we weceived the bestest surprise in the whole furry woild
these angels that you shee below are our special furryends the slimmer pugs george, toby,gracie, mimi and lily
they helped their angel mommish mindy n cheryl send ush a nommy package!!!!!!! in additions to the nommies they sent ush all kinds of squeakish squeakers and some rawhides which we all went wiggly tush over.
shelby: for ush mommish? ish it true? can i weally play wiff all these nommies and toys? could it be true? i has never had this kindness beshtowed upon the shelby befores oh boy!!! my heart sings!! where do i start?
hmmmmm i smell an oinky squeaker in here mr purple rain hippity hippo wanna play wiff the shelby??
oh boy!!!! u must inspect them all at once!!!!!
wiggly wiggles and slobbery pibble sugars
the shelby
OH WOW!! God Bless our friends, the Slimmer Pugs. Yesterday was so much fun being loved on by Miss Sandra and Granny. So many sqweekies for everybody. I love the little horsey.
Oh my goodness!! Tiger!! Be quite my heart.
Look at all the pressies! But if any one deserves them, it would have to be you Miss Shelby!
Holy Gwalk A Moley... You got a HOOOGE pressie and snack box from the Slimmer Pugs. That is just grrrreat.
Awwwwwe Shelby, what a fabulous package you gots withs soooooo many neat and wonderful things.
I just loves to see you so happy.
Wesa so glads you likeums the toys and tweats. We was so worriedums that you might not likeums what we picked out...after all, PetsMart has a wide selection...if we could have, we would have bought out the store and sent it to you...but wesa see that we dids an okays job from the picture of yousa wagging your tail Ms. Shelby.
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
That is khwite the gold mind of pressies!
How pawesome and how inkhredibly special!
Hi Shelby and all the doggie gang there! What a wonderful surprise that was - we know everyone will be super excited and have a lot of fun! And it was so sweet of them to let you look and pick first Shelby - and boy your tail was going a mile a minute! We can tell how happy you are!
And, we had to add - we totally have a small version of the purple hippo - he is out traveling now - his name is Hugo.
We hope you all have a wonderful, fun weeekend!
Wow - Jackpot, Shelby!
I've been off line for a while, and BOY!!! do you look fantastic! You've been getting good love and care, I can tell.
Enjoy your toys (don't forget to share!)!!
You can see how excited Shelby is by how fast her tail is moving. She looks so happy!
That is like hitting the lottery
Benny & Lily
Those slimmer pugs family has a huge heart,,,,, and they are so giving!
This gift of their heart was pawsome,,,
and we see it was so appreciated!
I can't believe how healthy and happy Shelby looks!
Oh what a wonderful gift of goodies! I love the wiggly tail picture Shelby!
woof -Tucker
Beautiful Shelby! I am just filled to bursting to see you looking all round and healthy and playing with your toys. What a wonderful thing.
wowsers!! miss shelby what a HOOGE surprise pressie box from your slimmer pug friendz!! that is totally awesome sauce!! there are so many way neato thingies there to keep you happy 'n busy. :)
the booker man
It melts my heart to see you enjoying your presents!
I am very happy for you!
They were very nice sending them to you!
Kisses and hugs to all of you!
Take care
OH my dogs...looks like your trick or treat package was full of treats!!! Whoopee nothing better than a box full of fun and you displayed such good manners while investigating the box!!
Mom and I have never seen that many pugs in one spot...we have a friend with two pugs, Stella and Lindy.
Madi and Mom
Wow look at all those pressies!! Lots of fun to be had with that box! Those puggy wuggys are very nice!
Pibble Shelby! You is so lovely!! Heehee!! Your tail was waggin so fast!!
Ruhtie Pee.s. Bucky says hi to CoCo!!
It's like christmas over there. How great! And those pups.. I wanna play with them.
Wow, look at all those nice toys. That is so nice of them. :)
How wonderful to see Shelby so sleek & healthy and waggin' of her tail! Bet the babies can't wait to get their teeth into Mama Shelby's toys. What kind, thoughtful Slimmer Pugs.
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