Monday, March 26, 2012

the big reveal........

howdy everyfurry this post has been edited since last written due to the unexpected wait time. i hope all of our furryends are doing well and are in great health. here in the pittie pack household we are uber exciteales for our most recent you can see above the pittie pack is expecting !!!!! well not us per se.....but our mommish is.....and well since we go through everything with mommish then that means WE are expecting.....wooop woop can i get a toot toot!!!!!! our delay was due to our destop going to desktop heaven. we think virus or what not. we are not too sure..mommish almost had a nervous breakdown thinkin she lost all the pictures she had stored there but thanks to very helpful dwb facebook friends she was able to transfer her pictures to some stick that we bought at best buy.....crisis averted tee hee
anywooo let us begin wiff the baby twolegger's sometime before the fire happened our mommish got preggo....she did'nt get her monthly girly what*not in january and february but since she was completely losing all her marbles and crying like a baby she thought she had'nt gotten it due to stress and deppresion. it was'nt until our great grammish told her that she had a dream that she was having a girl and that she was going to have it when jr was one and half years old....well mommish said.....that means that i would be pregnant right now....and it hit her like a toot from brinks on a saturday morning......she swiftly made an appointment with the girly doctor and it was confirmed she was expecting a baby two legger and it is going to be born the same month our jr turns one year and six months....can you beweive it!!!!!! amazing is'nt it??? so now all we have to do is wait for the confirmation that its a girl and our great grammish would have guess EVERYTHINGY correctly from her dream!!!!! does ya'll have any great grannish or parentals who are as amazing as that???? anywooo.....mommish is trying her very best to be happisome and not cry too much now that she knows it will harm the baby.....she has very much tough days when she hears our fearless five's barks but she thinks about frankie furters beautiful story and tries to remind herself that those barks were fearless barks to push the evil away.....the sad hopelessness sometimes comes and gets the better of our mommish and she cries like it just happened but we always jump on the bed and snuggle her until she calms down.....the quote and picture below touched her heart when she seen it and she wanted us to share it with you guys......we know that this new addition to our family is going to be a great blessing....another human two legger in the world who will grow up to love and protect animals.......daddish says he knows mommish.....and when we finally get our new pibble house that their wont be anyway she will be able to pass up a doggy in need like our angel shelby......he knows mommish too well.....if she see's another woofie in trouble she'll jump out of the car like she always does and just follows her here's to new beginnings.......TOOT TOOT!!!!


sprinkles said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!

Ina in Alaska said...

That is most wonderful & exciting news! So happy for all of you. Great Grammish is amazing!!

We send you our most heartfelt hugs & thank you for your prayers & kind words for our Halle xoxo

Maureen said...

Well don't you just know it. The LB has got the leaky eyes. That woman! But this news is most awesome and we is both sending you big huge buckets of good wishes and love!

Woofs and Woohoos, HoneyBuzz & the LB

PeeS - in case yous is wondering, LB stands for Lazy Butt, cuz that's what she is!

Duke said...

Congratulations! What awesome news!

Love ya lots,

pibble said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! Congratulations! We LOVE how this news hit you like "a toot from Brinks" - that is so funny! We're very happy for you and your family! xoxo

3 doxies said...

Ooooh dis so be some most wonderful news!!!!!! Of course, I knoew hers was prggo cuz I be smart...hehehehe.
Maybe dis is just a sign from da Fearless Five letting your mom everythings gonna be alright...with a new little life.


Unknown said...

Oh, this is so wonderful! Congrats!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

How Sam Sees It said...

Congratulations! Woot!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'll bet that our Beloved ANGELS whispered the news to your great grammy while she was sleepin!!!!

This is just wonderful news. JUST WONDERFUL!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh dis be such wonder-fur news! A new life is beginning and da Fearless Five will be watchin over everyone! A great big congratulations from da Pack and also da Momma!

PeeS...We putted a package in da mail fur you guys. It is being sent to Mona and Weenie's house. It went out today butt don't nose how long it'll take to get dere!

Scooter said...

Wow, a big congrats to your whole pack! The more the merrier and I'm sure your mini two legger will be so wonderful for all of you.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

A human puppy!!!

How furry khool fur all of woo!!!



Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Oh congratulations....... what lovely news!!! We hope it's a little girl too - mum says it's good to have one of each!! We hope you can think of all the joy and pleasure bringing a little two legger into the world can bring... and not be sad too much anymore.

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

Fred said...

So exciting for you! I'm still learning what life is like with a two-legger, but it certainly is interesting!

ThePainterPack said...

Oh how wonderful!!! We are so happy for you! What an incredible and unexpected blessing!

Millie and Walter said...

Congratulations! Your mom is amazing to have dreamed that. It will be interesting to see if her other prediction comes true too. Then you will have a matched pair.



Jake of Florida said...

How wonderful. We are so happy for you. And your Great Grammish is amazing!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

GOOSE said...

Woo Hoo!!!! Congratulations.

Golden Daily Scoop said...

Congrats, what wonderful news!! Best of luck!!

Cupcake said...

I'm so happy for you!! That is wonderful news. Great Grammish really is great!!

Love, Cupcake

Unknown said...

YAY!! What great news to start our Monday off on! Congratulations!!!

Beth said...

Congratulations, Sandra! I am so happy for you. In Philipppians 4:13it says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Perhaps this good news will help you to have hope and joy again. I'm praying for you. Blessings to you and yours, Beth

Carol said...

What wonderful news. Congratulations

The silvers and more

Two French Bulldogs said...

Whooa. A little pittie, congratulations
Benny & Lily

Scooter said...

CONGRATULATIONS~~that is great news!!


Asta said...

Yipppeeeee!!! Congwatoolations!!!!
a lucky hooman pup will be lucky enuff to shawe in all the love at youw Pibble house and get loving kisses and toots and pawtection fwom all evil
we wish Mommish good health and no mowe teaws..the feewless angels want hew to be HAPPY!
smoochie kisses

Jans Funny Farm said...

Congratulations! So glad you have some good news. We were so excited when we read it this morning, we posted on it but forgot to leave a comment. :)

Coco Bean - The Princess said...

WE'll TOOT-TOOT to that!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Such wonderful news.. New beginings Congratulations.. Hugs GJ xx

The Daily Pip said...

I agree with Puddles! This baby is a gift from the Fearless Five. They don't want you to be sad and want to help you experience joy again - the kind of joy only a baby can bring!

We are so happy for you! Lots of love!

Pip & Kristin

LP said...

Congratulations! We just knew it would be about LOVE! The five that you lost are sending you a new energy/life through their love for you to take away the hurt and fill your life with abundant JOY.Yup.Here's to new beginnings.Toot! Toot! Big Hugs from all of us.XOXOX

the critters in The Cottage xo

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Ohhh Miss Sandra dis is da most joyus news, wee is all so over da moons wivs da happies fur yoo all. Wowsers wot wondyful Guardian angels yor two legger is havin too watch ova dems frew dems lives dem cood nots wants fur better ones.
Wee can imagines how hards fings still is fur yoo tho n sometimes wen da sads comes yoo still needs to lets da tears out, keepin it all bottleds up inside is not goods fur yor peep-let. Follow yor heart n lets dat lead da way it has nots failed yoo yet wee finks.
Anuvva wondyful, carin, animal lovin Gonzalez in da world wots a truly pawesome gifts dat is fur us all.
Wivs Much Lovs
Ronnii, Uji, Izzy n Ziggy
xxx xxx xxx xxx

tubby3pug said...

Congratulations, we are very happy for you

urban hounds

2 Punk Dogs said...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Awww, we are so happy for you. Congrats and we wish you a wonderful pregnancy - you so deserve it.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Tweedles -- that's me said...

This is so exciting- we are toot tooting for you!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We hopped ofur from Jan's Funny Farm. Concatulations! Purrs from all of us at Prancer Pie.

Rumpydog said...

congratulations! How exciting!

Cinnamon said...

We are so excited fur you.
Congrats to the entire family.

The Thuglets said...

Congratulations on your fabulous news.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

meowmeowmans said...

What beautiful news! Congratulations to you. :)

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Congratulations!! Such exciting news!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Brutus & Ellie

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I think the Fearless Five knew...and Shelby was repaying your incredible kindness in saving her puppies by saving your pups!

Ruby and Penny said...

Congratulations. We are so happy & excited for you.
Love Ruby & Penny & mom

Two Pitties in the City said...

This is such very exciting news! Congratulations! We are so happy for all of you!

Brando and Bogart said...

Congratulations!! What a great post! We just hopped by to say hi! Awesome blog!

K9 Katastrophie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! What a blessing! Oh we are so excited for you!! TOOT!


Mack and Mia said...


Our momma is preggo also!!!

We love little two-leggers! That means more foodables on the floor. OH YEAH!

Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Such happy wonderful news ~ the world needs as many animal lovers as possible.
Sending you continuing healing and love and prayers. Your little ones live on in your heart and we will never forget them. xx

Tucker said...

Congratulations, more nanny work for Bella!

woof - Tucker