brinksey winksey pudding pie here wiff a most special post. we has been waiting furevers for this moment.....almost 87 billion minutes for just this most impawtant package....been holding our toots for just the right moment to let em out in celebrations....and the times has come....TOOT TOOT!!!!!
lookit above and below at this most beautiful sight.our mommish went to go see the famous and most awaited quilt at aunt sarah's house today. it was a very emotional time for both mommish and grannish. both cried bittersweet tears especially when they saw the angelic faces of our fearless five. we could not hold back the tears of sorrow and all the specialments we felt....mommish felt profound sadness but also inmmense LOVE! seeing all the squares especially picked by our special friends who CARE. cared about our little pack enough to take time out of your lives to send a special piece in just for was very much overwhelming all the emotions when looking at this great piece of art and love.more to come in the coming days. mommish has to take pictures of everything little by little to showcase the magnificent of it all....she just wanted to hurry and let you guys know we have received it....and please accept our thank you's we are humbled by the kindness we cry because your show of love is overwhelming for us.. in the middle of all this horrible tragedy we have never been shown so much love and care by anyone but our blogville family. mommish can say for CERTAIN that her would of lost all her marbles had it not been for blogville. each single time she feels down and out she reads your comments telling her to keep on. that its okay and NORMAL to feel this way....the panic attacks would have never gone away had it not been for the hundreds of delightful posts she reads each day to help her smile and forget the anxiety......mommish just wishes their were enough words to properly thank you and let you guys know just how impawtant you guys have been to our recovery....please please feel our sugars being sent speedy fast to each and everyone of you....feel our love and hugs and our toots of gratitude....
we love you and cherish our blogville family
more to come...
Bless all your sweet little hearts. You have helped us all to realize what a wonderful place blogville is. Filled with love for one another, support and concern.
We know the wounds are still very fresh for you and that the quilt will bring both tears of saddness, loss, yet a knowledge of how loved you all are.
What a wonderful present from so many friends. We know you will cherish and enjoy it.
Isn't Bligville great? I wish I could say more but my buddy Bert said it all so well. So I will second what he said.
NO need for thanks! Blogville is an amazing place
Dachshund Nola
Sending rottie kisses of love to dry your tears... enjoy.
Yes Indeed, I have met many paw friends here in blogville, and I'm so blessed to have you guys! :)
Dog Shock Collar
There are lots of angels in Blogville. We care and always will remember your precious Fearless Five and all the smiles they gave us. We love you.
Its cos wee in blogville lovs yoo Miss Sandra, yoo filled ours hearts wivs lovs fur yoo in all dat yoo dids fur yor babies. Actions likes yors shows da world how it should be.......... its as simples as dat, yoo has da biggest most caring-est hearts wee knows n wee lovs yoo so much fur it.
Izzy, Uji n Ronnii
xxx xxx xxx
I can feel the love! It's simply gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
Now you can not just read our words, but FEEL our arms wrapping around you and your family!!
Can't wait to see more pictures. The quilt looks beautiful, just like Blogville!
That is a really gorgeous blanket
We are so glad y ou have it
Urban Hounds
It is so beautiful!!
Just always remember that when you're sad and feeling down, we are always here for you.
Love you guys!
Blessings and Love to all of you...
Maggie Mae and Max
Brinks you made US feel so very much happy to know that your mommish and grannish are finally able to see and touch the Memory Quilt. It makes US a pawt of your family for ever and ever.
Any tiny weeny thing we can meow to help you get through such tragic times, we would willingly do. The quilt is beautiful and clearly you and your Bridge-Angels are loved by many. Sending healing purrs. xx
Wow, I'm so glad that the memory quilt is filling your pack with love and wonderful memories. It was a great experience to participate in. Blogville is amazing.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
I am so glad you got your quilt. I hope it gives you comfort during the hard times. I can't wait to see more pictures.
We are so glad it arrived all safe and sound. We hope it helps you heal.
The quilt is beautiful and so are you.
Love, Cupcake
Oh, it's beautiful. I am so happy it is finally right where it belongs - with you!
Your pal, Pip
I am happy the quilt of memorys and love made it to you.
I can see the love pouring out of it.
I wanted to send a piece of material also, but I procrastinated and did not get it done, and we feel bad.
But I hope you can feel our love anyway- even though we did not get our square sent in.
I hope the quilt fills you to overflowing with love from the bloggers who helped make this,
So happy that you have the most famous QUILT!! Can't wait to see more of it too!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie
So exciting! And wonderful! And loving! And comforting! And healing! And blessed! And kind! And thoughtful!And everything wonderful and good under the sun :)
We can't wait to see more of it :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
That quilt looks so very perfect. Blogville is the best place to find great friends and make connection with so many people that you'll probably never meet.
Hugs to you all,
Oskar & his mom person Pam
It sure is a wonderful quilt! I feel so blessed to be a part of it too. Hoping you continue to heal.
Love, Gloria and Miss Mindy
I think this was such a nice thing, I just wish I could've found out about it in time to contribute! I agree abt the way u feel being normal..... There's really no wrong way to feel when it comes to grieving. There's something special about the dog blog world I think ... It's amazing how much support and positive things can be communicated, just because a bunch of people share their passion, compassion, and lives on their blogs. It brings tears to my eyes, both seeing the struggle u have had, but also because of the compassion and support u have received here. U deserve it!
What an amazingly special gift.
Sending lotsa woofies your way. :)
Hugs, <3
~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)
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