pibble in distress!!!!mayday!!! pibble in distress!!!
bella here trying to snugggle wiff the brinksey winksey and give him lotsa pibble sugars to take all his eery fears away after what he has witnessed today...most fearsome poopy inducing tree rat we has ever seen....since our pittie pack society has dwindled down to us two we are calling for help from our friends and family....most arrogant and bold tree rats have taken to invading our fridge and taking our foodables.....
we ran outside to catch those evil predators and lookit what we found waiting for us
*shivers* we gave it a smelly toot and ran back inside....now brinksey is stressed and wont eat what wiff the worry as to how we are going to handle most evil tree rat.....does anyone have any ideas???
Haf you ever heard of "evil tree rat and dumplins?" MOL MOL MOL!!!
Now we Beaglebratz WERE gittin'ready fur bed BUTT how will we ever sleep now with that last image of the evil tree rat furever burned in our little Beagle brainz - we r scared tue even cloze our eyez now.
Shiloh'n Shasta
We called a nice gentleman in a truck with wire traps to take care of our tree rat problem. Of course, they do keep coming back....
I say get a stick and start a fire.
I never expect that they are too harsh, I hope everything will be fine :D
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond
Let me at em!
Best wishes Molly
We be shaking in our boots after seeing that horrible picture of the evil looking tree rat. May I suggest putting anchovies on the pizza next time. I bet that would keep him away. (I know it does my Mommy when Daddy has them little fishes on his pizza.)
If that don't work, then try the stick and fire method that Goose recommends.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Oh my gosh! They had a pizza party in your back yard?! The nerve of those twee rats! Don't worry, Brinksey, we know your Pibble Toots will scare them from the yard. Be brave! :)
Wow, I think that is a tree rat from outer space.
Love, Cupcake
Wee is on our way to helps , wee does not haves much x'perience wivs dese ebil fings butts wee will do our bestest
Izzy, Uji, Ziggy n Missi
xxx xxx xxx xxx
Fire up the GRILL... Nothing better than BBQ Squirrel.
Pesky tree rat stew sounds good
Benny & Lily
my dear, that rabid tree squirrel cracked me up so bad, I couldn't help laughing out loud!!!
That last picture is kinda skeery! bol
Sure that is scary!
I hope you will find a solution for that!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Scary critters! Sorry to hear thaat your mommmish isn't feeling too well. Hope she gets much better and the human pup stops being impatient!
Spooky!! Glad we don't got no trees in our yard.
Maggie and Duke are willing to come bark at them and chase them up trees! No tree rats come in our yard anymore.
Yikes! They are getting scary!
PS...check your inbox, I sent you an email...
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