the pittie pack here to give ouw wonderful furryends some pupdates. we are twuly full of the sorryness for being away so long butt we have had some difficulties wiff takin the cares of ouw mommish. you see on top of the dye=a=beat=ees she has also had to go to the vet for a kidney infection and most recently kidney stones. the human pup seems to be growing at a fuwy fast rate and they have decided to induce her next week. she is 36 weeks butt the human pup is already 9.6 pounds and his wittle head measures about 10.3 so the human vets dont want him to get any bigger . they will be inducing her next week about thursday or friday so we are all going to just fink positive thoughts and cross ouw paws for both ouw mommish and the human pup. today is the fiwst day out of the hospital and will try to catch up on some of your bloggys as this will keep ouw mommish entertained and her mind busy. we have misshed all of you guys tewibly but hope to go back to normal posting fuwy much soon. until then we send evewy one of you the biggest , most slobbery and sugary pibble kisses we have saves for ya'll,.

Well it seems like you could use a liitle luck so I'm sending you a whole bushel full of m best good wishes!
AWWW! Good luck with the human pup! That sounds like a very exciting time at your home! Congrats!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
My dear sweet loving pittie and wee ones,
It is so very much WONDERFUL to hear from you. I have missed you something terrible and feel so full of happyness to know that you are just a few days from having your baby two legger boy.
I have had many good thoughts and vibes going out to you and to your mommish and the teeny one.
Here are some more VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
AND LOVE Love LOVE fur each and every one in your home.
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers as you prepare to welcome your new bundle of joy into your homes and hearts.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for your Momma & baby! She must be one tough cookie :)
Pauley James & Middy Sue
Awwww.... take care of yourself! We know everything will be all right. That is one big baby that is to come. Sending smooches back!!! xoxo
Big wet kisses and a hug to you.
Will be waiting for you and baby
to make a grand appearance soon.
Wow! lots going on at your place. We wish you lotsa luck and send good wishes for all to go well.
Good luck with everything! We'll being thinking of you.
poor momma hope she is feeling better
Benny & Lily
Dawling Pibbles and wee ones and Mommish and the hooman pup in the oven,
Mommi and I awe so vewy vewy happy to heaw fwom you and know the hooman pup is gwowing so nicely. I know all youw Pibble toos and wasm slobbewy kisses awe helping youw Mommish at this difficult times. I'm sowwy it's been such a wough woad fow hew, but I am cwossing my paws and mommi is pwaying that all goes smoofly fwom now on!
You will have an even lawgew mowe full of love family in the end(though that is vewy hawd to imagine, cause you aweady awe about to buwst fwom love awound thewe.
We just know thewe awe happy and wondewful times coming fow youw family!!!
Thank you fow youw fwiendship and pibble love fow my Mommi
We aew sending twuckloads of love and good thoughts to youw mommish and all of you lovelies
smoochie kisses
ASTA and Mommi
Of course we understand you are not able to blog at the moment!
My paws are crossed and my mom is praying for mommy and little baby!
We are sure everything is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Your mommy and baby will be in our thoughts and prayers....great to see you again....
Re: Jack's book
Of course it counts!!! If you'll send me an email ( with your info, I'll send you your book as quick as I can!!
Sending your Mummy HEAPS of love n 'Best of Luck' wishes. That sounds like a BIg baby boy!!
We pray and wish everythingie will go off right n your mommy will come back with a very exciting lil baby brother for u all:)
Sorry about d diabetes n stones. Everything should be back to normal once the baby boy is out in the big, cold world..
lots of love n hugs,
Gin, Bud, Shadow n Mummy too
AWWW, I can't wait to see pics of your new human puppy!
YAH!!!! We have a new baby too...well not that new, 5 months...I'm the Grandma! Our human puppy is doing great!
It is so sweet that you are taking time to pupdate us about your soon to be two legger brother instead of talking about you (even though we'd love to hear about four leggers anyday)! We are sure you will all be wonderful babysitters when the time comes!
Hello CoCo Chanel! I am so glad to see you doing well! You are as beautiful as ever! We will be praying for your mommish and sending her good vibes for an easy delivery. Take good care of her now and give her lots of extra stinky toots to make her feel good.
pibbles 'n wees!
hihihihiiiiii! it's super most wonderific to hear from ya'll! i know you are busy takin' really grrreat care of your mama and baby two-legger. me and asa and mama are thinkin' good thoughts for your mama and puttin' our paws together for everythingie to go well from now through next week when baby two-legger comes!
the booker man
Oh boy! I bet you guys can't wait. Good luck to your mom. :)
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