dont you wann such slobber his nose wiff the sugars in this pic???

This is the Pepsi Refresh Project page for NMAR:

on a diffrent topic we are here to present you our most pleasing puppy dog eyes so that way you can help ush and pray for our grammy tomorrow. she is scheduled for her surgery at around 11am and we are all furry much full of the nervousness. in the past she has not taken well to the anesthesia and since she is much older now since her last ouchieation we are full of the worries. we are doing our best to keep our mommish welaxed and give her lots of the pibble sugars and wee wiggles and it does help.
Oh, those are some really convincing faces. We'll be thinking of you and wishing everything goes well...
me and my big sis asa and my mama and my daddy will pray before we snooze tonight for your grammy's surgery tomorrow morning.
the booker man
Ur Grammee is going to be jus fine.
I make'd mai mose solemn pittie promishes!
Mai Grammee show'ed dem doctors in Texas how most awsome she was and ur Grammee shows em too!
I promishes on pibble heart!
Haleigh Anne
We are sure here wishin your very loved Grammy good foughts and sendin lotsa love prayers her way.
I know she cannot wait to lay HER eyes back on YOUR eyes on a counta you folks got the looks. Just sayin. (hee hee).
Please to keep us posted...!
wif love from the Luke
Sending lots of doxie feel good rayz your way. You give them to your Grammee. OK.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pees - we voted today
I am going to send your grammy my very most strong Dachshund VIBES Tonight and then again in the morning. I will have my paws crossed for all of you. You guys all take care of your mommish... your bloggie furends have your backside!!! OK????
I hope you can feel some of the Vibe Overflow from grammy.
Prayer coming Grammy's way!
We will all be thinking of your grammy. Surgery is scary under any circumstances. Be strong!
Mango Momma
What up with all da doxie coming to a pibble site? Oh my bad, I'm a doxie too. We are sending Good vibrations fur your grammy ands if you needs us you cans ALWAYS email us. We is always here fur da Pit Crew. Good Luck Ms. Grammy!
We voted today again. Mum gots all teary eyed yesterday watching that video...her can't stand stupidity.
We just know your sweet Grammy is gonna come through surgery with flying colors!! We will be saying pibble loads of prayers and sending Macky healing sugars her way!
I know she must really love her grandpibbles a lot!! I can feel the love!!
Our thoughts are with your Grammy for sure. I hope she has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. Be sure to give her lots of healing kisses.
We'll have our paws crossed for your grammy tomorrow! Best of luck to your family!
No need to say another word - your Grandma has all our best wishes and thoughts and lots of prayers for things to go very well. We will send all of our sibe vibes so that she will be OK.
Hugs to all of you.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh we of course will be purring and praying for your Grammy tomorrow! And lets see, you are in our timezone so we will start to ramp them up so they are super full blast at 11! And we are sending some extra purrs over for your mom to stay relaxed.
And we keep voting too - we are sure they will make the top 10!!
I will pray for your Grammy for a successful operation and that she gets well soon, I know how nervous you can get. My mother just had a mini stroke last week and several falls over the past year that required her to stay in the hospital and it does make you very nervous. I hope all goes well.
Your doggy pictures are great! Very cute!
my goodness pittie pack--you sure know how to use those puppy eyes!!
mum and i will pray for your grammy's success and health!
aahhh...all our paws are crossed for you and your family
Benny & Lily
Paws khrossed and the Sibe Vibing has begun!
I have my paws crossed for your Grammy!
I am sure everything is going to be ok!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Jack and I will send all of our best puppy wishes to her!!!
You didn't even have to ask us twice, but now after seeing all of those pleading faces, you can bet I'll be sending my good vibes and best wishes your grammy's way!
Well most certainly we will pray for grammy...I hope she does well. You have the power of pawnation!
My sweet Pibbles and wee ones
Even wifout those most wondewful and bootiful asking faces i would be pwaying fow youw Gwamma that she has a successful Ouchiation.
I will cwoss my paws and mommi will to(hew fingews) and we will send all ouw good zen we will keep voting to help those othew woggies
smoochie kisses
Tell your Grammy I love her.
The whole of Australia loves her.
Every single dog and their people loves her.
Get well soon Grammy. xx
We are sending our most positive thoughts & prayers, and crossing all paws for your Dear Grammy.
All of our paws are crossed, we have bella sprinkles, queen cheese, brinksey whipped cream, pibble sugars and a whole lotta love headed your way!
I am thinking of your grammy, I know she come out of the surgery with flying colours from all the prayers and AireZENS coming all around the world.
I just had surgery 2 days ago, and mum was super worried too because I had not been under anesthetic for 6 years. But I came out just fine!
You pibbles are so cute with your bit juicy noses!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
we don't need puppy dog eyes so send our good thoughts!
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