wittle prinshess luna. ish the shelby smiling. oh how i never knew how i looked when i shmiled. thanks to all of you kind fur humans and fur babies the shelby be smiling. . . . . please to takes it if you have'nt already. my wittle pibble heart soars wiff all your love and furryendship. i fank you , i fank you much.

division: the princess's
What a wonderful day, everbuddy roasted me and YOU posted.
I saw da badge when Luna did it but I hasn't got it on da bloggie yet but will do it before da end of da day.
I hope yu and everbuddy is doing well. Pleeeese tells them we miss 'em and Brudder Albert sends hhis loves to Lucky!
Yay for the cool Team Shelby badge - we have seen it at Little Princess Luna's and think it is so sweet!
WE hope you are all doing well - and we hope that you get a computer soon because we miss you all!!!
Go Shelby, Go Shelby, Go Shelby!! We send all our most gentle hugs to you, and Lady Halle the Glamour Diva sends her sweetest sugars to her Guero. xoxoxo Team Shelby, Alaska Division
That's a very nice badge, Shelby. So nice of Princess Luna.
Good to hear from all of you too.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That's such a Most Wonderful badge, sweet Shelby. I have Booker's but not this one. Gosh, with all the furends on your team, you could prolly win the World Soccer Cup or something!
Wiggles & Wags,
Thanks so much for checking in with us today! I has Miss Luna's AND Booker Man's lovely badges on my bloggie! Gives everyone luvs from me and mom.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie MAe
Team Shelby
hiiiiii shelbys~!!!!! you are so very welcomes~!!! we love you very much and when we saw that picture of you smiling, mum HAD to make a little sign for you to show you our support~!!!!
its so nice to see Shelby smiling!
Don't forget! We've moved to dogisgodinreverse.com
We're glad to hear you're feeling a little better, Shelby!
Yeah for Team Shelby! I'll get this badge up on my bloggie soon.
woof - Tucker
Go Shelby!
Go ShElBy!!
Glad you're feeling a bit better, Shelby - the Pittie Pack must be working their magic on you!
We all love you and we hope you will be like new in no time!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Sweet Shelby I am soooo glad to hear from you. You are making sooo much progress. We are all very much proud of how strong you are. I am sending you 87 gentle hugs.
YAY! hihi miss shelby! yup, miss luna put your smiley face on that super cool badge for everybody to see. you are a special lady! :)
the booker man
Smiling Shelby! A great sight to see!
We LOVE to see you smile!
We are Team Shelby 165754% !!
Sending you loads of healing sugars, vibes and pawrares!!
Your pal,
so coooooooooooooooooool
go go go shelby
El'bow & Hauwii
I hope you keep on smiling, Shelby!
Were rooting for you Shelby- were rooting for you! I loves that cool badge.
love and pibble kisses
Shelby! I hope you are feeling better! We wove you very much. You are beautiful!
Brodie The Yellow Lab
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