"i dont think your ready for this jelly
i dont think your ready for this jelly
cause brinksy's booty is too bootylicious for you babe"
she says that over the summer since it was over two million degrees i furry much stayed inside as much as i could and did not exercise like my other pibble brothers did but as guero the model is the health nut i brinksy winksy puddin and pie am most definately NOT fond of the sweatyness..... so i laid on the couch most everyday and snuggles with mommish and ate most nommies all the day. ....... here's another song i keeps hearing from the mommish
brinksy gots a chunky butt and he cannot lie you other woofies cant deny.... tee hee hee
well maybe after the holidays i can get on a diet but for now im proud of my curves tee hee hee

just tell her its muscle
Benny & Lily
We love you in all your cubbyness....just that more to love.
Guess what!! Baron got ADOPTED!!
Mommy is so excited!!
Don't you worry about it, you look GREAT!
Your pal, Pip
There is just so much more of you to love!
We think you look most fantastic! Miss M was getting a little rotund, but it didn't look nearly as good on her. Luckily for us she enjoys vegetables.
Awww, Brinksey Winksey...that just means there's MORE of you to LUVS!
Wiggles & Wags,
BOL. My Momma has a song for my kitteh sister Ellie. She sings "can i get a woot Ellie Belly woot"
woof - Tucker
Aaaaw Brinksey. You isn't fat. You is fluffy!!
Your Pal, The HoneyBuzz
Hi Brinskie Winskie Puddin' Pie!! I think you look very becoming with a little extra blubber!!
TeeHee.... love the song!
Bwiksie Winksie
I love that song and can just see youw loving Mama gwinning and singing to ou
I think thewe is mowe of you to love..as long as you'we healthy I love youw extwa giwf, hehehe
(I usually get , ummm, biggew in the wintew when I can't wun awound as much and now that we awe moving, I pwobably won't have a wun to go to anymowe so I hope Evewyone will still like my chubby self
smochie kisses
Nice to meet you dude! I think you look great but if your mom puts you on a diet, make sure no carrots are involved...yuk. ;)
Your Buddy,
Just more of you to love. :)
You're part sharpei. That's your story and you're sticking to it.
Jed & Abby
You are not alone; the Mrs. tried to put one of my hoodies on me before our walk the other night & lets just say that it was not pretty!
Pauley James
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