its been quite the time since we has posted a bloggy but our mommish made sure to make some time today as she had promised us to start making more time to bloggy for us. we cames to an agreement that we would stop our tooting assault on her in the mornings if she would help us bloggy so here we ares.... tee hee hee
HEEEHEEE!! Here are some of my toots to make it even more stinky!!!
Boy Oh boy
that is a most bwilliant plan that you and Coco Chanel(queen of all the oonivewse) have come up wif
those twee wats have picked the wong yawd to do theiw evil ..I hope you catch them on camewa all fainting and then you can load them in a big bawwel and buwy it faw away so youw yawdie will be fwee of that poop and fleestuff ..I am giggling as i wite this, tihihihihihi.I love youw expwessions..can't wait to heaw the wesults of the football toootie plan, hehehe
smoochie kisses
So good to have you back! The assault on tree rats is underway!! Just watch out, they're clever little critters...
Hahahahaha! What a great plan! We have loads of treerats too! I think WE need to devise an evil plan for them!
Penny & Patches
Welcome BACK.... I have missed you MORE than YOU could EVER imagine... and this post is Just the Exact Reason why you are all so DEAR to my Heart!!! BaaaaWAaah
I am so excited about this plan, Oh most beautiful Queen of the Universe, Coco Chanel. It is BRILLIANT. You are soooooo right about EVERYTHING here... especially the Drive by Pooping of the EVIL Ones!!!
I truly LOVE the clever genius behind the words and actions in this plan!!!! SERIOUSLY.. I do. You always make me SMILE and BOL.
Please give your baby two legger and your mom and dad some special SUGARS from your Loving Subject.. Frankie Furter.
Wow, that's hysterical!! It's a treerat-toot-pigskin-bomb!! Please get some pix of those evil critters getting gassed! BWAR HAR HAR
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
aways good to plan revenge against those tree rats
Benny & Lily
GENIUS! We would like to try this with the CATS.
Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrr
Nice to see you guys back again! :)
Welcome back everybody, I has missed all of you so very much! Your plan sounds so devious and evil....and I LUVS it!! I sure hopes dat it works! ;)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
What a dastardly wonderful Pittie Plan!!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
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