Monday, January 16, 2012

shelby's SPIRIT lives on

shelby: blogvilles personal angel saved by blogville, forever to protect us from above....
hello everyone,
pibble mommish here. this is a very much bittersweet post. as many of you know i am currently living in my mother in laws garage. my mother in law is the one who took in shelby's miracle babies pattycakes and spirit. i use to look at spirit and always imagen that i exactly what shelby would have looked like without all her scars. the scars that came to tell the horrible things she had endured for years. those scars made her to me even more beautiful. they spoke volumes when she licked you gently or snuggled with you at night. they told you that although this beautiful creature had gone through hell and pain that she loved humans so much that she gave us one more chance and we had not failed her. through blogville all of us together we were able to give hope to one hopeless pibble who had given up and wanted to just die without any more pain. instead everyone joined paws and together we showed her what love was. what love is soppose to be for all furry creatures. shelby changed so many of our lives with just her forgiveness alone. her will to keep fighting despite being used in the worst possible way. used for greed and evil. i will never forget the day we took her to the vet and found out that not only had she been used as bait, burned and impregnated countless of times. but her teeth had been pulled out and she had been shot. all this while carrying precious bundles of babies inside. yet she continued to push forward. she is the reason i now continue to push forward. maybe that is the lesson she was soppose to come and teach me in her short life that she had with me. ..... im still trying to understand what i can learn from this horrible tragedy. if she was able to continue to live and live with joy for every minute then i have to continue somehow ... someway .... for shelby .... for what she stood for.....
who would have known when khyra picked the name spirit that it would be so prophetic. shelby's SPIRIT truly lives on in this precious pup. identical to shelby.
when i look at these pictures of the two of them and realize that spirit would not be alive if it was'nt for you guys, for destiny taking me to that parking lot that day and most of all for shelby's strong and courageous and forgiving SPIRIT.
pibble sugars to all


Millie and Walter said...

Sandra, I am so glad you have Spirit around to show you that Shelby's legacy lives on. She will never be forgotten nor will we forget what you did for her and all her babies.


Maxmom said...

Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us, Sandra. There is meaning in everything we do. You are loved beyond measure.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

I had to come back to comment because I had a seriously blurry screen. There is much I want to say to you but I am at a loss for words everytime I put pen to paper I will get there eventually. In my experience we can all learn from our furkids, I think back to my Molly and they way she lived her life with all health issues and she just pootled along enjoying every day no matter what her health was doing and if I am honest she made me ashamed of how I was dealing with my own illness. She taught me life is precious and to take time to stop and look around me every now and then and really look at all the positives there are in life. Sometimes it was just something small like smelling a flower . When YOU came into Shelby's life she finally knew what it was to be loved and cared for and she made sure she enjoyed every second of her new life.
I know I got much more from Molly than she got from me. I wish she had been in my life for longer as I am sure you are feeling but maybe they are sent to us to show us a life lesson and then move on, I don't know but I know I will never lose Molly she is in my heart forever as is Shelby. Shelby and Molly both had gentle loving souls and touched our hearts in a very special way.
Spirit will I suspect have her Moms sweet nature you can see it in her eyes so no only will Shelby live on in all of our hearts but through her beautiful daughter and her other pups too.

With Love
Momma Tea
xxx xxx

verobirdie said...

Shelby was such a good girl, and resilient!
She was just love and kindness.
I'm sure she is watching over you

A MilShelb Mom said...

What an amazing lesson to learn from such an amazing girl. :)

Finn said...

Thank you for posting this! We're thinking about you....

Scout and Freyja said...

Nothing ever dies as long as it is kept alive in the ♥s of those who remember.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Shelby will always live on through Spirit and you may even receive messages from Shelby. Open up your heart and believe.

We will never forget Shelby.

Emily @ Our Waldo Bungie said...

Shelby was a beautiful dog and I am sure she makes an even more beautiful angel! ;)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Miss Sandra you are so correct. Shelby gave Spirit LIFE and now she Lives on THROUGH Spirit.
Our Shelby gave us so much and she deserves the beauty and carefree time she is now enjoying.

Ina in Alaska said...

Shelby indeed was powerful to inspire Blogville to come together. She will never be forgotten. Give Spirit a hug from us. Beautiful post & beautiful comments.

How Sam Sees It said...

Shelby left a message with all of us. I think she wanted us to know that even after the darkest hour there is hope, and friends who will reach down and help you up again. Give Spirit a hug from us?


Laurie said...

Our pets are never here long enough it seems, but you've dealt with so much more grief than I can imagine. Thank you for sharing with us as you continue on, with Shelby and the others watching over all of you.

sprinkles said...

This post made me cry. Thank you for taking Shelby in and showing her that not all humans are cruel. I know you showed her much happiness and love. I lit another candle for the Fearless Five.

Duke said...

You write so beautifully, Sandra. You are an amazing woman and we love you.

Maggie, Mitch and Sue

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We can feel "the spirit" of love on our side of the world-
We love you all

Anonymous said...

Sandra, this was a beautiful post and it brought me to tears. Not out of sadness but because of the truth in your words. Shelby taught us ALL that even in the depths of despair, even after we've been beaten down by the world, we can choose to still trust, love and be happy. What a gift she gave us.


Maureen said...

I think the gift Shelby gave you was the gift of bravery. We can see by your words how hard this is and yet, you soldier on -- just like Shelby did. And when Shelby did soldier on, she found mountains of love waiting for her, just like you.

Shelby gave Spirit the gift of life but the inner spirit that made her so special, she left in you as she passed through this life.

xo HoneyBuzz & Mom

The Daily Pip said...

What a beautiful little girl Spirit is ...her mother shines through her for sure! Miss Shelby taught us so much. We will always remember her will to survive, especially in difficult moments when we feel like giving up. She gave us the most beautiful and amazing gift and touched so many lives. Thank you for sharing her with us.

LP said...

Sandra ,this post made me sad-happy.Torn a bit inside I guess because I know Shelby had a lifetime of love from you that cannot be measured in time, hours, days or years.But still.I wish she could have stayed with you even longer.She IS an inspiration; she reminds us that life is filled with choices.Every experienc we have, good or bad demands that we choose how it will shape us.Shelby took a life of abuse and evil, her life before you and chose to remain loving and gentle.She chose to believe in life's potential goodness. Your goodness.I am so glad that her pure spirit will continue to live on in her baby, Spirit.
And that she was loved by so many.And especially, that she was loved by YOU.Thank you.

the critters in The Cottage xo

Dachshund Nola said...

I am so glad you have her
Dachshund Nola

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Yep, Spirit is Shelby's girl for sure. Mommy got some exciting news today. She found Megan!! Her Daddy is gonna send us some pictures. If you haven't already talked to Mommy today call as soon as you can.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful!

Knowing that Spirt is is there for you everyday is a wonderful thing.

woos, Tessa

Two French Bulldogs said...

So glad Spirit is there with you
Benny & Lily

Laura and Hans said...

I never knew Miss Shelby but I loved her. She was such a wonderful soul who no matter what she had endured, remained a true lady and touched so many lives. I'm so glad her babies live on and she will never be forgotten. I think Molly's mother's post said it all.

Mary Lou said...

Oh my goodness, Sandra.... This blog post TOUCHED my HEARTSTRINGS!! What a TRULY AMAZING LESSON that Shelby taught you.... She was an INCREDIBLE, resilient girl!! ;op
I was just pondering YESTERDAY how many ways my Rose has changed and matured ME.... In SUCH a SHORT period of TIME, too....

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We were finally able to make it 'here' -

Oh my -

So worth the preparation it took us -

Here's to Shelby
Here's to Spirit
Here's to Sandra


Pepsi the Lazy Bum said...

Hi Sandra,

It was because of Shelby's story of when she came to you, that I came to know of your blog. I'm terribly sorry for what happened to your furmaily. Keep in heart that they will always live on and keep an eye over us from where they are now. It's never easy to say goodbye.

But goodbyes are never forever.

Keeping you and family in my heart and thoughts.

Lots of Love,
Pepsi, and A

ThePainterPack said...

Trying to understand any loss is pretty much impossible. But focusing on what Shelby gave to you, and to so many, is a wonderful thing...the time we have someone isn't as big as the impact that "someone" makes in our life. Whether long or short, truly amazing people/pets can take a moment and stretch it out into a lifetime of love and life lessons that we would not have had otherwise. And what a wonderful legacy Shelby leaves behind.

Lovable Lily said...

What a beautiful post and very inspirational too. Big hugs to you for doing so well!

Lily Belle

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Shelby was an amazing dog, and will dearly be missed!
What a wonderful post, thanks fur sharing :)

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

What a miracle that Spirit is right there to help you by reminding you - as if you needed it - of Shelby's beautiful, strong spirit. Hope you're going to be able to get back into your house - or a house - really soon. We think of you all the time.

Jed & Abby

Zona said...

What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing such insightful thoughts with us, Sandra.

Zona's Mom

pibble said...

It's true, Shelby will watch from above, and live on in Spirit and Pattycakes. It's amazing how love can blossom from heartbreak!

PoochesForPeace said...

Shelby has a place in my heart. her story and spirit is so encouraging and inspiring, it fills me up with hope and motivation. i hope it does for you too :)