howdy everyfurry,
brinksey winksey here. we hope you all are ready for halloweenie and have your costumes ready. we are going to not pawticipate this year wiff the costumes and what not and are going to stay home wiff the baby pup and keep him warm wiff our toots. our big brofur jr has been so especially great wiff the new puppy our mommish is just delighted. we think jr thinks baby michael is his baby because he constantly showers him wiff slobbers and holds him and snuggles wiff him. as soon as he wakes up he goes to look for him and when he cries he goes and taps his belly like we use to do to him. its the cutest thing and we just jump for joy that he is so loving to his little brofer. we are proud of the wee one. anywoo.....we are here to announce a stong alliance we has made against those evil tree rats.....met BATMAN!!!!
he has been keeping watch over our soon to be pibble house and we has told our mommish to pay him wiff mancat kibble....we has made him a little house in the back yard and this is going to be the start of our base of command for our tree rat war. those pesky alien invadors will have some answering to do when we move back in. we has been training and we are ready for their evil ways. in the meantime batman will keep them in line.....

Batnan is a true friend.
Batman has a tough job to do. Good thing he's all dark in color, that way he can sneak around and get the tree rats.
Baby Michael is getting big! He is really adorable and looking at his picture made us smile.
Lily Belle & Muffin
so cute
Benny & Lily
There are no words fur those adorable pics. SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!
You've got the cutest babies, human and furry.
Yay, Batman!
That alliance with Batman looks like a very good strategic move!
Cute pics all around!
Baby brudder is very cute! We heard you all should be very safe this Halloween there is a very evil email circulating about being mean to pit bulls and other dogs. Stay safe!!!!!!!!
The girls
Batman looks awesome, glad he'll be able to help control the evil tree rats!
Michael is adorable! Glad Jr is helping take care of him. Brinksey looks so cute with his stuffy. :) Hope everything is going well!
Dear Pittie Pack and Family,
Thank you for taking time to stop by Suka's blog and write such warm and kind words of sympathy after his passing. It meant a lot to me. I know Suka would have been great blogging friends with your beautiful Pack and I am sorry he never really met them.
Thank you also for your touching gesture in lighting a candle for Suka. Knowing that others care and understand helps me with my grief.
K (Suka's human)
An alliance with a cat? Good for you! We love the photo of the new baby - and you, of course.
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