we here in the woggie pibble house of the gonzalez house hold are proud to join our family in todays most pawsome day dedicated to a handshum pibble by the name of corbin and his great idea to spread the word about our most pawsome pibble qualities. happy barkday corbin you handshum stud you 
we could think of gazillions of reasons why pibbles are most pawsome. starting of course wiff our most smelly toots and followed closely by our ability to sleep right through them but those are just two of the qualities you already know about us. today we would like to talk about 3 fings that made our favorite pibble special. our angel shelby. her great qualities were kindness, forgiveness and the ability to trust again. despite her life of horror and despite the fact that she had lost her will to live she somehow found it in her pibble heart to try one more time. to give us humans one more chance to prove we were not all monsters. she changed the minds of so many people through her story. she was so increadibly gentle. she was with us here for only a short time as most angels are to teach us a lesson. pibbles are beautiful forgiving creatures that will always turn the other cheek and hope against all odds that you will love them as much as they love you back. in honor of corbin, our pittie day and our angel shelby please consider to speak up for us pibbles. we need as much support as we can and only you can help us with that as we are voiceless. we leave you wiff some pictures of our angel. you could always tell in her face that she cherished every moment and never took anything for granted. she loved fiercely and lived fearlessly.Tuesday, June 5, 2012
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Oh, what a Most Beautiful postie abouts one of the Most Beautiful souls we've ever known. We still can't believes she's gone but oh! What a tremendous legacy she left. We'll prolly never know how many hearts and minds she changed just by being her sweet, wonderful self.
Wiggles & Wags,
it is a special day for Pittys!!
Benny & Lily
I love Shelby!! :)
Mommy cried this morning when she did our post. She doesn't know how to say how she feels wihout the tears flowing. She thinks about Shelby every day. What Mayzie said is very true.
Love ya....Mona
Its a very special day for all Pitties and Angel Shelby's legacy helped to make it so.
What an angel she is,,, because I still believe she is touching lives- through her story/
What a beautiful post! Bless you, Sandra and angel Shelby!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Lovely tribute to Angel Shely
urban hounds
We too shall spread the news about what wonderful companions Pitties are!
In memory of Shelby ~ Go Pitties!!
Lily Belle
Oh, Lovely Shelby! And to have been rescued and loved by Sandra and Mona - what an extra special and lucky girl!
Wonderful post, Sandra!
Sandra, because of your beautiful heart, we all got to find out about Shelby's beautiful heart. Thank you, to both of you.
Love, Cupcake
Shelby will always remain in our hearts. She is a True inspiration! Her life was a gift to all of us because she gave us so much!
Thanks for sharing her with us!
Your pal, Pip
Sweet Shelby has been a real inspiration to all of us. She had a heart of gold and we'll never forget her.
Our sweet Angel Shelby is prolly the bestest spokesgal fur Pitties that the world will ever know.
She showed EVERYBUDDY just what being a Pittie BULL is REALLY about.
Perfect POST. Just PERFECT.
Such a beautiful post, so bittersweet as well. Love the pictures of a happy, loved Shelby. I am so glad Miss Shelby and ALL of your pups know love and had/have a great life.
It is all about responsible Pittie Parents as well. We have some new folks in our hood who have a lovely and healthy pittie BUTT they allow this sweet dog to run free and this concerns some folks because the humans are not with the dog and it could spell some unfair trouble for the dog... I keep hoping to see the humans and when I do I will have a kind word with them in honor of Shelby, Coco Chanel, and the most handsome Guero (who Halle still has his picture near her cozy bed)
Well Said Pittie Pack Mom!!
If only folks would learn to judge beings by their heart and not by their outward appearance.
Hugs Madi
I celebwate all yoo sweet Pibbles and will always keep Shelby in my heawt. She taught all of us so much. I pway someday all you pinbles will be tweasoowed and shown the love that you show hoomans despite theiw many many faults
I am so pwoud to be yoow fwiend
Soochie kisses
Asta(pibble lovew)
We wholeheartedly agree that people and pups need to speak out for our pittie friends!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my Pitty Day post!
What a beautiful post :)
Shelby did so much for pitties during her all too short journey. Her story was beautiful and touched so many. She will live on forever in our hearts and in her legacy. Thanks for making time to help celebrate my birthday and joining in on Pitty Post Day!
Shelby is the Pibble's mascot! We will never forget her.
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