brinksey winksey pudding pie here wiff some new friends to introduce today
now please to take a look at this most gorgeous gal
her name is nina and she is going to be my date to the valentines dance
my dear haleigh is busy saving all the pibbles in the world wiff her mommish and since my sissy bella is going wiff her handsome dude tucker (she'll write about it later) i decided to go and keep an eye out for hers.what better way to shake my luv rolls than wiff this bewootiful lady ????
so regal and stunning right? wont you go say hi and leave a good word for me friends...
i hopes my pudding rolls can keep up on the dance floor. im going to start taking lessons anyone wanna teach me some smooth moves??? oh and guess what else? her mommish is the kind lady doing the backing of our memory quilt!!!! how special is that?!?! thank you everyone who has pawticipated in this most SPECIAL project of love. their is not enough pibble sugars in the world to show how much we thank you but here goes a tons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did you get them???
we would also like you guys to meet some furry old friends....well not age wise but you see they were the very first bloggers we followed when we started blogging and they were one of our furry first followers too...they have the most adorabull pack EVER TO BE!!! their bloggy name is pooches for can you NOT love that ?!? they need some friends and i know MY FRIENDS are most welcoming and kind so i'd like to ask a pawsonal favor and ask you to leave a nice comment and ck out their bloggy. on january 5th they did a post dedicated to our small pack and it was most touching and heartfelt it made our mommish tear up. we pawmise you will fall in love wiff all the kissabull pooches....

wiff lotsa pibble luv roll wiggles
Oh...I'll see you at da pawty! Will you save a dance for me? I'm sure my dates, Chip and Thai, won't mind. And we'll go say HI to your furends too. Maybe they'll be my furends.
she is a beauty!!
Benny & Lily
Oh Brinksey Winksey I am blushing from your sweet words. I am so glad to be able to go to the Valentines Pawty with you. Don't worry about your "pudding rolls" keeping up on the dance floor. Slow dancing is just fine with me. See you at the pawty if not before.
She is lovely, Brinksey! I will be sure to go introduce myself to your new friends.
Your pal, Pip
Oh Brinksey Winksey- your date is just adorable!
I know you both will have a wonderful time, just wonderful!
Way to go Brinks. Mommy is so excited for both you and Nina
So furry nice of u to mention us in ur post! Lots of thanks from The Pooches (&Anna)
She is beautiful! Have a great time at the dance.
Glad Brinksey Winksey & Bella are going to the big dance. Halle remembers all the fun she had last year when she was Guero's date. She is sitting out this year. She will have memories of Guero in her heart. xoxo
I'm so excited for you Brinksey! You'll be king of the dance! I'd give a million to dance with your puddin' rolls, hon!
Heading over to check out Pooches for Peace now!
Oh yes, your date for the dance is beautiful! You're gonna have a great time.
Mama... We're happy to see you starting to once again post on a regular basis!! Big healing hugs being sent your way.
Lily Belle
Oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh Nina says she LIKES that SLOW dancin stuffs. Ohhh La La!!!
I can't wait to see you at the Big Pawty!!!
Hi there ~ we popped over to say meow and give you some love and purrs. xx
i hope they both get all their dance moves down before the big event...tell them to watch their hands haha
Oh, I just met Nina, too, and she is MOST Beautiful and Wonderful! You're gonna have a super duper TERRIFIC time together! But, um, would you mind saving one little dance for me??
I'm gonna go over and say hi to the Pooches for Peace. Any furend of yours is a furend of mine!
Wiggles & Wags,
Just remember not to do the grinding thing and you'll be fine!!
Brinksey, it looks like a beautiful LOVE match! Be sure to be nothing less than a complete gentleman and the night will be magical :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
What a beautiful girl! Zoe is jealous!
Dawling Bwinksie Winksie,
I will cewtainly go visit youw fwiends they sound wondewful and full of the love that is most impawtant. youw date Miss Nina, is most gowgeous and I know she will love youw pudding wolls. As faw as gweat moves, i think you aweady have them, and awe suwe to make hew heawt spin on the dance floow.
I hope I can see you in pawson at the dance, Mommi has not been the most efficient secwetawy of late, this move has cut into my social time something tewwibull
smoochie kisses to all of you
Oh, Brinks, we are so happy you and Miss Bella are coming to the dance. We know the Fearless Five want you and your mommish to be able to enjoy life. They know it doesn't mean you love or miss them any less. We will visit your friends with pleasure.
Jed & Abby
We are so happy you have a date for the dance, she is gorgeous!
Oh Bella I is stealing a few pictures of you to use for our valentines day date post. Just wanted to make sure it is ok.
thanks! and i look forward to our date.
woof - Tucker
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