especially princess bella . she has created a furry special bond wiff the wittle human pup and she'll post about it soon. he is now his furry nanny and loves him dearly.
any woo i am here for the gardening pawt. we shall start wiff some flowers around our tree. these below are planted all around and they are my favorite.
this is our PINK flower ... tee hee

daddish bought our mommish this fountain this year. she had wanted one forever and the evers and FINALLY this year she got her water sprinkle fing.
under the fountain you may see lady miss lulu she is the resident froggy princess . she will be featured soon in a coming post. she wanters and grows all our plants when we tootie nite nite.she showers them wiff special sprinkles so they can grow most bewooty. can you tells ........
daddish bought our mommish this fountain this year. she had wanted one forever and the evers and FINALLY this year she got her water sprinkle fing.
under the fountain you may see lady miss lulu she is the resident froggy princess . she will be featured soon in a coming post. she wanters and grows all our plants when we tootie nite nite.she showers them wiff special sprinkles so they can grow most bewooty. can you tells ........
Bwinksie Winksie
I enjoyed youw gawden stowy vewy muchly..I love youw bootiful flowew and youw fwoggie and tuwtle helpews and that lovely fountain pwobably makes that hot hot weathew feel coolewest.
Youw littlhoobwoffuw is gwowing like a weed(awe you watewing him too?)
I'm suwe it will be hawdest fow youw Mommish to go back to wowk and not be wif Jw. and all of you adowabull Pibbles and weeones all the day thwoo, but It's so vewy nice that you have a Gwammomish who will be thewe to help give love when Mommish isn't home.
Stay cool and have sweet tootie toot dweams
all my love and smoochie kisses
Hello there Brinksie! It's been very hot & humid over here in Malaysia too. Yesterday especially was CRAZY hot! We were dying in the heat. That little cute is a cutie & your flowers are very pretty!
Your flowers is SO beootiful! My mom kills every plant her touches, can you gives her some advice? ;)
Jr. is da most beootiful baby two-legger, mom went Squee when her looked at his foto!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Hmm I likes your big water bowl - do yous get in troubles for drinking out of it?
woof -Tucker
I'm so glad you helped plant the garden. It's always nice to see such beautiful plants!!
Hi Brinksie Winksie - your garden is very beautiful - how lucky to have that cute frog and turtle to help.
We know it is going to be very hard for your mom to leave you and the little guy - so please give her extra kisses and loving. Lucky for the little guy to be going to Grandma's place for care - that is just wonderful for him.
Love all your flowers - very pretty.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We have missed seeing you, but we love seeing your adorable brother! Houston sounds so hot already! We are so interested in seeing how everyone is adjusting and taking care of the new addition, and especially the connections.
Junior is a big boy!
It is not funny that your momish has to go to work again, right? I am sure you all love having her at home!
Your garden is pawesome!
Good job!
Kisses and hugs
You did a great job gardening. And oh boy...that baby sure is getting big, cute as all get out though. :)
Hiya! Haven't been here for a long time and just wanted to say HELLLLLOOOO and WOOF!
Greetings from DownUnder Master T.
PS: did you know you could drink out of those water fountain thingies?! And the are like 3D doggy cinema - just wait for the first birds to arrive :) :) :)
Oh, the newest addition to the family is soooo cute and cuddly! I can understand why mommy isn't happy to go back to work. But just think how nice it will be to get home every night and be greeted by the pibble crew + one!
Your Momma has some pwetty fings in her garden. I fing she will be sad to go to work & leave you all and the new little hu-man at home. But the good fing is that you have a hu-dad to stay home & look after you all. Hu-dads can be fery fun. mine is fery silly sometimes, but he play good games.
garden tours totally rock! it's one of my fave thingies to do, you know? thankies for showin' us your big pink flower and teeny little flowers and the fountain and princess froggie and binky, winky, 'n pinky! heehee!
and of course baby boy is the cutesiest mini two legger evarrr!!!
the booker man
Hey Brinsky!
Wow, pawesome garden! Love those turtles..they're cool. My mom is crazy for them too.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Hi Brinsky! Wow we got so behind, and it looks like you guys are super busy there too - we aren't surprised with the little dude there to entertain you! We are sorry your mom has to go back to work - it is soon now we guess. But that is what has to be done for those silly green papers that get the foods for everyone! WE can't believe that the little dude is 13 pounds already - he is a good grower!! And oh we can't wait to hear about him and Bella - it sounds really cute to us!
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