Tuesday, July 3, 2012

happy monday everyfurry

howdy everyfurry, meet isis.
this is what our mommish decided to name mystery pibble girl. this was going to be our little sisters name but since we found out its going to be a boy then we named mystery pibble girl isis.

we are happish to report that we have found a temporary foster home for her where she will be cared for and loved until other more permanent arrangements can be made for her. is'nt she most bewootimous.???

so we have some bad news and some good news...first mommish will be home wiff us very much alot now because the human vet put her on bed rest. on tuesday of last week she started having what she thought were cramps and some bleeding. it turned out human bald puppy was trying to come out already and its very much too soon. she still has 3 more months to go. so doctor told her she has been working too much and too hard and needed to rest if she did'nt want human bald puppy to come out. so mommish was understandbly upset because her overtime money was soppose to be to furnish the house but she says she will have to do what she has to do for human bald puppy's well being. plus she gets to spend all the day wiff us and human hairy puppy now. we've been doing our very best to shower her wiff our most scented toots to show our appreciation for her being home...
below you can see the updated version of our woggie pibble house. all of the outside has been done and all the electrical.next will be the air conditioning and plumbing as well as sheet rock. we are very much excited about the progess and cant wait to get back to our fearless five.
we shall be in touch soon as mommish has a lot of free time in her hands now tee hee


Finn said...

Hi Isis!! You definitely are beautiful!!

Millie and Walter said...

So glad you were able to find a foster home for Isis. Your new house is looking good. I guess mommy being on bed rest is a good thing/bad thing. Good for the pibbles in the house and really not so bad for mommy who could probably use the rest.


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Your house is looking great! We hope the bed rest helps the human puppy to stay in your Mommies' tummy. Eskie hugs and Welsh play bows, Sally Ann and Andy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Isis is lovely. Is she coming to live with you after you move into the new house?

We hope your mom takes good care of herself and gets lots of rest.

Lovable Lily said...

Rest, rest and more rest! You take care of yourself and the babies and we'll take care of Blogville when you need us to. The house is awesome!!!!!

Lily Belle

Keith Andrea said...

Hi Isis., Happy Monday too.
Your house looks great!

Stopped for a visit...

Dog Fence
Pet Solutions.com

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Isis is an adorable name fur this sweet girl. So happy she found a foster home. Big purrs fur the Mommy and the little bald human puppy. Enjoy your extra time wif the Mom. XOXO

Lorenza said...

I hope your mom is resting now!
You need to make sure she does that so everything is going to be ok!
I am happy to know Isis is now in good hands!
Your new house is beautiful!
I hope it will be finished soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

PoochesForPeace said...

You are always working miracles! House looks great

GOOSE said...

I'll say it again, Isis is beautiful.

LP said...

What a lovely name you found for Isis! And so great that you were able to find a foster home for her!!
The house looks beautiful and we love the colour.It's a sunny home already :)
Rest up for both you and the baby's sake. And remember....Rome wasn't built in a day! You don't have to get All your furniture at once :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You have a very big job to do to make sure mommy stays not working, and that she is resting.
We love Isis's new name. She is very beautimous! And so happy to hear she had a temporary home.
Your new home is beautiful. It looks like a home! And we love the color!

sprinkles said...

Isis is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!

Your home looks really nice!

Tell your mom to appreciate the rest while she can, because she won't get much once the new little one comes along! bol

I still of Shelby often.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom is going to need lots of rest
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Well done for Isis! Have a happy Tuesday!
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

Your new house is coming along beautifully!
Take good care of your mommy!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Cupcake said...

I love Isis! She is so beautiful. I'm so glad you found a temp home for her.

I hope you get lots of rest!!!

Love, Cupcake

Fred said...

Poor Mom! You all will take good care of her, we know.
And that sounds like a smart distinction between the two human babies. :P

Unknown said...

Isis is beautiful & we are so happy that she has a foster home now!! Make sure to take good care of your mommy & tell her to get plenty of R-E-S-T. Your house is looking good :)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Congratulations ISIS fur knowing WHERE and WHO to seek out when you needed help.
I am so sorry that the Human Bald Puppy was wanting to join MY FAMILY so quickly.. Butt I can certainly understand his wanting to do it. BUTT he really does need to stay in there and just be patient fur a bit longer.
Your Mommish will be glad to be home with you ... and your most entertaining Toots which will sooth her while she RESTS and WAITS.
OH MY DAWG... your new home is going to be just BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you fur showing it to us.
Sending lots of grrrreat VIBES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
fur my beloved FAMILY.

Unknown said...

Yep! You all need to take care of Mom and that human bald puppy! The house is looking great! Hi Isis! Hope you find a forever home soon!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Ina in Alaska said...

The Fearless 5 definitely led Isis to you, and to the help she very much needed. God Bless You Mommish! Please listen to your doctor and get the rest you need.

The progress on your home is wonderful!! I am so excited for you and your family. Looking forward to more construction updates.

Sending you much love and hugs to the Pibbles.. xoxo

2 Punk Dogs said...

Isis looks much better already! So glad you found her a foster home for now. Glad the house is progressing so well.

Sorry to hear about the bed rest, hope you and the little one are well. Hope you can get some rest with your other little one and the pibbles!

Tucker said...

Oh your house is so pretty - your MOmma picked the yellow didn't she! your Momma is full of sunshine so that makes sense. Please take good cares of your Momma nurse Bella!

woof - Tucker