bella the princess here to thank eweybody for all your most kindness to our humble pack. when mommish got home from woiky yesterday she shayed that i had a furry shpecial pwesent from my boyfurryend tucker. i got all wiggly wiff the happiness and immediately made my mommish open it.

i send you many bella princess sugars my dearest TUCKER
my heart soars when i's to look at your handshum face .
i hope we can get back online soon . we are only about 180.00 short so hopefully soon we can save it and be back to you guys like before. until then my tucker please to wait for your princess. . . .

shelby here: thish ish my first post ever there was and i's to be furry much nervous. i want to say hi to everyfurry and want to shay that i's to be so full of the gratefulness for all your kind prayers and help that have come my mommish just cries sometimes thinking of how much people actually care about our small wittle pack and it makes her so furry happish to be able to help me.from the bottom of my pibble heart please accept by heartfelt THANKS!
i's still a wee bit shy and cant play wiff my brofers and shisters cause of my skin fection but my bewootiful sissy bella gave me this banana to wear and i's to feel so purrty in it. i posed for mommish wight away and she gave me lotsa kisses which made me all wiggly and full of the happiness. i have never known a love like the mommish love and i's so furry much full of fuzzies when i shee her. shee tells me wonderful things at night when i's to lay next to her and she tells me how bewootiful i am and how no one ish ever going to hurt me ever again. i just love to snuggle wiff my mommish.thank you so furry much to all you angels that have been sending money to miss monas mommish for my vet care. even if you cant send money your prayers are getting me through all my ouchies and mommish shays that get well cards or treats are always welcome for people who cant send money. we love anything that comes from the heart. i never knew how many hearts can show love to a weeny pibble in houston until i met mommish and in turn mets all of you woggie pibble angels. wiff shy wiggles and pibble sugars
if you guys wanna talk to the pibbles and wee's please to peemail ush at
we love peemails.
Hi there Bella! Oh you looks Most Beautiful in your banana! That Tucker! What a Most Sweet and Thoughtful boyfurend he is! And it was even sweeter for you to share with your sissy Shelby! I thinks you all are prolly the bestest Pittie Pack that ever was for SURE! Gives your mommish extra kisses for me tonight, okay? And tell her that it's from all the pibbles in the whole wide world!
Wiggles & Wags,
bella LOVE the banandananas :D
so stylish
give mom a big slobber kiss from us
El'bow & Hauwii
Most beautimous Princess BELLA... you got treasures from the love of your Life TUCKER.. Love your bananas and the stuffie bone... with your NAME on it.
How totally sweet (butt very typical of the pittie pack mentality) to SHARE with Shelby!!!
Hi Shelby, I am so very much glad that you were able to get some blog time. I am tickled pink... which is NOT easy for a BLACK Dachshund BOY to be... that you are feeling like learning something new. That is the perfect sign of your total recovery.
Princess Bella,
How beautifuls you looks in your bandana from your boyfuriend Tucker and that stuffie bone with your name on it is so sweets!
Miss Shelby,
It is so nice to finally hear from you. Me amd mom is so happy that you are surrounded by nothin' but luvs now, so all you haves to do is works real hard at getting all betters...'kay? You looks beautifuls in your bandana too. Sissy Bella is so nice to shares it with you!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Oh, it is so great to see you guys back. Bella is looking as beautiful as ever, and Shelby looks so darling in the bandana. It's great to see that Shelby is living with such a loving family.
hi bella pibbles--what most wonderful pressies from your boyfurend~!! :D
and shelby pibbles--we are big fans of yours~!! we pray for you every day and when mummy saw a picture of you smiling on miss mona's bloggie, she almost cried. she also made a badge for "team shelby!" and it is on my blog for everyfurry to see~!! we love you furry much shelby~!!!!
Sounds like you have a wonderful man sending you emails.
And sweet happy that they found you and are helping you out.
What beaWOOties!!!
Thanks fur sharing!!!
The new bandanas are beautiful!
Shelby you look great! I'm very proud of you cause I'm pretty sure you've never worn one of those little signs of human love before!
Shelby - I don't think I've met you yet, but gosh, I am so happy that you've found your way to the pack. That skin will heal up soon, I'm sure.
Good to hear from you all!
miss bella!
what a super awesome surprise pressie from your boyfriend tucker! i love your pretty bananadana and your stuffie bone with your name on it! you are such a good sister to share with miss shelby. she looks sweet in her bananadana, and it was grrreat to hear how she is doing as she gets better 'n better!!
the booker man
You bootiful giwl, youw banan is most lovely on you as I would ex[ect. youw deew boyfwiend obviously loves you lots and's so sweet of you to let youw new sissie Shelby weaw that banana and feel all loved and gowgeous like the west of you pitties
Shelby , you wote a most wondewful post and we awe so happy that you awe getting youw mommish's love and secoowity and no mowe feaw
smoochie kisses
Wow it was sure worth the wait. Look at all the great presents you got. You look beautiful in your new bandana. Have fun
Benny & Lily
Oh Bella,
You have such a sweeet boyfuriend to send you AND sissy Shelby banananas. You two look most awesomely beautiful.
I am glad you are doing better Miss Shelby. We are all rooting for you!
So good to hear from you Bella, you look beautiful there in your photo. And sweet Shelby, you have to have the most pups ever pulling for you all over the world. We sure hope you can all better very soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Bella, you look lovely in your bandana and that pillow is just perfect! It was very nice of you to share with Shelby.
Miss Shelby, you did a great first post! We hope you feel much better soon!
Hi, Bella!
Tucker sent you pawesome presents!
I know you are enjoying them a lot!
I am happy to know Shelby is doing so well.
You are doing a wonderful with her!
I love you all!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Oh sweetest Pitty Pack,
thank you for keeping us updated on Shelby.
This was such a warm story to our hearts.
We feel the love in your home
slobbery kisses from your cupcake
Oh Beaootiful Bella! I'm so glad that you enjoyed your pressies! I made sure Momma included enough bandanas for you all but I wanted you to know the toy bone was only for you. I'm sure the bandanas are a little big on some pack members, cause they fit me... BOL.
Enjoy and I hope Shelby is getting better!
woof - Tucker
We think Miss Shelby looks so much better. We hope she gains strength each day. How lucky she is to have found such caring souls!! Bella is so nice to share her bananas with Shelby. We are sending many delicte hugs and licks to Shelby and of course Halle sends many lovies to her Guero. xoxoxo
It is so nice to see you all again! WE sure did miss you.
Don't forget, we are changing our blog today. Please update your reader to follow
Miss Shelby, you are beautiful and the sweetest little thing ever. I am so happy that you are feeling well enough to post and show us pictures of your pretty face. We are all thinking of you.
Bella, you sure are a PURRty little girl, yesh, you is and we fink that you will get PURRtier alla' the times.
Shelby, words cannot tell you how happy our momma is FUR you and your little pack. The blogging world has opened its arms to you and is giving you gigantic cuddles and hugs. We think that you are be-woo-tiful on the inside and the outside now that you are getting all betters. Keep up the good work, Shelby!
We've been reading all about Shelby all over blogland - she has lots of furiends out here. Just wanted to drop by and say hi and send mucho good wishes to Shelby. She's so lucky to have you! Bella - you look mahvelous!
The Road Dogs
Bella, you look furry purdy wearing your bandana. Tucker is a lucky doggy!
Shelby, we are happy to hear your body, mind and spirit is healing. We will keep you in our thoughts. Please have your mom send us your address (we used to have it but my mom lost it.) so we can send you a little something.
Shelby honey you look so beautiful in your banana. I am going to hunt out some super fabric and make you some bananas all of your own. Ask your Momma to give you big snuggles and luvs from me and my Molly-Pops. My dearest friend lives in Houston so next time I get over to see her I will let you know so I can come and meet you and your family.
Big huge love to you and the rest of the pack too
Mollys Momma
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