A big woofie and many paws-up goes out to JD & Max from 'across the pond' for letting their mama spend so much time organizing and e-mailing and picturing and writing and designing the auction. Without her enthusiasm and spirit the auction would still be a thought and not a reality. JD & Max, your mama can now go back to being your willing slave cuddling you and loving you and thinking that you are the best dogs in the whole, wide world!
It's all part of Pawing It Furward in life -
We khan't always pay bakhk those that have helped us
BUT we khan all keep the spirit rolling and running!
Paws khrossed fur some great news 'soon' -
Oh Shelby we are so glad that the auction for you was so successful! We wish we had been able to donate something for it, and we know that everyone wishes we could do so much more for you! We are so glad that you will be able to have your baby puppies in a wonderful, loving home where you will all be so well taken care of! And we know the Pittie Pack and Wee Ones will be there to help you out too - they will be great aunts and uncles to the babies!!
awesome news for Shelby and her great dedicated friends
Benny & Lily
We put our best foot forward in the auction but were outbid. But we found other ways to help out. We send our very best wishes to Shelby and to the wonderful family who opened the door and their hearts to her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It's so great everyone has banded together. She looks amazing now!
I know you are going to be fully recovered soon!
I have my paws crossed for you and your babies!
I am very happy to know the auction was a success!
Kisses and hugs
miss shelby,
you totally deserve it!!
now you just relax and take it easy and get ready for your pups to come!
the booker man
I made the mistake of thinking I was going to come back right before the end of the auction and see what I could buy.
And then I fell asleep :(
I'm so glad that everything went well and that EVERYONE didn't fall asleep! :)
Puppy prayers and paws crossed fur Shelby's continued healing and fur da health of her babies. We are all so happy that the auction was such a success. JD, Max and dere Mom really did and amazing job organizing and running it!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Yippee for Shelby!!!
Have you considered what do with the puppies? Keeping them, Rescues?
woof - Tucker
yeaah yeaaah
El'bow & Hauwii
We love you Shelby!
Glad to hear that the auction went so well. :)
Hi Miss Shelby,
*Blush!* - thank you for such kind words! You so deserve it and Khyra put it most beautifully. Our FH tells us that we should always remember others who need help as we might be in that position ourselves one day. It was a pleasure and an honour to help with the auction and it was all the other doggies and kitties out there that made the auction a sucess, not us!! Sweet Shelby - you have touched so many lives, you are a very special girl, never forget that!
Big schnauzer snuggles to you from your pals and admirers from across the pond, JD and Max.
JD & Max totes rock!
We miss you guys and hope you are all doing great!
TGIF Sugars,
Hi! We're your new followers and we already left you an award on our blog! Follow this link to find out why!
*tail wag* Looking forward to hearing more from you in the following days!
I so excited to hear about the 6 healthy puppies! I hope Momma Shelby is doing well and that Pittie Pack Momma Sandra gets some sleep too!
woof - Tucker
You just had a spectacularly successful auction?! Great job! You guys are loved and now you know it. I'm so busy, I don't keep up with my reader any longer. I was just thinking of you and wanted to stop by to see how you were doing and leave a "hello" :)
What this dog has gone through is beyond horrible and I hope she enjoys many long and happy years from now on. But what is this about 6 puppies? Did she have them already?
Shelby has recovered so well and she's such a lovely gurrrrrl! So happy the auction was a success and Shelby was able to get all the medical treatments necessary. The puppies are adorable, will you keep any of them?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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