howdy everfurry the brinksey winksey here wiff an update on our valentines day pawty celebration.....let me start off by thanking the beautiful nina for being my date..she is the bestest most awesome dancer ever to pudding rolls had a hard time keeping up wiff all the new moves...she danced the texas four step like a pro and even thought me some salsa moves...did ya see her....a dancing queen indeed.....

Another photo album by Smilebox |
right before i left to pick up the gowgeous nina i heard a rumbling pull up to our driveway and a small horn tooted outside. i goes outside and see tucker wiff this most cozy looking car there to pick up my sissy bella.....bella thinks that this car was uber hip and cool and could'nt wait to get in...after i mades sure they had their seat belts on they were on their way.....

We are most happy and smiling about the fun Brinksey & Bella had at the Valentine Dance!
Halle said she has sweet memories of Her Guero & she wants you to know she includes him and the rest of The Heavenly Pittie Pack in her prayers every night. xo
Nina had a great time with you at the dance Brinksey. She learned all those dance moves from watching Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance with me. I'm so glad she could show you how it was done.
Cindy & Nina
that was one fun pawrty
Benny & Lily
Dat pawty was so much fun till some buddy threw mee in da punch bowl!!
The party sounded sooo fun! I would have loved to see you both do the Texas 4 step!
This must have been the most perfect dances of all times!
I am glad you had such a good time, and I loved the bat mobil!
What a great party! So glad you are feeling happy. We always send pawsitive thoughts your way
I SAW you and Nina doing the Texas four step and you were grrrreat together.
PeeS.. I wanted to say THANKS to you. After Puddles Ran around biting and BURSTING most of our balloons...I was really worried about how thingys were gonna look.. BUTT you came through by Fillin like 87,000 More Balloons with your HIGH FLOATING TOOTS. That kept them outta Her way and the place looked all super again. THANKS Brinksey You have the BEST TOOTS in all of Blogville.
Oh, I am so glad you had a great time at the dance! It was a magical night wasn't it - even with all Puddles crazy antics. BOL!
Your pal, Pip
Sounds like you all had a great time!
What a fun party!!
Love, Cupcake
I'm glad you had fun at the pawty. My boys said they enjoyed hanging with you and said that y'all had some real moves out on the dance floor!
Oh I is glad you enjoyed our date! I hopes we can go again next year.
woo f- Tucker
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