your majesty coco chanel here...
mommish wants to apologize cause she just got home and shee shtill has'nt had time to buy batteries what wiff her working so much, actually she said working like a dog but then shee looked at ush and she took it back cause we just eat ,toot, sleep, toot, play , toot and then snuggle wiff the mommish at nite so . . . . .. yeah
she should get some friday cause she ish taking bella for her first heartwormy shot at the V-E-T
and she has to get out early from work to do that.
bella had a urinary tract fection and had to take meddies for that n coulnt get the shot then but now she is ready so eveyfurry please send her some good feel vibes on friday okey dokey??
here ish thish week's edition to our vintage pibble photos hope you enjoy them ash much ash we do

Thanks fur the slobbery sugars!
We send GoldenSibe khysses bakhk!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Okay, Bella, here goes! (Did you feel our extra special vibes?) Gentle woofs to you. Everything will be okay on Friday, sweetie.
Bella! We are here for you! Good luck.
Hey! Did you get my comment? I sure hope so because it contained powerful Mango Vibes.
Hey there Coco Chanel!
So both you and Toffee are part of the Royal fraternity!....(Bowing down!...floor licks!) Those old photos are a treasure! Are they some of your family perhaps?
Take care now and we hope that Bella's infection is healed soon!
Thanks for sharing the pictures! Good luck at the vet!
My dear Bella - please get better.
woof - Tucker
Thank you your Majesty Coco Chanel. We feel honored that you spoke with your subjects. I will be sending my bestest good feeling vibes to Bella, as you commanded. Your most Loyal subject.
Your Highness,
We are send sugar covered good luck kisses (& toots) via the interwebs. We just know Miss Bella will be fine in no time!!
dear queen coco chanel,
i am sending lotsa good feel vibes to miss bella beginning right now!
the booker man
Wonderful vintage pictures! Huggies to Bella always to get rid of her nasties, and Coco Chanel you look tres glammie in your royal purple sparkle collar.....and sugar hugs to Lucky and Tiger and extra special hugs to my Guero, Love Halle and her Pack members Toby, Ginger & Jeter xoxo
I am wishing and hoping Most Hard for Miss Bella. I knows she will be back to old self in no times!
Wiggles & Wags,
Coco fits right in with the vintage photos. Feel better Bella!
What a wonderful bunch of photos Coco, thank for sharing them!!
We are sending all our special vibes for Bella!
It's okay Bella I had to go to the V-E-T on Tuesday for my dewormer, it was tasty at least. Sorry to hear about your UTI tho, hope it's better ((feel good vibes))
Coco love the picture, your such a cutie pie!
Kisses, Sookie
Great pics! Best of luck at the vet and I hope all gets better soon....
Deew Queen youw highness of the Pibble Pack Coco Chanel
thank you fow those bootiful vintage pictoowes and also fow that glowious one of you wif youw new collaw.
I will cewtainly be sending my love and stwong tewwiew goodwish vibes to Bella tomowwow.
I will also pway and cwoss my paws
smoochie kisses
Bella we are happy you can now go get your heart worm shot and then you can rest for the weekend.
Thank you for the slobbery kisses
We just thought we would drop by and say Hi! Hope we can be frurrends!
Please come by our place and visit awhile.
Riley and Star.
It's gonna be ok Bella, we just know it and we are sending you lots of healing vibes.
Love the old pictures. Were those pups your relatives?
Tell Tiger, I like little dogs too!! Special kisses for him.
Ooops...the kisses are for Tiger from me not Mommy....Mommy is Sarah btw.
Love the vintage photos!!
I always like seeing black and white pics of doggies!
Woo WoOo
Shiloh, Shelby, and Their Mom
Bella you are going to come out like a champ!
Sorry so late, Nashville Pittie Mommee has beenr really, really sick this week.
Playing catch up now...
Bella, I hope your shot didn't hurt and that you are getting lots of rest and love from the rest of your pibble pack. You have a lot of friends out here rooting for you!
You're so sweet Coco Channel. Don't worry. Your sissy's going to be fine. I just hope she gets well as soon as possible. Poor momma is working like a what, she said? Oh, not a dog. Got it. :)
Poor Bella...I sure do hope she feels better.
You really are the queen in that collar!! Hope you guys are having a great weekend.
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