howdy there evefurrybody
coco chanel here queen of all the furry univewse here to talk about our lovely angel that ish visiting ush shelby. we are happish to weport that she ish sweet as pie and gives mommish no troubles at all. she has become furry much attached to mommish and mommish even set up some blackies to sleep next to her open crate at night. mommish just cries everytime she goes up to her shyly and gives her a lick or two on her nose. mommish just cant comprehend how she can still show love to us humans. maybe she knows mommish loves her too much and would never let anyone hurt her ever again. mommish shays she wemembers when she first saw her. to mommish shleby looked like she had just given up on life. she was just laying in the middle of the parking lot in the sweltering heat in the burning pavement and not moving. she could see that shelby was breathing so that ish what gave mommish hope that she was alive. mommish got outta her car and carlled softly to her. shelby looked at mommish wiff the most lost and empty eyes mommish had ever seen and she immediately hugged shelby. she gently picked her up and carried her inside the truck not once thinkin about her already full to the max pibble woggie house we have. she did'nt care she just knew that she could'nt bear to leave her there one more second. i want to take a moment and fank all of your big kind hearted humans out there who are so willing to give a wittle help to our humble pack. we furry much appreciate everything as mommish ish the only one woiking to provide for ush 7 woggies. our great grammy ish our babysitter during the day so we are never lonely and that helps mommish be at ease at woik. bless all of you for all your prayers and eshpecially for all your healing vibes because they tremendously help our shelby. please to 4-give ush for not commenting on your posts as we still have to 'puter at home. we still love all of you furry much so and please to not 4-get us
wiff lotsa love, sugary pibble kisses and wee wiggles
the pittie pack
please to peemail ush at thehoustonpittiepackATyahooDOTcom for more information or if you guys wanna talk to ush
Oh Coco thank you so much for the update! And don't worry about visiting - you all have a lot on your plate right now and we know it is tough with no computer and with Shelby to take care of and everything else going on there! We are sending tons of purrs and prayers for Shelby to get better and to all of you for being so wonderful and taking such good care of her. Your mom is so amazing - we totally adore her so much for helping animals so much!!
We love you TOO!
And mom says she can't believe either how trusting Shelby is to humans still! But she is probably a very sensitive woggie and knows how much your momma loves critters!
Don't worry about blogging at all - you and your momma are so busy with the babies!
Thank you for the update.
I agree, you have enough on your plate, don't add extra stress. We have missed you. :)
Thank you for the update. With you snoopervising what could go wrong. happee day
Benny & Lily
Thanks for the update. THANK YOUR MOMMY for being the great person she is! Shelby is in our thoughts and prayers.
I am so happy that I am able to post a comment, we have been having lots of Blogger troubles lately. Thank you so much for the update on sweet Shelby AND for all your mommy and Mona's mommy are doing for hers. I am sending peoples over from my bloggie to you and Mona to helps her out. We luvs all of you and are sending puppy prayers too!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
hihi miss coco chanel!
thanks for doing an update! we miss and love ya'll, too, and are so glad that you can at least write some posts from your mommish's phone thingie! we are still woofing lots of prayers for miss shelby to recover. thanks bunches 'n tons to your mommish and miss sarah for taking super duper good care of her!
the booker man
Hi, Coco!
Yes! Shelby knows that she finally is in good hands.
I have faith that everything is going to be ok!
I love you all a lot!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
We are rooting for Shelby all the way!
omd--pibbles and wees--how i have missed you all and your sweet comments~!!!! oh bless you all so much for saving shelby~!!!! you are angels~!!!!
we will continue to pray for her recovery~!!!!
Please do not sweat the khommenting -
It is much more important woo take good khare of Shelby and her Angels!
we are pulling for Shelby
Coco, please tell your mommish how very much we luvs her for taking care of sweet Shelby. We could never ever forgets about any of you! We hopes that Shelby gets all better and can have the kinda life she deserves!
Wiggles & Wags,
Coco, our momma has been helping Mona's momma fix her bloggy up a little bit and to put a PayPal button on it to help with darling Shelby's medical care. When our momma came here to say 'hi' she saw that you lost your background so she gave you a new one. We hope that you like it. Momma said that she is also going to put a PayPal button on your bloggy for Shelby so that will be two places for donations. People want to help, they really do. Our momma ♥s your momma's tender ♥ and knows that there is a furry special place in heaven just for people like her who help suffering beings here on this earth of ours.
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