the shelby here wiff the most bewootimus news ever to be! i got some pressies from the wonderous bijou yes i dids!!!!! i must say i's to be feeling better and better wiff all the lovings and sugars that my mommish gives me.she tells me that their is lotsa angels out there that are praying for me to get the betters and so at night i feel all the healing vibes and all the love and it recharges my soul and body and gives me reason to give sugars to everybody when i wake up.

oh mommish! please to fix my BANANA cause i makes it fall off wiff all my wiggles and tummy excitement. i wants to look extra purrty for all my furryends when they shee my pikshures please mommish ... . .

you see furryends longs time ago like a couple of months i was furry lonely and full of sadness cause humans hoit me in evil ways. . . . . . .
but looky here . i have a full tummy and no more ouchies and lotsa angel furryends that love me even if im a pibble wiff one eye. i get tolds how bewootiful i am most all day by my mommish and granny panny and a most wonderous angel named sarah. thanks to all of you for your continuous support for my ouchies i shall get betters and betters. ish eshpecially helpful since mommish ish the only one woiking and i have 6 other brofurs and sissies. i fank bijou and her sweet mommish for this most pawsome and lovefilled goodie box . it makes the shelby wiggle wiff the wags.
i love you all wiff all my pibble heart'
sweet shelby sugars
Shelby you look fantastic!
Sending lots of hugs and slobbery kisses your way!
Oh Shelby we are so glad that you are doing so well with your mom and everyone taking such good care of you!
And Shelby, with one eye, no eyes or heck even three eyes, we would still think you were beautiful, and we would all just completely adore you!!
OMD! Shelby! You are looking more gorgeous each and every day! I am so happy to see you up and smiling so big! we love ya!!!!!
Hugs, smoochies and much love xoxo
pee s...... isn't Bijou just fab!!!!! I love her!!!
OMD! Shelby! You are looking more gorgeous each and every day! I am so happy to see you up and smiling so big! we love ya!!!!!
Hugs, smoochies and much love xoxo
pee s...... isn't Bijou just fab!!!!! I love her!!!
SHELBY! I can't believes how much better you look than when your mommish first found you. I thoughts you were beautiful then and you're even more beautiful now!
What Most Luvly pressies from Bijou. That was so very much sweet and I could tell how happy you were to gets them.
I wish I could gives you pibble kisses and snuggles in pawson. But I hopes you can feel them across the miles!
Wiggles & Wags,
Hey... who the Cats are YOU??? You get away from Shelby's Pressie Box. WAAAAIT!!! Is that REALLY YOU???? SHELBY... girrrrrl you don't even look a thingy like you did when your pawsonal angel (Now your Mommish) found you. I did NOT recognize this NEW and most beautimous Shelby.
Enjoy YOUR pressie box from Bijou. I am soooooo very much happy for you!!!
Shelby! Your wittle pibble heart is so sweet! Your are so beautiful!
Wiggles and licks,
Brodie the Yellow Lab
Hi Shelby,
We hope you liked the pink leash, and ginormous tuggy rope. Did you share the treats with the rest of the Pittie Pack? BOL
SHELBY!!! OMD! You are one fabulous looking girl! You look SOOO happy! This made my day!
Momma Heartbeat
i was just gonna say that you are looking most beautimous shelby~!!!! :D
i love you shelby~!! :)
congrats on your pressies~!!
You are looking so good, Shelby. You are one special pup and very lucky to have the wonderful Mom you have.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So good to hear that you are feeling better and got some goodies in the mail, that was so nice. :)
shelby you are looking amazing!
don't forget, we moved to
I am your newest follower
miss shelby,
you are lookin' good whether you have 1 eyeball or 50 gazillion eyeballs!!! teeheehee! enjoy your most special pressie cuz you totally deserve it!!
the booker man
What great pressies!! That Bijou is the sweetest!!
You are looking good :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
That is so wonderful of Bijou. And you deserve it so much petty Shelby!!
Lots of sugars,
Oops, we don't think you are petty at all!!
Just very pRetty!!
Wow, Shelby, you can't possibly be the same doggy girl I saw here a few weeks ago. You look wonderful! And that huuuuuge smile on your face!
How nice of Bijou to send you pressies! We love Bijou, too!
That is the most happiest post ever! Hooray for Shelby!
Miss Shelby, you're looking quite loverly!
Miss Shelby,
You is looking mahvelous and each day you gets more beootiful! What grreat pressies you gots from your furiend Bijou too, her is real sweet. Mom and me LUVS you and send lots of hugs and kisses to you all!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
You look amazing!
I am sooo happy for you!
You are in the best hands!
Sure Bijou sent you pawesome presents!
Take care
Kisses and hugs to all of you!
Dearest Shelby
You are loved by so many friends.
And your mamas heart is made of gold, because she would do anything for you.
You are looking so happy and so beautiful. You must be smothered with sugary kisses and pipple loves.
We are rooting for you to get betters and better
I wovs I
tweedles the choklatyiest cupcake with frosting
Dear Shelby - I wish I could bottle your smile then I would open it up and take a spoonful whenever the day got heavy or stressful. Surely it's the best medicine in the world!!!!
Shelby looking great! You guys are wonderful. You did make a difference in this world :)
Shelby, I have been following your story via Mona and her Mommy since you were first found. Just wanted to say you are looking so wonderful and you are a very lucky girl to have someone with such a big heart like Sandra! Looking good! xoxo
-Lauren and Kangol
Shelby looks better and better! What a lucky girl! xoxo
Shelby is lookin' good - Don't tellz Bella I said that k?
woof - Tucker
I just love how life can turn totally around... and no sweet girl deserve it more than the beautiful Shelby!
Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
Shelby is such a beautiful girl. Glad she is doing better.
And glad Tiger is resting. What a horrible thing to see him attacked by dogs. Purrs and tail wags.
Shelby, we ♥ you, too, with all of our ♥s. We are so furry happy that you are getting betters and betters.
PeeEss: We forgots to say that Bijou certainly is a furry generous soul, yesh, furry generous. What a furry good friend to have, Shelby.
shelby us pooches r so happy ur mommish was such a good person to save you and make you feel like living again :)
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