pibble pack here wiff some pibble favors i must ask our our wonderful furryends.now you guys know we dont ask favors only when its of the upmost impawtance so please to help ush help thish most wonderful shelter. one of our furryends maureen shent ush this informatio and we are going to help spread the word.the following ish the info.. . . .. . . .
You may already know the story of Gunny the Pit Bull. Gunny was used as a bait dog until he was no longer of any use, dumped on the side of the road, and left to die. Fortunately, his story did not end there. Gunny was found by a good samaritan and taken to a local shelter. There he was found by Amy, a volunteer from the North Mecklenburg Animal Rescue (NMAR), on the night before he was to be euthanized.NMAR and Amy took Gunny in and saved his life. Together they took Gunny through the many grueling surgeries it would take to save his life and rehabilitate his battered body. Gunny now spends his time as an Ambassador for NMAR and Pit Bulls worldwide. He and Amy have been teaching children the cruelty of dog fighting and responsible pet ownership. Gunny has won countless accolades for his courageous and inspiring story. You can see his amazing tale of courage and the love that saved him on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWcQUsGT_nA
And now, Gunny’s friends at North Mecklenburg Animal Rescue need the help of the votes of the Pit Bull and dog community. NMAR, who lost their building to a devastating flood in 2008. is currently in the running for a Pepsi Refresh Project Grant! Their project - Kennels for K-9s - is in the running to win a $50,000 grant to rebuild their facility. Winning the grant means dogs in need can be moved from the outside kennels that went up after the flood. It means NMAR can continue to do what they do best -- help save man’s best friend!They are currently in 19th place.
They only need to move into one of the Top 10 places to win one of the $50k grant!
It costs nothing more than voting one time each day.I am asking all my favorite Pitties to reach out to their fans and lets see if we can’t help Gunny’s friends build a new home! How fantastic would that be? Pitties helping pitties and other pups.
This is the Pepsi Refresh Project page for NMAR:http://www.refresheverything.com/northmecklenburganimalrescue
To learn more about North Mecklenburg Animal Rescue, you can visit their website:http://www.northmecklenburganimalrescue.org/
If you are moved by Gunny’s story and want to thank the incredible folks who helped him on his journey, won’t you please share their story with your blog fans and ask them to help NMAR in their quest for a new home by casting a vote once a day.The voting ends April 30th. They must finish in the Top 10 to win $50,000!!
tonight i will be posting some furry much cute pics of mr gunny and some furry much pleading pictures of our pack asking for help wiff their most puppy dog eyes in hopes you'll be swayed to help ush
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
What a sad and happy story. Poor guy! I voted!
i've been votin' everyday since last week! i sure hope we can get them up to the top 10!!
the booker man
What is veryy disturbing is the first shelter that refused to help Gunny because of his breed...ok, I know that is off the subject but I most voice myself.
We voted and the current standing is 18.
I just voted, in 18th place. :)
As soon as I talk with you all, I'll go over there and VOTE... I am also going to BOOKMARK the site so I can go back again and vote. Soooooo sad... and yet happy that things are looking up for Gunny.
NOW... did I read it right on Mona's blog...???? YOU GOT YOUR NEW HOUSE????? Hip Hip HOOOOOORAY for you guys!!! Wowie, that is the grrrrreatest news I have had since... MY NAME WAS DRAWN as a Weiner oooops I mean WINNER!!!
I want to be very very much sure that I have your NEW addy beclaws I will be wanting to send you a DawgHouse Warming Card!!!!! No hurry... just when you get the time. BUTT... before you move.
WHEEEEE, you are not only moving, butt you will be even closer to MONA's house...
HOWEVER,,,, I feel I must say... Mr. Tiger, it is not within walking ALONE distance. OK??? Wouldn't want to lose you.
I am sooooo excited for ALL of you.
We will feature this on our bloggy this week!
Yesh, as you said, this is a sad day for pibbles and for all tiny animals that are crushed under the shoes of mean demons (the just can't be human beings). Our momma cried and cried and cried. We are loving her lots to help her stop crying...sigh.
We voted and are going to keep going back to vote.
Gunny is such a beautiful creature. How could a human being look into those eyes and do what they did to him. Glad he will be loved for the rest of his days.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we saw Tiger on TV.
We voted!
Mr. Nubbin'
We saw this earlier and made sure to go vote - and we plan to every day too!!
Such a sad story - but good for Gunny that he was able to be saved. We have voted and will go vote and vote each day until the end.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
to the voting booths we go....poor baby
Benny & Lily
We're off to vote!
We will vote everyday for this wonderful cause!!!
Thanks for letting us know about it guys.
Pawesome job fur getting the word out!
We've voted and will khontinue to do so!
I will be voting until the end!
Kisses and hugs
Sweet Pitties
I went to vote and will put it on my facebook page if it's OK wif you
smoochie kisses
we voted
We voted, and will keep on.
Thanks for letting us know
Thank you to the most wonderful and generous Houston Pittie Pack and Wee Ones for sharing their blog space to help other Pitties and pups. Please give your mom extra pibble sugars for helping you post this blog. You are all one in a million!!
hello pittie pack~!
oh my, mum hates seeing/reading stories like gunnys....but thankfully his story had a happy ending. me and mum will vote as much as we can!! plus, i added the link on my twitter page~!! :D
and about using a picture of mine--yes, please feel free to use any picture you would like~!! :)
i very much appreciate your help~!!!!
We totally voted (but used our never read it peemail address and fake name cause we don't want the spam). It was worth it.
We voted and we will promote it on our website later today! You guys rock!
Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper
Thanks for letting us know about this. They sound like a great group. We're off to go vote...
Thanks for telling us!
Anything for all of wooo!
Mr. Gunny has angels on his side for sure, and woo guys are one of them!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Thanks for sharing this furry inmportant info!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Oh Pibbles, thank woo fur letting us know about dis. We just voted, and will vote every day!!
That is an awesome story. Will definitely vote! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I know this was all you Brinksey!
Many kisses for you ;)
I'll send it my vote! Hopefully they can move up in the polls!
Hi Swet Pitties and Wee ones
I just voted again..those poow woggies
Mommi is cwying
smoochie kisses
O my heart if very much breakin, but I am so happy that the Gunny was blessed wif such a good opportunity for a Second Life!
Fank goodness for the peoples who believe and commit their time, energy, money and VOTES to Rescue!
We are off to vote now!
wif love from the Luke
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