love you, CC and the rest or your the fambully!
wif love from the Luke and also the Bleu, of course!
We are SO glad to hear that your Grammie was doing so much better, and we hope that she is better still by now!
OH… We finally figured out the “Tooter” comments! Well, duh… Usually we are quicker on the uptake than that! WE have some major tooter problems around here whenever we catch and eat a squirrel or bird. In fact OUR people were kind of whining a lot tonight!
Congratulations on the award, too!!! The Country Corgi Crew
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