we want to do a special post about homeless puppers
you see we all deserve a loving home and sometimes we have a rough life and its up to human angels to help us cause we cant help ourselves for too long.we will fight for as long as we can but we get weary and hopeless and sometimes give up. thats when you special humans come in and help us learn to be loved and not hungry and scared. below are two of my bewootiful puppers. i can say this wiff certainty. THEY WOULD NOT BE ALIVE TODAY HAD I NOT BEEN SAVED AS I WAS HOMELESS AND WEARY AND HAD GIVEN UP ON MY LIFE. my mommish so gently picked me up and whispered that i would be okay. and lookit me now. lookit what i was carrying in my tummy. these special angels are now alive and running and tooting thanks to all of you special angels who took a wittle time out to help a poor pibble beleive in love again. not only did you guys save one life you saved 6!!! grateful pibble sugars

Each year, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Pedigree created The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of these homeless dogs.
•This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1 million bowls have been donated. Pedigree Facebook Page
•Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide. It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog.
•Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort.
Pawesome Job Shelby!
Dogs Rule!
That was a very good bloggy post. You did a very thoughtful thing!
Great post Shelby! mommy says it feels really good to have helped you and your puppers!
Yesh, it is always a good thing for us to remember our shelter kin. All of us at our house were adopted from shelters so we know how imPAWtant it is to be fed and warm.
Oh Shelby you and your babies were so lucky to have found the RIGHT Peep to ask for help. Very smart of you.
I know that you and your babies are going to find wonderful furever homes with families that will take super care of you.
I gots no clue why my mum be having da teary eyes nows. Yous a strong girl Miss Shelby and withs some love anything is possibles.
I am so grateful to Sandra fur finding you dat day...it was meant to be.
super duper job ;D
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi Shelby! We think it is great to help shelter puppers, and shelter kitties too - we wish there was no need for shelters and that every dog and cat had a good forever home!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post about this event! With the help of everyone we were able to raise about 8,000lbs of food!
Two Little Cavaliers
Thank you for helping with this, Shelby! That was a Most Beautiful postie. You're very much right that even though humans can do some bad things, there are an awful lot of them that have big hearts and luv us and wanna help us when it seems like there's no more hope. My Angel Donna Fostermommy did that for me and your Angel Sandra did that for you! I wish everydoggie could have angels, don't you?
Wiggles & Wags,
Was such a nice thing of Pedigree to do. :)
Those are good thoughts Shelby; thanks for sharing!
I love love love your post, Shelby!
Yes... Dogs Rule!
Khyra always says that things happen for a reason... and she is sooo right!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Thank you Shelby for this beautiful posty.
Your words always touch our heart,,,,
we love you
sending slobbery kisses
Wow - we have been away for awhile and came back and found you had puppers! They look super cute and we are so happy that you found the peeps you did! We are sending lots of love and licks your way
Sally and Paddy!
WOW, what a surprise! I have been in NJ most of September and also taking a bloggie break so I was amazed to see that Miss Shelby was having pups! they are so beautiful, I love all of them but most especially the white Princess! And Shelby looks so much better too. Hugs and loves to you all xoxo
miss shelby,
me and asa and mama are SOOOOO glad that your mommish found you and that we could help you and your puppers! we love you bunches 'n gobs!!
the booker man
Oh man i think i've lost track of all the dogs you have now! Will you do a post with a little blurb about each dog at ur house?
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