howdy everyfurry,
brinksey winksey here wiff a quick pupdate. mommish and new hairy human puppy are doing great and as you can see our little brother baby joshua has accepted him wiff open arms. as is OUR WAY and has always been OUR WAY like the fearless five taught us we welcome any furry wiff open and welcome arms into our family. i fink we were able to teach that lesson to our brother joshua quite well dont you think. anywoo, mommish wants us to tell everyfurry that she thanks everyone that contributed to the baby michaels arrival and she made some thank you notes that should be in the mail very much soon. some had already been sent out but some packages arrived while she was in the hospital and please give her some time to go to the post office. thank you also to everyfurry who has contribted to the pibble house chip in fund. we didnt quite reach the goal but tomorrow early we are having a last garage sale and are selling anything and everything that we can including our daddys car. we just know someone will scoop it right up. its all the time we have before they forclose on the woggie pibble house. we have hope that the car will sell and we will be able to remain with our fearless five. please just say a little prayer for us and keep us in your thoughts tomorrow. pibble sugars and pibble toots,
Dawling Pittiesa and nakid babies and Pittie pawents.
I am cwossing my paws vewy hawd to make shoowe yoo gets all the moneys to keep the Pittie house fow all of you. It's wondewful to see big bwuffew Joshua so happy wif his littol haiwy baby Michae. We wish all good things fow all of you. Good health, a wawm house filled wif love always. The feawless five will be looking down and helping too
Smoochie kisses
Such a heartwarming picture this morning! We can see that the two of them are going to grow up to be the very bestest of friends!!
We're still praying that all will be well with the house.
Lily Belle & Muffin
Wishing you good luck with the sales. We hope you do well. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
THAT is such a DARLING picture of the two boy pups.
Best of Luck with the sale.
PeeS... Have you heard anythingy from Mona and Weenie about how their mom is doing after her second surgery? I am very much worried about her.
What a cute picture of the two brothers.
We so hope you will be moving into your new home soon. It's been a long road and we are hopeful all will go well for you!
Good luck with the sale - we hope you have lots of success!
Hi Sandra, Big Josh, Little Joshua & Baby Michael & Brinksy & ouBella!
Wesa hopes that yoursa garage sale provides yousa with all the funds plus to keep yousa in yoursa home. Wesa will let'ums the mama pray on dat and wesa will cross all of our paws!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi
Fingers crossed!!!!!
Congrats on the new edition! Those two look so happy together!!!
welcome welcome to hooman pup michael!!
me and asa and mama continue to put our paws together for your family.
the booker man
Paws crossed and purrayes said! Precious little boys you pibbles have!
WOW, what a cute human puppy!! We are still at Aunt Tina & Chris but Mommy is still at Aunt Pam's and we miss her so much.
Mommy has been tryimg to get in touch with Miss Sandra about getting the Pettie Pack Fund money to her.
Please get her to call Mommy soon.
We miss all our dog with blogs friend.
Sniff ya later...Weenie
What a cute picture of the boys. Good luck on the sale.
Jazzi and Addi
Sandra - those boys are THE cutest!
We've given you an award! Stop by to pick it up!
The boys are adorable, congrats again! So excited for you, hope everything goes well with the house and you can get some rest. :)
Oh the "pups" are SO CUTE!!! Congratulations!!!!
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