shelby here wiff a new pupdate about my puppers
pwesenting today ish my little bundle of oinkyness pattie cakes as known around the house as fattie cakes teehee
she ish brinksey winkseys morst favorite future pibble spy in training and he sends her special toots most everyday

you guys get the point. while everyfurry ish sleeping wiff full tummies pattie cakes alson known as moo moo by her siblings is eating away at her hearts content~~~
new development my special pibble puppers have opened their eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great heavens we were so happish to see those bewootiful innocent angel eyes this morning and we all did a happy dance. who can wesist those pibble puppers eyes below!!!!!

mommy !!!!!!!! i want food!!!!!! im starving!!!!!! have not eaten in 15 minutes!!!! how is a girl to live!!!!!! hello!!!!!!!!! im losing weight here!!!!!!!!
Khutie Khakes!
Fatty Cakes?? Oh-oh!
Pattie Cakes is adorable!
I sense something similar with me...
Eat... poop.... sleep... eat.... poop... sleep.... Yes!
Sure it was pawesome to see them opening their eyes!
Kisses and hugs
I don't think I've seen any little puppy-piggie cuter than Patti Cakes. What a cutie patootie☺
Oh, I remember the eat, poop, sleep time very well! :)
Oh she is a doll! She and my mom have a lot in common!
I don't know, looks kind of like food to me. But I will trust you that whatever that wee beastie is that it will soon be a proud pitty just like you.
Wow! Mommy can't wait to see the puppies with their eyes open. Mommy said she will be at your house in about 20 minutes but she says I can't come agsin....I wanna see the puppies too!! Dang it!
Pattie Cakes is a cutie patootie.
Love Ruby & Penny
Absolutely adorable! These pictures made my day.
Your pal, Pip
Sigh. Sigh. Sigh! Oh, Pattie are a cutie patootie, that's for sure! And you already have the secret of life figured out. So wise for one so young.
Wiggles & Wags,
What a fat little oinker! I swear that puppy looks like it's going to burst!
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
Very sweet....can't get enough of puppy breath! oooooooo....
Ooh, eyes are open? Time flies so fast! Love the fat little puppy!
What a cutie tootie pie!
We can certainly see why she would be brinksy winksie's favorite!!
Awww, Shelby, all your babies are so sweet!!! We love being able to see how they are all developing. Pattie Cakes is adorable - a little butterball.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
we wish we could baby sit those adorable kids!
Benny & Lily
What an adorable, special little pup!
She will make an excellent pibble!
Guess what? My mom person & I have created a new blog at
We'd love it if you would come over and check it out & become a member. It's a great new place for pet bloggers to find each other, and get an opportunity to be a featured blog!
Nubbin wiggles,
OoOoOoo, miss pattie cakes! my mama wants to pinch 'n tickle your fatty cakes! teeheehee!! :)))
the booker man
Those are super cute puppy piglets...
Hmm I'm not a puppy but I sleep run eat poop and do that all again.. I guess I never grew up
Sweet little puppie piggie too adorables,
Don't let the little darling loose any weight now! tee hee hee
look at those little eye balls..
the baby is growing.
i send my slobbery kisses (tee hee hee) to all of you
Can you bottle up some puppy breath and send it this way? SO STINKIN CUTE!
Oh my goodness Pattie Cakes! You mos certainly are a cutie blogger in them making!!!!!!
Hugs & smoochies!!!XOXO
Oh my goodness Pattie Cakes! You mos certainly are a cutie blogger in them making!!!!!!
Hugs & smoochies!!!XOXO
heehee I knowed excactly how dat puppy feels. 15 minutes is a Looooooonggggggg time!!!!!!!!!
Hi Pattie Cakes! You are such a cutie, just like your mom and brother and sisters!
We are furry happy to see Shelby and her roly-poly babies are doing so well. They are furry cute!
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