brinksey winksey pudding pie chief and commander of the PTO Society here to announce that the powew of the paw ish furry much impawtant and needed. ouw deaw furryend phantom needsd our pawrers for his suwgewy. we just know it in our furry pibble heawts that wiff all our good vibes everyfurryfing will be just fine. please just look at his pittie-ful face and send all your pupper prayers speedy on the way cause we're hear that a towture device might be needed for his neck you know one of those fings that prevent you from itching your itches. i could'nt even shtick my rolly polly head under the couch for hidden tweats. oh the phantom i's to pray for you furry much so.
ouw sissy shelby ish slowly but surely wecovewing from her nightmarish ouchies and towture and she smiles more often than not. the sky boom booms scawed her a bit the othew day but mommish made her feel the betters by singing lullybies n telling her how bewootiful she is cause she weally likes to heaw that. she also is vewy keen on the tweats and that ish sure to always make her wiggle butt waggle.
ash for me i keeps a watchful eye and make sure that all tweats are dispensed accowdingly and no crumbs are left behind . i's to be furry much helpful wiff cleaning the floors for mommish. its my chore i say!!!
so to evewyfurry pawnation is most awesomeness and will help all our sickies and ouchies go far away to the land of evil alien twee rats and to never come back!!!!

brinksey winksey pudding pie
division: chief and commander of the PTO Society
Oh no...I hope Phantom is okay. I need to go check their blog for an update.
Oh yes, paws are crossed and puppy prayers are already on the way to Phantom :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
brinksey winksey,
thanks bunches 'n tons for posting about our friend phantom. me and asa and mama are already putting our paws together for him to be okie dokie.
the booker man
Yes, we read about Phantom this morning and went and visited him! I think he's gonna be fine!
How sweet of ya'll to post bouts da Phantom when ya'll gots so much going on withs Shelby.
We sent our wel wshes and good thoughts overs to them.
Hope all is well at your place and ya'll bs staying out of trubles.
that sure is one awesome chose to have!
Don't forget, we've moved to dogisgodinreverse.com
hi pibbles and wees~!
i do not know mr. phantom but i will cross my paws for him so that everything turns out good.
i am so happy to read that shelby is so loved by your mummy--bless your mummy~!!
We've just started following the OP Pack's blog and are sending all the good vibes that we have to Phantom!
Oh, you sweet pups, Phantom is so grateful to you for all your wonderful thoughts and wishes. He has all of blogville thinking about him - he just has to be OK.
He says to tell Shelby he understands all about those scary thunderstorms - and will think good thoughts for her to be OK.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Phantom is one phine phella with a phloofy tail!
We are khrossing and vibing fur him
Hi Pibbles and weeee ones
Phantom is my friend too, and I have my paws crossed for him.
I know the power of the paws will help. We gave them some love,
Now we will give Shelby and all of you some love too and hope you do not hear the boom booms
I have my paws crossed too!
We have faith everything is going to be ok!
Glad to know Shelby is doing better!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Our thoughts and prayers go to Phantom and Shelby. We hope she will always smile for all the rest of her happy days. Our dear friend Mr. Skelly Skelator is also in need of the power of the paw. He's feeling mighty poorly right now. Since it was your mommy who first told us of him when he was just a starving boy, I thought she would want to know. I am so very worried about him and get very leaky eyes.
As for you, Mr. Brinksy Winksy, you just keep being the adorable boy you are!! We think you are the cutest of the cute!!
Heading over to see Phantom now! And so glad to see that Brinksey is on Hoover Patrol! :)
I am keeping my paws crossed for Phantom. I know this is very scary for his family. And it is so great to know the Shelby keeps getting better and better!
Hi girls,
We've got al our paws crossed for Phantom - we're sending all our healing vibes his way.
The site for Shelby's Auction is practtically set up now, we're just dropping the auction items in now, with additional items coming in over the next few weeks. Please do let us know if you'd like anything added or anything taken away or anything written or anything changed at this site!! We're really hoping we can do well for sweet Shelby - the fact that she still has a trusting nature astounds us, she truly is an amazing girl.
Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
We are sending the power of the paw to Phantom lots and lots so he will come home from the dog-tor all fixed up and healthy. We ♥ Phantom. We are also furry happy that dear Shelby is getting furry again. How cool is that!
Glad to hear that you are doing such a good job keeping things in order! Sending positive thoughts to Phantom, and thanks for the update on Shelby. Keep us posted!
Bwinksie Winksey puddin pie and all Pitties and Wee ones ath the most wondewful house of the KissaBulls
I am cwossing my paws fow Phantom and always fow all of you and especially fow Shelby..I'm so happy to heaw that she is smiling and heawing fwom youw sweet mommish, just how bootifuo she is.
I am not poswting much cause mommi is having hew mentals bweaking down on account of Daddi getting fiwed and them being vewy old and not knowing what will happen now. but know always that I am thinking of all of you wif maximums of love and smoochie kisses
I would like to exchange links with your site kissa-bull.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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