wee tiger here and brinksey winksey puddin pie chief and commander of the pto society are here to weport that all ouchies are all better.
we must apologize for being away 4 dys . you shee our 'puter had a cold and we hawd to get wid of the viwus that was making it sicky so we got it back today and its back to its old fast ways.another fing that happened today ish our gweat grammy had her ouchiation finally at noons today. shee ish still in the wecovewing awea in the ouchie building butt the doctow shayed that shee will be just fine thank dog. we are most welieved to hear of this fantastical news.and want to fank all of yoo who shent all your heawing vibes shince this whole ordeal began, we furry much beweive that all those powewful vibes helped twemendoushly.
ck the outs of thish. . . . it has our furry own names on it KISS
brinksey winksey puddin pie only knows food butt all the giwls in the pack went lady gaga ovew the scawf.
we would like to fank twinkie twinkerson furry much for brainstorming such a wonderful histowic event , and el'bow and hauwii for their most touching GABE pressie.
until tomowow
pibble sugars and wee wiggles
WOWZA! You guys really hauled in some great stuff! Isn't it fun to get goodies in the mail and to make friends from other places?
Great post filled with good stuff. So glad to hear all the ouchies are better and that great grammy is on the way to recovery. Paws crossed for all to go smoothly.
Great pressies - very nice indeed.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What great presents and a scarf! We will keep all our paws crossed for gran
Benny & Lily
That Lucky must bring you lots of luck. I love how happy you all look in those photos.
A post full of GREAT stuffs!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
my dearest pibbles and wees--i am so happy to see that you are back~!! i sure have missed you all. :(
pawsome pressies--you all deserve them~!! :)
so glad to hear the whole family is doing better!
You guys sure got some great stuff! I love that pink scarf!
Wee little Tigew and Bwinksie Winksie
What gweat bunch of pwessies!!! Huwwwah!!!!1
and I 'm wif the giwls, that is a vewy smashing stylish scawf you awe weawing.
Most of all I am dancing wif glee at the thought that all the ouchies awe gone and that youw sweet Gwammie had hew suwgewies and is wecovewing and will be just fine. I will continoo my cwossed paws and pwayews and thank the dog staw fow listening to all of us.
I love you sweet Pittie pack and Wee ones
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Hi my Tiger,
I was getting worried about you guys, I'm so glad your Granny finally had her surgery. I wanted you to know that I am fine and cancer free. I gots to wear by bikinie Sunday and wondered if you liked it.
{{{huggies}}}...your Mona
Hi, friends!
Glad to know the ouchier are doing better!
I hope your Great Grammy will be fully recovered soon!
Your presents are pawesome!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Woof! woof! Glad to hear that you guys are feeling better. You guys received very nice prizes. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Lots of news today! We are most pleased that Great Grammish has had her oucheration and is on the mend. We are so happy that the puter and the ouchies are all gone from the PTO Society and Wees.... Thank you for sharing your wonderful presents, they are very nice and we know you deserve them lots!! xoxoxo and special snow-free sugars to the Handsome Guero the Model, soon to be Brad Pitt from his Lady Halle xoxoxo
My Dearest Lucky,
I have been overwhelmed with worry about you. I am relieved to know that you are recooperating and recieving plenty of comfort and care. If Only I could be there with you during your time of need. You look absolutely stunning in your scarf.
Congratulations on all the wonderful presents ya'll recieved.
PEES: Puddles says HI!
So happy to hear that grammy's ouchies are in the past. I hope her recovery is quick!
You all got some very nice presents. All in all - a great day!
Grammie's ok!!! We are so thrilled that her ouchieration is over and she is doing great! Our Pibble prayers are answered! Hey...did somebody say puddin??
YIPEEEEEEEEE Grammy is doing GRRRREAT!! That is the most wonderfulest nuz I have heard all year!!!
And your ouchies are better.
And you got your GABE Goodies... and those were REALLY GOOOOOD goodies too. I think they all made a big hit. Especially the PICTURE!!! Wowie!!
I am glad that you're back and the puter cold is all gone.
I am just filled up with Pibbie sugars here, I'm tellin' you true!!!!
We are so glad that everyone is doing better now, including your computer! IT is great that all the ouchies are gone! We hope your grandma's recovery is quick and easy - we are sending purrs and prayers over for that!!
And wow, what a cool present you all got - and Lucky looks great in her scarf!
OH gosh! I'm just dancing and prancing and wiggling and waggling all over the place to hear that your Grammie is doing good! Not to mentions that your computer is all better and you gots pressies and oh! I'm just overcome with all the happy in this post!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. The results of my dee-en-ay test are up! Come see!
That is awesome!
New presents in your new woggie house; what could be better than that?!
Brinksey Winksey I thought you were on a diet?
You are the poster child for Diet Fail.
Glad the ouchies are all better and your computer is over that virus, those things are icky!
All ouchies all better is pawesome news! I'm glad to hear you all settling in to your new home nicely - when canz I come visit?
woof - Tucker
Deawest Pibble giwls and Wee giwls too
I think we should have a puwtying spa pawty and shopping dwess up spwee one of these days. I know that we could all leawn fowm each othew. I love youw style vewy much! and you awe soo bootiful, I would love to heaw some of youw booty secwetses
smoochie kisses
Yay no more ouchies! This was a happy news post today!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hi Guys,
We sure have missed you! We luv the scarf! It's sooo you!
Have a grrrreat weekend!
Riley and Star.
:D wooow we are happy that you get the gabe prices :D
hope you like it :) enjoy it
El'bow & Hauwii
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