thish below ish a eastern screech owl and he was furry much friendly and full of the cutie paTOOTyness. furry much impawtant to keeps them safe.

mommish wants to shay please to excuse the below pikshure they are most looking like a hot mess butt she was in this suit in hot texas weather and can in no way make it look good BOL
daddish gettin weady to wash the quacky. they boff got the chance to wash an unoiled quacky to learn the propew techniques and how to hold them and keep them ash calm ash possible.
it was a furry much educational experience and they have signed up to help in the oil spill thish year when the call ish made for the help. down below the most increadible fink ever to be. thish kind nice people at WR&E even help out TWEE RATS!!!!! can you beweives that????

mommish wants to shay please to excuse the below pikshure they are most looking like a hot mess butt she was in this suit in hot texas weather and can in no way make it look good BOL

that stwuck ush as furry much weirdoness but anywoo please to also take a moment and ck out a most touching post by the sweetest cupcake of the pibble pack TWEEDLES be warned she oozes the cuteness n you WILL fall in luv
lotsa pibble sugars and wee wags

What angels your Mama and Daddy are!!
Ummm...we are not too sure about that squirrel picture... ;-)
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob & Bilbo
what pawsomr pawrents you have~!!
Odd that Dory, Bilbo, and Jacob should mention ANGLES... BECLAWS.. LOOK AT THE PICTURE OF YOUR MOM..... SHE LOOKS LIKE SHE HAS A .....HALO !!!! I was stunned when I saw that!!! Not surprised butt stunned that the camera was able to catch the Halo !!!!
I'm not kiddin' here. Your mom and dad are REALLY and Truly... ANGELS!!!!!
What a wonderful thing to do! I bet they had a lot of fun washing quacky....Now maybe you can skip your next bath...Hmm...just an idea.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
What a GREAT cause to support. We need more people like you in the world!
What a GREAT thing they are doing. Tell them to keep up the great work!
Woof! Woof! Great mom n dad.5 PAWS!!!!
It is truly sad what's going on ... They are such a wonderful thing. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Your Mom and Dad are the Best!
Tweetles post made me cry!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
That is just tooooo khool!
Pass along lots of H&K from us fur doing that!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Oh my gosh
I knew it
I knew it
I knew it
Your mamaish and daddyish are indeed angels sent to help the helpless in need.
Your momish and daddyish are beautiful and their hearts are as big as the universe.
This makes me sooo happy to see what they are doing. They will help the sea life!
The quacky is so thankful- I just know it.
And all my friends- Puff and Star and Murphy and all the rest are just going to sing- when they find out about all this- and that our pibble mamaish and dadddyish are helping.
I want to sing too
I love you
The Sea loves you
Yea Mom and Dad! I'm sorry you have to do this, but I'm glad you're able to!!
What a cool experience! I hope your mom and dad get a chance to help some wildlife with their newly learned skills!
Oh your Momma looks fabulous - what great things you pawents do!
woof - Tucker
I am so thankful for people like your mommy and daddy! THANK YOU!
That is so awesome. And so Texas!
I shall put this on my list of reasons why Texas is so awesome.
Brinksey Winksey Puddin Pie you are right on at the top of that list with the Pittie Grammy ;)
And about the twee rats - well, now how much fun would the park be without them? Didn't think about that did ya?
Brinksey you give your mommish and daddish lots of extra jelly-rolls hugs and slobbery kisses. And you tell them how blessed you know your little (uh big) pibble self is to have such wonderful humans to take care of you.
Lots of love from Nashville
You pibbles have pawesome pawrents! But you already knew that. BOL
Yay for your peoples, they are most awesome!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Sandra & Oscar,
Mommy is so proud of you guys. You do what others just think about doing.
What a great way to help. We knew your parents were such nice people!
How wonderful of your Mom and Dad to do that! Mom watched them cleaning the brown pelicans on the news yesterday - it is all so sad. Big hugs to your parents from us.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Your PAWrents are heros in our momma's eyes. She told us that no job is ever too small of too little in rescue. Everyone is a giant!
I'm so glad that you were able to do training. Those critters need all the help they can get!
Yay for your mommy and daddy! You guys got some special pawrents....but you already knew that! Make sure you have a talk with them about not bringing home any tree rats!
WOw your humans are super! Tell mom not too worry about how she looks. They did a super thing! Wow.
Such good things your parents are doing!!
That is soooooo cool from your hoomans! If only everyone would do things like that the world would be a much better place!!!!
Slobbers Teal'c
Hi Pittie Pack. I completely and totally missed this postie somehows. Hmph! So I didn't gets a chance to tell you how super duper awesome I think your pawrents are for helping those duckies. But I do thinks it's very much sad that there's a need for them to helps in the first place. Poor duckies.
Not so sure about the tree rat, though.
Wiggles & Wags,
hi my kissable pibbles and wees--you are furry much missed~!!
YOU ARE FABULOUS PEOPLE! What a wonderful way to give back!
What a pawesome thing for them to do, we are proud of them!!
Great idea! Is there a link I can visit to learn more about volunteering?
I miss you my friends!!
I hope you did not fall into the oil spill.
Please be ok
i miss you
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