the shelby ish here to paw to you guys the most amazing news eber to be!!!!
so im sure you guys member baron... he is one of my pups that i had that went to the gulfcoast rescue group and then was adopted.
for some reason baron ended up at the brazoria county humane society which is where ruthie from k9 katastrophe. mommish and the shelby were beyond the worries trying to find out how we can help our darling boy but not to worries . mona and weenie posted about hims on their bloggy for rescue me week. mayzie's wonderful adopt me week and guess what? baron has been adopted. he is now in the happy tails section of the shelters website. the shelby is over the moons wiff the wiggles and the overwhelming happiness. i cants stop the wiggle butt dance.
lookit this puppy dog face and you just know that he was not going to be homeless furever? i cannot take you enough mayzie for sponsoring this most wonderful event ever there was.... thanks to you and a wonderful angel my dear baron boy will have a furever family for the holidays. my heart is filled wiff the fuzzies and i will finally sleep wiff the peacefulness knowing all my puppers are safe and in loving homes.....
the shelby sugars

That is wonderful news Shelby my sweet, he has such a beautiful face bless him just like his Mommy.
Momma Tea
x x x x x
Oh Shelby that is the most thankful of news on this most thankful week! HooRay!!!!!
Bobo and Meja
This is the mostest wonderful HOLIDAY MIRACLE POST.
Congratulations BARON!! I am so very much happy fur YOU and fur your mom Shelby!!!
Hey Shelby!
Wow, the wonderfulness in your life just keeps getting better and better! I'm so happy-dance excited for sweet Baron. I'm sure that will be a happy pack now. Mayzie sure helped a lot of critters with her event. Thanks for sharing the great news!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
What great news!!!!!
Kisses and Tail Wags,
Dachshund Nola
I can't believe one of Shelby's babies ended up at a shelter! Thank God someone got him out of there.
Yea for Barron! Sniffs, The HoundDogs
What great news for Baron!
Benny & Lily
Shelby - this is one of the bestest things I coulda ever hoped for outta Rescue Me Week! I KNOW that everybuddy putting out their Most Pawerful hopes helped Baron finds his furever home. I hope he gets loads of turkey and pie and stuffing for Thanksgiving and I'm for sure thankful that he's warm and safe and luved! If he's anything like his momma, he's gonna bring a lotta smiles wherever he goes.
Wiggles & Wags,
That is the best news! I can imagine how worried you were. It seems Mayzie's program has done so many wonderful things!
Shelby!! Mommy is still so excited about Baron getting adopted in time for Thanksgiving. We love you so much.
sniff ya later...Weenie
God Bless........Mommy
We just saw this! While alarmed that Baron landed in a shelter, we are most happy indeed that he has found a new home. We hope the new family will take care of him and love him forever.
Jed & Abby
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