Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Red light puppy

Howdy pupsters....yesterday was most horrid and then wonderful all at the same all started with mommish drive home from the red light on the side of the freeway she saw some (insert choice of hbo word here) throw something out of the passenger side window....quickly she realized that it was a wee puppy...well light turned green and mommish panicked,  proceeded to put the car on park and like a crazy lunatic got out and ran to get the puppy. Needless to say after much honking and crazy looks mommish and red light puppy were safely in the car. Mommish drove to the nearest parking lot to calm her nerves and fury before driving home to us. She was very sad and mad someone would do such a horrid thing. Once home red light puppy was welcomed by all as mommish explained the story to dad. Jr the two year old was very upset she had been thrown away and immediately hugged her. For the rest of the afternoon they were glued together. He is the one that made it clear she was to be added to the pack. When i asked him to pick a name for red light puppy he said ...april....
You see, april is the girl that all the ninja turtles protect and are friends with on their cartoon. He said that him and michael were going to protect her from now on. So here she is ady pups and gentleboys APRIL GONZALEZ! Toot! Toot! 


Millie and Walter said...

OMD! She is almost too cute for words. Like in the past your mommish is always were she needs to be to save a pup in need. We're glad she ignored the honking and rescued Sweet Miss April. Welcome to Blogville April!

Millie & Walter

Taffy said...

What is wrong with people? I just don't understand how you could throw something so cute out like trash. I sure am glad your mom was there to save her. Your mom rocks!!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Karma nevFUR furgets!

Welkhome Khutie pie!

Woo have NO idea how furry lukhky woo are...

But then again...


Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Your mommy is awesome!
(but we knew that, anyway)
Welcome to the pack, sweetie!

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD you were meant to be there right at that moment to save that angel!! The horrors that people do never cease to amaze me. I am so glad that April is safe with you and now will have a very very good life. God bless you for doing that.

Loveys Sasha

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

OMD! What a cutie!!
Mama CJ says that if she could have gotten her hands on those people that threw that poor puppy out...."I would have whomped them!!" Please send us your addy and names of all members of your family so we can send you our Christmas cardy. Our e-mail is pugsandpurrsATgmailDOTcom.
Much Love,
Mama Mindy of The Slimmer Pugs & Purrs

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Yay for Miss April! Your Mom is totally awesome, and we are so thrilled that Miss April has found a fur-ever home where she will be loved and protected. And seriously, how cute is she?!? We will never understand people.

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Angel Prancer Pie said...

SQUEEEE! We're so glad we saw your post. We wanted to let you know that our human grandpeeps picked up a wee puppy a couple of months ago. Somebody had left her on the side of the road at only 8 wks old. Now, the beautiful pibble, Trubble, is their new "failed foster"! MOL!

JacksDad said...

I had to read this 4 times because I simply could not believe that someone could just throw a puppy out of their car. Good job mom for being such a great person!

JacksDad said...

Great job mom!!

Duke said...

Thank doG your mommy was at the right place at the right time! You are too cute for words, April, and we are just thrilled for you!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby and Penny said...

April is a cutie patootie. Such a sweet face.

Love Ruby & Penny

Two French Bulldogs said...

People could be so nutty! So precious

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

What a SUPER SAVE!!!

Linda said...


Some jerks are so mean.
But we are so happpeeeee you
were there to save April.
It's like Christmas in November
all wrapped up in a little pup.

xo Cinnamon

bbes tribe said...

Miss April is SO cute. And so lucky the momma was there to save her. Just don't understand people being so cruel and uncaring! Being in rescue we see so much of people just dumping or surrendering their pets because .....of a variety of reasons ..some of which show they should not have pets or kids for that matter. Thank you for saving miss April.
Mom barb for Ernie and the pack

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so horrified that anyone would do such a thing but little April was perhaps lucky. Imagine if she had gotten to stay with those nasty people...


2 Punk Dogs said...

Congratulations on your new pack member! April is adorable. :)

Yay for mommish - she's the best!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

what an adorable baby!

the mean people who dumped it-- are very heartless people

Cupcake said...

Welcome Miss April,

I can tell you that you are going to have such a great life. Your new family is wonderful and they are going to take excellent care of you. I love how you got your very special name.

Great job Mom!!!

Love, Cupcake

Laura and Hans said...

Dear god, this is unbelievable! I can't imagine someone doing this in broad daylight. Pigs!! What a precious little pup, what breed do you think it is? Of course to me these days I think all dogs look like pits or pit mixes (but then I'm biased as this is my favorite breed). Please keep us updated on this little girl.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Thank god that your mum was there to save April. It's a shame that other people think it's OK to act like animals. NO - worse than animals!

Rubie xxx

How Sam Sees It said...

I think she was meant to be with you!

Monty and Harlow