the shelby here wiff a most impawtant bloggy post that comes from my heart and ish very most specialest and dearest to me.
do you see the sadness in my eyes above. this was taken a little over a year ago when i was lost and hopeless. i had just given up on myself . the world was an ugly place full of fear and pain.....
lookit me now . . . . . . . just a couple of months later. . . . . . .
above was the very first vet visit..... you see my angels picked me up and little did i know that they had a whole community of angels i had never heard of...... they were called doggie bloggers. it was doggies just like me who had humans who were their secretaries and would tell the whole world about their adventures and how loved they were. apparantly these human and woggie angels heard about the shelbys plight and opened their hearts to me. i has said it before and will continue to say it until my last breath. if it was'nt for my bloggy angels i would NOT BE ALIVE TODAY!!! yes dearest furryends of mine.
this picture above is me actually smiling..... i had never known how to smile before. i had lost and reason to smile until a miracle happened and everyone helped me ... everyone saved me......
some of those very special angels were the slimmer pugs. they raised tons of the green cash for my vet bill and my medies . tons of time was spent by them organizing fun raisers just for little ol shelby. i have seen numerous upon numerous fundraisers that they have organized for special miracles across the blogosphere. now it seems that it is gracie lynn who is in dire need of some love and help. after all that they have done for our furry friends wont you please help me bring the blogosphere together one more time to help some dearest friends who are always willing to help others in need. if its just one dollar . beleive you me i KNOW that one dollar makes a HUGE diffrence. just click on the linky and it will take you to their bloggy. maybe you can also do a shout out on your bloggy about my bloggy and help me spread the word. anyfing would help. i just KNOW if we put our paws to it ANYTHING can be accomplished. so i leaves you wiff my special shelby sugars and send you tons of furry hugs

Dear Miss Shelby,
My plight is no where as tragic as your journey into a loving home as I have always had one...but I thank you for your pibble tootin' kindness and message of love for helping me out with my surgery bill. Mamas usually pay for all my surgeries and things, just like your mama does, but for some reason...we just had to many things in our house breakdown including my little sis's knee and then mine a month later. The bloggers have been so kind donating to my ChipIn and Isa just know that with your thoughtful message you have helped me out plenty. Isa will be getting my cast off tomorrow and mama said that Isa will have to have my other leggy done sometime later this she might be scheduling it with the dogtors tomorrow. Isa hope all is well with you and your baby brudder Joshua.
Much luvums,
Gracie Lynn Slimmer
Miss Kissy Shelby
you awe such a sweet and genewoos giwl to post this and twy to help that lovely little Gwacie Puggum.
Youw miwacle will always help othews see the diffewence we can make in a woggies life if we all get togethew wif love and some gween papews
I have given gwacie a little and will twy to find some mowe to give to help
thank you fow youw heawt
smoochie kisses
DEAREST Sweet LOVELY SHELBY, YOU just Said the most beautiful words ever spoken... THANK YOU girrrl fur givin Us the CHANCE to Help YOU and fur Not givin UP on US as we worked to help you.
And just LOOK at what your courage and strengh has come to. You are now a Fine STRONG TootsPawson fur those who are workin to help Gracie Lynn.
I would LOVE to have YOU be One of Blogville's HONORED GUEST TOOTERS during the Sept. 3/4/5th. Back to School Bash.
Mayor of Blogville, Frankie Farter
PeeS... SMELL Check doesn't seem to be workin right now. Hope I didn't make any "MISTAKES".
Hey Shelby!
Wow, it's so pawesome to see you now as a healthy, happy pup all full of love and life! You are so super sweet to pass this on for Gracie Lynn. i know your words will be touching to everyone in Blogville.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Oh Shelby, you are absolutely beautiful inside and out! Your heart just shines through in your big smile and kind eyes!
Your pal, Pip
We've donated one of my transports to the aukhtion!
I looked a bit ago and saw it was at $50!
Shelby you are amiracle and have the best pawrents ever that helped you
Benny & Lily
Hi Shelby! You made mommy cry with your sweet words! Thanks for spreading the word about Gracie's auction. I think I am going to go up my bids!
Shelby - Words cannot describe how it feels to see your beautiful smiling face. We remember the first pictures of you here in Blogville and it broke our hearts. But today, seeing the beautiful girl you have become thanks to all kinds of love and attention just makes our hearts happy!
We've sent Mom to her workbench again to make something cool for Gracie's auction!
The Road Dogs
Thank you for a beautiful post. My packmate, Tucker, also received a package of goodies from the Crossed Paws group five days before he lost his battle with lung cancer. That was the very last time that Tucker actually showed he loved being alive. A couple days later, he went downhill and eventually crossed the Bridge. But we thank Crossed Paws for giving him his last moments of joy.
I am so very happy to see a smile on your lovely face Shelby.
woos, Tessa
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