brinksy winksy here wiff most impawtant news to spread
as you know the most horrid storm by the name of sandy visited some of our friends last month.
hoiidays are coming up and some of our furry friends need our help.
our great friend mayzie and her wonderful mommy have come up wiff a great way to help our fellow
furries out. this month, the month of giving i aSk if you could find it in your hearts to maybe
give some green papers to this wonderful cause. its as easy as giving up some yummy treats for this
month only and in turn you will bless someone else with food for their tummy or some much needed medies.
mayzie and her mommy have chosen three wonderful deserving shelters that the money will go to. these shelters
have worked even without electricity at times but all in the name of helping those less fortunate.
on top of having the great feeling of knowing you helped your fellow furry you may also get some great gifts
please click this link for more detailed information
if you are not able to contribute wiff green papers another wonderful way to help these furries is to share share share!!!
you can share on facebook or twitter or do a blog post. the more people read about it and become aware of this cause the greater chance
we have of reaching the goal. so go on and help us with a bark out!
you can share on facebook or twitter or do a blog post. the more people read about it and become aware of this cause the greater chance
we have of reaching the goal. so go on and help us with a bark out!

or unhappiness with the results of the election. some have received not so very nice comments and have felt badly about this. we truly
in our furry hearts beleive that the wonderful thing about our country is that everyone furry and human alike is entitled to their own opinion
and even more wonderful is that you can definately state that opinion on your own bloggy. we all may have diffrent opinions about who we want
to run our country but we all have one very impawtant thing in common. our love for our furry kids and all animals. that is what brought us
together and that is what made our friendships bloom and become most special. regardless of who we voted for lets remember this above all.
lets be kind and if one does not agree with some opinions lets just skip that post and we are sure if you come back in a couple of days
you'll be back to looking at your favorite furry friend.
pibble sugars
from the pittie pack
What a beautiful post to wake up to this morning!!
We agree.... Help when we can because NO amount is too small.
We've always said we don't hate and we don't discriminate! So no nasty people allowed.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Brinks and Bella.
We will visit the link and leave
a lil something.
Mom put up the card you sent
so now I can see you everyday.
She put it on my treat cupboard.
xo Cinnamon
Brinksie you said it so well in the second part of your post today! It makes me sad to see those kinds of posts and comments, but like you said that is what makes this country so great...we can say what we want. I think sometimes people forget that what they say might hurt someone else.
Cindy & Millie
Awwww...we just LUVS you guys! We agree abouts being nice to each other and we also wanna thank you from the very tips of our toes to the tops of our ears for helping us get the word out abouts our FUN-raiser! You all are the BEST!
Wiggles & Wags,
Thanks so much for this post - I was delighted to be able to pop over and help the pets in need! Also, your words about the election were appreciated :)
Well said, Brinksy! You are so right - whether you agree or disagree with the election results, we have a common bond in our animals, let's not forget that. "Agreeing to disagree" is the high road - let's take it!
I love this post, and the picture of the dog and cat and bird. So cute!
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