brinksey winksey pudding pie chief and commander of the PTO society and all that ish meaty ish here wiff the gweatest announcemet ever to be!!!!!!!!
the pittie pack, wee ones , shelby and the wee shelbys are here for the evers!!!!
we FINALLY tooted enough to our mommish and she got ush our much needed 'puter
u guys just dont know how mush the pittie pack hash missed out most bestest ever to be furryends and we are just snooper dooper excited to be back!

lotsa slobberin on my most favorite bones!!!!

she always gives me some of the salty sticks from there so i wont tell so shhhhh!!! dont you snitch on me!!!
tomorrow we shall post some pictures of the wee shelbys and the pwincess herself so in the meantime please to help ush catch up and tell ush what ya has been up to these past centuries we were away
wiff lotsa oinky pibble sugars from you most insulated pittie
brinksey winksey pudding pie
Welcome back! It is great to see you looking so happy and full of life.
Welcome back, Pittie Pack - It is so good to see you, Brinksie. We love those Mc D salty sticks too. And the burgers aren't too bad either:)
Once again, we want to tell your Mom how much we admire her for all she has done and continues to do for Shelby and her pups - she and Mona's Mommy are just wonderful!!!
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I is doin' da wiggle butt dance cuz I am soo happys all of youz is back! We sure missed youz. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Brinksey!
We think we commented on a few of your posts before you went away for a little while. we are some what new! Mona is a good friend of ours! She can vouch for us. We gave you an award. We are not sure if you already have it though. We gave it to you a few weeks ago so here is the link so you don't have to go diggin through our blog to find it:
We called you the Pittie Pack.
The Katastrophe Klan
Pee.s. One of our pack members is crazy about you! Here name is Booboo and she is part pittie!
Great to have you back!!
Oh my heart is so light now that you are back with us. I have missed you all soooooo much.
Ruby and Penny and I would like to say that you were missed at our wedding, butt you were doing what we KNOW you simply HAD to do. We are very much proud of Each and Every member of the Houston Pittie Pack and Wee Ones.
The Mrs. and Mrs. and I all welcome you back with open hearts and paws.
Brinksey! You're back! Oh gosh! We've missed you all SOOOOOO much! You sure have had a lot going on since your computer got sick, huh? But I can tell you're taking it all in your normal handsome laid-back way. I can't wait to hear all abouts everything. And I hope you all know how much we all LUVS you and are sending you big fat gooey kisses!
Wiggles & Wags,
I am so happy to see you again!
Glad your mom got a new computer!
You all have been in our thoughts all this time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sweet Pittie Pack
We are all so happy to see that the puter is all fixed up and working. I missed your sugary slobbery kisses, but I knew you were taking care of important stuff that your heart led you to do.
That is why I loves you so much, because your tender hearts and have love to share with those who needs it.
Now I am happy and can sleeps better knowing your back and we can send slobbery kisses to each other.
Your momish and papaish have the biggest hearts along with all of you and I want to send slobbery kisses.
your sweetest cupcake
We khan't wait to see what woo've got to share!!!
Oh, the sun is shining again! The Pittie Pack is back in action - all is good in the world! YAY!!!!!! You have no idea how much we missed you!
We know you've been very busy with Shelby and her pups, getting Miss S better, and taking such good care of all of them with Mona's mom. You're amazing gals!
And we're so glad you're back - did we mention that??????
Yay! The pibbles are back! Here's what you missed from our lives: NOTHING! It has been super boring here!! Except that we've missed you SOOO much! I can't wait till the weather gets better and we can finally meet up in pupson!
Yippee Welcome Back!!!
woof - Tucker
Pee S - I luvs MC Doubles and gets one every time. mmmmmmm....
Happy to see again! Bravo to your mommy -- she is awesome!
So excited to see you back! We missed seeing you!
Yeah! Welcome back. Long story short we were all in cones!
The End
Mr. Nubbin'
Good Tuesday afternoon...we can tell by your post you are all have a super duper day!! Thanks for the smiles.
Madi and Mom
We missed you all so much!! We are so glad that you are back on the 'puter! We can't believe how much has been going on at your house - Mona kept posting about it all, and boy, there was so much!!! We hope everyone is doing good and feeling good!!!
We didn't have too much happening at our house - lots of busy but nothing exciting. WE think you knew about our two new additions already - the only thing there is they are giant now! Nothing like what has been happening with all of you!
We are so so glad to see you all again - mom is smiling huge to see you too!
Sending over lots of hugs for all of you and your mom too!!!
Welcome back! We have missed you. :)
We are new followers and super exciteds that yousa all back to da' blog.
Welcomes back kissa-bulls.
Pug luvs and hugs,
The Slimmer Puggums
YEAH!!! We was hoping we would get to see what you have been up to soon!! It looks like everyone is doing well, so now we are very excited!!!
We are so happy that you are back!! Thanks for all that you are doing!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
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