i am here today wiff a furry special post about a gowgeous gal that the pittie pack would like to introduce and welcome to blogsville.
i remember in years past when we first started our bloggy we would spend days posting our cutie pictures but no comments (gasp) to fink you guys may have missed some of my royal pictures ... oh my .... anywoo. so please give a warm howdy to our new gal pal as i lay here and tan. you know us queens must keep up wiff our appearance at all times.
is'nt she cutie patooty?
i will leave you wiff this bewootiful picture of hers and hope you guys fall in love wiff her adorabullness like we did. please click HERE to visit her bloggy.

stay tuned because our next bloggy post will contained lots of evidence against me and the wee lucky . we are being framed i say !!!! if you guys know of any good woggie lawyers please to email me at thehoustonpittiepackATyahooDOTcom
we just know the boys had someting to do wiff the mischief in our home but i shall say no mores until my attorney is present.
royal pibble sugars to all my loyal followers
queen coco chanel
she is adorable!
Benny & Lily
We will go visit her! And I wiil be your law-ee-ar and defend you until the end!
We will drop by and say Hello! She wears her pearls well,
Doggie lawyer? Surely not? I cannot imagine you doing anything wrong...
Sally and Paddy
I could use a lawyer myself...I seems to gets in trubles alot...hehehe! I always blame it on my brudder too. Except in your case...you is prolly innocent.
I am off to go meet Cinnamon, her is so purties and very classy withs da pearls.
What beaWOOOOties!
Off to visit Cinnamon!
My sissie, Asta, mentioned to you to me I wanted to stop over and meet you. You doggies here are so cute! Love all of your photos. I am going to click on the thingie and go visit your sweet friends.
Hello Pittie Pack ~ we are happy to meet you and hope you don't mind a couple of "kitties" stopping by to visit... we'll go see your friend Cinnamon... mmmm,
Cinnamon and Sugar? Cinnamon and Spice, wonder which she is?
I can NOT believe that YOU the QUEEN of Sweetness and Light would ever ever do anything "wrong". It HAS to be a Frame Job fur sure. I Pawmise not to believe a word of this.
I will go welcome your furend to Blogville!!!
Hi Coco! We remember the same thing at our blog - posting but not getting comments. So of course we also remember how excited we were when we got our first few. We can't wait to meet Cinnamon - we agree she is a cutie!!
And well, as kitties we don't really know any doggie lawyers but if you need anyone scratched let us know!!
Cinnamon wears her jewels well. We will be delighted to go say hi to her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
These two gals are excellent attorneys - http://marthabasset.blogspot.com. They once saved a friend of ours from a most very bad accusation.
Well good luck we're off to visit Cinnamon.
Bobo and Meja
hi, I am Deetzy and my Dear Friend Asta in NY sent me a peemail to come and introduce myself to you....Its nice to meeta you and hope we can be friends. I have not blogged in along time cuz mom got busy, but hope to be blogging again soon. Hope you like Airedales, border collies, horses, and a Dino and Kitty Kitty
Wolf Wolf we got lots of new friends to go visit today. So many licks and wags, and kitty cats too. All Thanks to you. Your my BFF forever.
Everyone left so many nice comments it's gonna take my mommy all day to visit each one.
Youw Majesty Queen of the oonivewse Coco Chanel,
Thank you fow intwodoocing us to youw bootiful new fwiend Cinnamon..she is twooly lovely and has pawfect taste in accessowies. I will go isit and welcome hew. I can't imagine that you had days whewe evewyone wasn't cwowding awound to get a look at youw magnificence.
Asfow you being fwamed by the boyz..how tewwibull. Say no mowe..I would consult mayow Fwankie Fuwtew fow the best lawyew in dogville..I'm suwe he is vewy connected to the best and will help you. In the meantime stay quiet and keep wowking on youw tan. love and smoochie kisses to all the kissiebulls and weeones
She is beautiful! We'll have to go by and say hi! As for being framed - I wouldn't say another word until you speak to your attorney. Seriously.
As for tanning? We've got snow... Which actually would be okay except Mom won't let us bitey-face because she says we'll turn into 'walking mudballs'. I have No Idea what she's talking about...
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
Yup, She's a real cutie and is displaying a touch of class with her pearls! We'll go visit her now.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & HOotie
Oh, she is beautiful! We are heading right over!!
PS: Lily's brother-in-law is an attorney. He charges an awful lot of bones though!!!
Thank you for introducing us to Cinnamonmon! We love us some pitties!
Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrr.
miss queen coco chanel!
well, my big sis asa isn't an official lawyer or anythingie, but she's totally full of the smarticles! i bet she could help you out of your pickle!
now let's woof about miss cinnamon. my mama about melted on the floor when she saw her sweet face! she looks totally fab in pearls, too! we are goin' over to meet her now!!
the booker man
Hey Coco!
Wow, your furiend is very sweet. Thanks for the intro to her. Can't wait to see what this sham is all about...you're innocent I'm sure.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Happy Wednesday to all of you, Coco!
Now... let me go to visit your friend!
Kisses and hugs
OMG!! Cinnamon could very well be the twin sister of our Wilbur!
She's stunning that's for sure.
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