hello everyone and thank you for taking this journey with me.....i cant say its getting better...i still have bouts of crying especially around my mom....you see my mom is also taking this very hard....she was the one who would sleep with shelby most every night and feels horrible that she could'nt get shelby out. shelby was hiding under the bed in the very far corner of it....none of us could fit close enough to get to her and the smoke was overpowering...together and with your kind and loving words we will get through this together......
now bella was always fond of our little two legger but ever since the fire happened she has taken on a whole other trait....she is super watchful and super vigilant over him....as soon as she hears him cry or wake up she alerts us and never lets him out of her sight......
i know she sensed that something could have gone worse with our two legger because you see...the fire that destroyed our home started in the baby's room...he's had really bad ear infections the last couple of weeks so he's been sleeping with us....in fact my husband had transferred his crib over from his room to ours TWO days before the fire......i try to look at all these things and see that it could have been much worse .......
for now my new nanny will help me care for OUR baby as she also tries to process what has happened to our pack...

Friday, December 23, 2011
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My tears are now tears of joy as I read about how resilient and loving your family is.
Thank you for being here Sandra, and for sharing each painful new day and each wonderful miracle. Thank you for your big heart, and for sharing your wonderful dogs with the world. My world is richer because you and your family are in it.
- Long time reader in Baltimore
PS Special love and thoughts to Sarah, Mona and Weenie too.
You are so strong. Each new day will bring one more smile than the day before. Bella has learned a lot going through all of this. She is very special.
What sweet pictures:) Things will get a little bit better every day... hang in there. Hope you saw the box of good wishes we gathered for you. If not, go to
and take a look. Lots of people are rooting for you.
Bless Bella. What a sweet girl.
We are all thinking of you.
Love, Winnie and her family
God works wonders, doesn't He? In a sense your baby's ear ache was a blessing! Thank the Lord he is okay! Bella is such a good girl! What a precious Pibble. God bless you, Sandra.
Dearest Furends... One and All..
I know that you can get through this because you are a FAMILY.
I am not surprised in the least that Bella has taken on this role.
My how our little one has GROWN. So sweet. So Precious. So LOVED.
Thank you Dear for taking time to show us and tell us that you are moving forward. That is what we are all wishing for you.
Please tell your mom that SHE is MOST CERTAINLY in our hearts and minds. Although she was not the one who blogged with us... we have ALL felt VERY close to her because of how you have always included her in your posts.
Sincerely, Frankie/Lana
You all are so strong! Bella makes a beautiful nanny - such a gorgeous photo of her and the two-legger entrusted in her care!
I hope things get a little better for you day by day. I can't even imagine what you've been through but just know we're all here pulling for you.
Sometimes I things happen because it's God's plan. Like the hubs moving the crib into your room.
It's amazing how resilient you and your family are. Watch him Bella
Dachshund Nola
That makes me happy to see the two together like that! I have only been around a few pitties but I know they are often wonderful caretakers. I am sorry to hear that your mom is taking this hard too. It surely could have been worse and I know the agonizing decisions you were forced to make ensured that you still have what you have. I can't imagine that provides much comfort when you are missing the rest of the pack but hope eventually it will.
Big hugs
Well Pit bulls were once called Nanny dogs so I guess she is just living up to her name! Bella we are so proud of you stepping up and taking care of the family! High paw!!!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Oh, Sandra, this post takes my breath away for so many reasons. What a honest-to-goodness miracle that your baby was in your room and not in his own. And how amazing that Bella has taken it upon herself to keep such a close eye on him and keep him safe. What a sweet, sweet girl. Those pictures made me tear up.
I'm so sorry your mom is hurting. Please give her a big hug from all of us and tell her that she's in our hearts and thoughts, too. As a family, you all will start moving forward - inch by inch.
Thank you for posting on your blog and letting us know how you're doing and allowing us to come along on your journey.
We want your mom to know we are also keeping her in our thoughts and prayers. You all did what was humanly possible to save those sweet kids...most of us have never seen the inside of a fire like that and can't even imagine what it was like. We think of you so very many times throughout the day. Grief is so very very hard. Do one day at a time...if not a day, an hour...if not that, than just plan on getting through the next minute.
We love you...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
Listen to Da Beastie -
She pawed some WISE words!
PeeEssWoo: Mom still gets goosebumps thinking about the fire's origin - and how the human pup had been with woo!
*hugs* You are strong, your family is strong, and you've got an awesome nanny there! You are in our thoughts.
-Dr. Liz and Family
What adorable photos! So glad the little one was in your room and not his own. Hugs to you and your mom!
They look so sweet in their photos! Bella your a great nanny for your baby sister :D
It's all About Pet Fences
good job bella :)
i hope there is a little joy in every day you have. you are such a strong, positive person. keep writing and updating, we are all here for you.
What an awesome nanny! Way to go Bella! Please give your mom a hug from us... You all did your best under tragic & helpless making circumstances. I think of you all every day & also send a prayer to your sweet Angel Dogs.
What a wonderful post to hear about Bella the Nanny taking on her new responsibilities. We are glad to hear each day get a little better. Baby steps are the best as you process it all. You have a lot of support so feel free to lean on all of us in blogville. Sending some {{HUGS}} to everyone. Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Deawest Mommish
Pleez give youw Mom an extwa bunch of my smooches. I know Shelby would do so and is whispewing in my eaw .
Thank you fow letting us in to help wif youw long healing pwocess. Bella has aways been a love, but cleewly, now she has taken on the added wesponsibility of making suwe that you get extwa help in cawing fow youw little hooman pup..what a deew sweet giwl she is.
twy to take each moment as it comes and see all youw babies' smiles and hold them close to heal youw heawt
smoochie kisses
How sweet that Bella knows how much you need her now of all times! She is such a good girl to help out with the little one. It always amazes Mom to see how much dogs really do sense when our humans are in need. Take it one day at a time, Sandra - it WILL get better.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
It warms my heart to see Bella watching over your little one as he crawls about. Many years ago when I was twelve our neighbor's lost their home in a fire. The strange thing was that normally the new baby would have been napping upstairs but for some reason that day she was not; Mom was doing laundry and Baby was in a basket atop the washing machine. Mom wondered why she had to keep brushing sooty residue off the baby's forehead when she suddenly realized that her house was on fire. The entire upstairs was ablaze and she didn't even know it. After all was said and done one of the only remnants remaining of that upper floor was the melted castors from a baby's crib.
It was later determined that the fire was of an electrical origin. That 'baby' is now a nearly 40 year old mother of 4.
While my heart still breaks for the loss of your furry babies (I cry every time I think of them) I'm very thankful that your son didn't come to harm during this tragedy.
Looking back, those ear infections were a blessing in disguise. We are still all here for you, holding you close to our hearts.
Just sending love. And hugs. And rottie kisses. Bella, you're a good girl!
-Bart, Ruby and Lisa
Big hugs for all of u. {{{Love}}}
We are so glad to see that you are all working through your grief. It will certainly take time and we are all here to listen to you for as long as you want to talk about it!
Bella is such a sweetie.. The best kind of nanny that you'll want! Please continue to stay strong, your babies (both two and four legged ones) need you. Your strength and courage is admirable.. Big hugs to all of you.
My sweetest friends. Every minute I am sending healing bubbles to swirl around all of you, and heal your hearts with love and peace.
I am also asking the bubbles to circle around your mama, as her heart is hurting too.
You all did what was humanly possible with this sad disaster.
Thank you again for allowing all of us to walk beside you, as you take each moment one by one. Each step one by one. We will heal with you.
Sweet Bella- oh my gosh, she herself is a "special angel" who now watches over the adorable human baby.
It was a miracle that the little two legged baby was in your room!
I will tuck you in now
nitey nite
It is so good to know that Bella has found a new role...perhaps this is helping her cope with everything. My thoughts and prayers are still with you and your family.
How wonderful Bella has taken on a new job!! Thank you for sharing all of this with us.
It is so amazin what us pups pick up. You give us love and we give it back 3 fold.
Mom says that each new day will ease your pain a bit. Time really does heal all wounds.
woos, Tessa
Just stopping over to say that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jeanne with Chloe and LadyBug
What a good nanny you are, Bella. You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We pray for the very best for you all!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Good girl, Bella. Good girl.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I'm without words as this sort of tragedy has no known words. Please know if there is anything you need, reach out to your readers. Until then I keep you in my thoughts and send messages of support. One day at a time darling.
What a sweet moment in the midst of so much sadness. Our thoughts are still with you, and we pray for your healing!
There are blessings even amongst the grief. we are holding you all in our hearts daily ~ and sending blessings to your Bridge Angels.
We know your Christmas will be sad dear friends ~ and we know you will miss your Bridge angels more than any of us can imagine ~ but we want to wish you peace and a healthy new year. xx
Bella is such an angel! It's amazing how dogs sense change and protect their loved ones. I love the pictures of you teeny two-legger with her - so sweet!
xoxo to you and the family,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so happy that the loss stopped at five. Of course, we wish it was zero.
Mamma Heartbeat
Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. Woofs!
Much love,
~Bailey & Nala (Yep, we're girls!)
We just heard about it. We are so very sorry. You're in our hearts and prayers. Eventually it will get better and you will always be surrounded by the wonderful memories that you built together. Bella's right. It could have been even worse.
Love the Nuthatch Gang
I agree with Mayzie...it was a miracle that the baby was close with you and not in his room during the fire. And isn't it amazing dogs can sense where they're needed most? I love how Bella took this on!
I read about you guys on the Heartbeats blog..I wanted to say that I am so very sorry for your loss...Peace to you and your family.
Please tell your mom that she is in our hearts and minds; that we are sending her much love.
You have all been through what can only be thought of as the most traumatic experience of your lives. Be gentle on yourselves and allow yourselves as much time to heal as you need. Everyone will heal at a different pace and in different ways. If any of you feel that a grief councilor might help, then that is the road you should choose. Some people in this world might say, 'they were just dogs', but no one who loves you would ever say that or think that. We know they were so much more -- They were your family and that your grief is tremendous.
Grief is a very personal experience and each must be allowed to experience it in their own way and on their own terms. Just know that you are not alone. We all stand here with our arms wrapped around you and your entire family -- just as Bella is now doing.
Sending you all our love - Maureen and HoneyBuzz
I am here from Jill's blog and want to say that I can't imagine what you and your family are going through. One day at a time...
Very sorry for your loss. I wish you and your family well.
There is a reason for everything. And, though we may not know what God has in store for us, the strength you are showing will help you get through this. There are so many out here in blog world that are keeping you in our prayers. And, all your babies will be watching over you.
Holly & Khady Lynn
Bella is a superstar - you are right she is looking after not just your little two-legger, but all of you. She is your tower of strength.
Hope you find some moments of tranquility over Christmas and that the new year brings you much better fortune.
Sending love from the UK. So sorry for everything that has happened. So impressed that you are moving forward x
Despite all of the horrors that happened, it is a miracle that the baby was not in the room where the fire started!!!! We are still thinking of you and praying for you each day,
It is so beautiful that Bella is lookign after your little one. Your dogs are amazing andyour story is amazing. I am so impressed with them and with you
Beautiful Bella makes a most wonderful nanny!!!
The fotos of her and little jr are so sweet......
We are saying a special prayer for you and yours this Christmas.....Love and hugs, MinnaK and Cheryl
Oh Bella, what a wonderful caretaker you make. I know you will take good care of your family. Please tell your grandma that she did everything she could for Shelby and she knew how much you all loved her. She and your other pack members are watching over you and always will.
Your pal, Pip
I am thinking of you this Christmas Eve, and I wanted to wrap my paws around all of you and send you love.
Today is Christmas and I hope that you and your family can find some peace and celebrate. I read your posts and see the love you have and know that day by day, you will get a little stronger.
I am one of those people that truly believe that we have guardian angels around us each and every day. Real, Heavenly angels. The ones that whisper in your ear to move the baby and crib into your bedroom. As hard as it might be to believe or understand, you were being watched over on that fateful night. And we may never know the "why" of it all. But seeing these photos with your precious baby being protected by his doggy angel makes it clear that your world, their world, has forever changed. I am so sorry for the loss you have suffered. And I'm so thankful that it was not greater. But no one can move mountains in a smoke filled house, and you and your mom did all that was possible. I will continue to pray for your peace and comfort.
We love you.
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